Thassa, God of the Sea

Economics forum

Posted on Oct. 11, 2013, 8:50 p.m. by abenz419

so from what I've been hearing, mono blue was pretty big at PT Theros. So what can we expect for the price of Thassa, God of the Sea . Is it gonna see a big surge in price like some other blue cards have recently? I've been all about this card ever since I first saw it, and have actually been lucky enough to pull 3 from boosters (1 foil). There is some stuff that I'm trying to acquire for a deck I'm working on and have been thinking about shopping the foil as trade bait, but if the price keeps rising (the foil has gone up $10 and the non-foils have gone up $5 since I checked it a couple weeks ago) would it be better to hold on to it for a little longer and then sell it for maximum value??

acbooster says... #2

Gah, why am I the only one to not pull good foils? The best foil I've pulled is a foil Phyrexian Metamorph when he was only a dollar. I have yet to pull a foil mythic.

On the topic of Thassa, I can definitely see her price going up. If I'm not mistaken, I believe her price is already creeping up on us. She'll definitely hold good value for a while, I think she'll make her way into some combo decks in Modern. That scry every upkeep is very powerful.

October 11, 2013 8:54 p.m.

abenz419 says... #3

I know, when it was first spoiled it like immediately became one of my favorite cards. Forget the fact that she can become a creature. If she were just an enchantment that let you scry 1 every upkeep and made things unblockable it would still be an awesome card. Throw in the fact that it's also a 5/5 indestructible creature for 3 mana and I was hooked lol. The thing is, I've only recently gotten back into magic over the last few months so I'm not so familiar with everything used in the Legacy and Modern formats, but I do know that they are what drives the prices of cards. So I don't really know how much use she'll see in other formats and if her price will actually rise all that much or even hold there once it does.

October 11, 2013 9:06 p.m.

I just am ready for the deck lists to release so I can check all the mono blue out, and the blue's with splashes of color. I was surprised actually when I noticed a lot mono blue popping up.

On the topic of pulling rares out of packs, i think the only good mythic's pulled out of a pack are Vraska the Unseen 2x Jace, Memory Adept and luckily to the gods a foil Voice of Resurgence

October 12, 2013 12:34 a.m.

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