The price of Thassa, God of the Sea
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 19, 2013, 11:45 a.m. by abenz419
I was just curious what everyone else thinks the price for Thassa, God of the Sea is going to be once the set is released and prices start to trend towards what their actual value will be. I personally don't think she's going to a $25 card, but I have been wrong before. Anyone have an ideas???
As much as I'd enjoy to see her price plummet to <$5, I just don't see that happening. She's an indestructible source of free Scry each turn. In a control deck, that's creeping up to what helped make Jace, the Mind Sculptor so stupid.
September 19, 2013 12:35 p.m.
Combining my own musings with the above, I'm gonna slip her into the $12-15 category, mostly due to being a 3-drop indestructible scry with claws.
September 19, 2013 1:31 p.m.
id say around $20, its a card i think a lot of control decks would like, 3 mana slot scry 1 every turn only gets better and better as the game progresses and hitting a land pocket is a lot more hurtful
but it wouldnt be something that you need 4 of imo, maybe down to $15 depending on how mythicly rare she turns out to be
September 19, 2013 2:32 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #6
I think she will be the most expensive of all the god cards. She's the only 3 CMC one, has scry each turn, and can combo nicely with Master of Cruelties .
I don't think she'll drop below $15 during her 2 year stay in standard
September 19, 2013 3:08 p.m.
Wow, I'm a little surprised by these comments, I was thinking/hoping Thassa would drop down to about the $10 mark. I think I'm surprised more by how much you guys are raving about her. I personally think she's great, but all the talk I've seen about the gods in other posts has all seemed to be about every other god except her, so I was kind of getting the impression people weren't liking Thassa that much. Part of that though is because I don't think people realize how valuable scry can be, especially when you get to do it every turn before you draw your card and she's indestructible. Maybe I'll get lucky this weekend and manage to pull a couple from my packs, then I won't have to worry about shelling out the cash lol.
j35bomb says... #2
As much as I enjoy Thassa, God of the Sea and just built an mono blue EDH deck Angry Fish with her as the general I could see her being about $10-$15 after the released settles down.
September 19, 2013 11:52 a.m.