The Second Question from a noob!
Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 16, 2016, 10:56 p.m. by PistonGolem
Thank you for your insight in question 1. Now, I shall delve (pun intended) deeper into my noobish mind for another question about this game's economy.
I am an avid budget player. Built a Thopter aggro swarm and a B/W heroic just using 25 bucks, and had enough spare for full art lands and Sleeves. Being this giga-budget fanatic, I ask what is the best and most cost effective way to acquire the cards you want, with respect to the slight dangers of shipping, randomness of packs, and price. Thank you!
TCG will get your cards, usually on time (4-6 business days), usually at the correct condition. Just try to buy in bulk as much as possible since that's the easiest way to get the cards for the cheapest prices, since you won't pay as much for shipping and the cards hopefully won't come from too many sellers (more shipping).
February 16, 2016 11:08 p.m.
I usually buy singles from and support my LGS. They obviously don't sell at TGC low, but for most things they hang around mid.
It is kind of frustrating sometimes when the one card you might want (budget or not) is not available though. xD
February 16, 2016 11:24 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #7
If you eventually want to pick up higher-priced cards (I'd say ones that are more than $15-20 per card), Ebay is the place to do it. Check tcgplayer first, then check sold ebay listings for the same card to determine which site is the cheaper place to get them. If you're looking for a bunch of cards that are less than $10, tcgplayer is generally better in my experience. Of course, nothing beats winning store credit in your local area and picking up cards for essentially your entry fee in events. :)
February 17, 2016 6:17 a.m.
alanwescoat says... #9
Never, ever crack a pack.
In my situation, I have a friend who buys by the case and soon afterward provides me with his spare playsets of commons and most of the uncommons for a very low price. Once you have playsets of the commons and uncommons, you can cherry pick the rares and mythics you want. Check the rares and mythics by price, and select deckbuilding strategies which maximize your budget.
After a while, you will know when you are reading the online spoilers which cards will be expensive while they are in Standard and which cards will be cheap. Occasionally, you will find really superb undervalued rares, as Hangarback Walker was grossly undervalued upon release. You go for the ones you want when they come out, but not for the expensive ones.
Standard cards usually drop a bit when they rotate out, which is a good time to pick them up if you want them for the long run. If they are useful in Eternal formats, they will soon go back up. If not, their values will tank and tend to remain low, unless they are good for formats like E.D.H., Tiny Leaders, etc.
February 17, 2016 9:53 a.m.
scopesightzx says... #10
I don't know how it goes at other stores, but after a draft at mine, people sometimes leave the commons and uncommons of their pools for people to pick through. That can be a good way to find stuff if people do this in your environment.
February 17, 2016 10:01 a.m.
Lastdaysgunslinger says... #11
You will hear a hundred different responses but i can guarantee ebay is the cheapest place to buy singles.
insertcleverid says... #2
February 16, 2016 10:59 p.m.