Thunderbreak Regent
Economics forum
Posted on April 28, 2015, 1:27 p.m. by CuteSnail
I pulled a Thunderbreak Regent recently and seeing I don't play standard I don't know what to do with it. It's currently at $9.
Do you think I should trade it now or wait because it'll rise in price?
I'm in the camp that says that it will likely rise as Stormbreath Dragon leaves the format and Thunderbreak Regent becomes the Red 4-drop of choice in the format, but that will likely top out at $15. So, you may as well let it sit in your binder and take offers if they come in. It certainly won't be losing value.
April 28, 2015 1:33 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #4
I'd personally just trade it now. Dragons are currently great, but they could also turn out to be bad in comparison to whatever fatties are in Battle for Zendikar.
Also better to get cards you will use now than to speculate and maybe end up with a dollar or two more.
April 28, 2015 1:37 p.m.
ZooGambler says... #5
Thunderbreak will drop, it's the game day promo and when Stormie rotates his value in a deck will be much less.
April 28, 2015 2:06 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #8
It could have an ETB of an opponent loosing 3 life and you gaining 3 life instead...
April 28, 2015 4:50 p.m.
Seraphicate says... #11
Might as well pump it's toughness by 1, and give it trample while you're at it ...
April 28, 2015 6:06 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #14
It got hit with a Lightning Helix and then trampled with a 4/5 body.
Servo_Token says... #2
The question is how badly do you need $9 as opposed to either 12 or 6?
Just sell it now, the price difference won't ever be too big to make waiting worth it.
April 28, 2015 1:33 p.m.