Tired of "Budget" decks?

Economics forum

Posted on Oct. 21, 2013, 8:41 p.m. by xBALLSx

Is it just me or is anyone else just generally annoyed with the flooding of keyword "budget" decklists everywhere? I understand not everyone is loaded or even willing to spend the cash, but it's another thing to not want to put some money towards a better deck and I feel like that's what all these budget decks I see are. I like seeing high-meta decklists with a lot of time and effort put towards perfecting them but all I see is "budget this" and "budget that." Am I being too critical here?

Lhurgyof says... #3

LOTS of people don't have the time/money/energy to invest into magic as much as other, more prolific players. If you're uninterested in decks that aren't very invested, just don't click on any budget decks.

Sure, it can be odd to see how many budget decks there are on here, but just remember that not every has a few hundred bucks to drop on the "top-tier" deck every set.

October 21, 2013 8:47 p.m.

BashfulPanda says... #4

Yea. Different people are competing at different levels. Some people want a cheap deck they can use to have fun and play with friends. Another reason people put budget in the title is so others don't come and suggest Sphinx's Revelation or Kalonian Hydra to their obviously underpowered but fun budget deck.

October 21, 2013 8:49 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #5

That too.I've seen people suggest cards ranging from $50-$200 on decks before where it was pretty obvious the owner wouldn't be able to afford that. By putting budget in the title, it makes it easier for viewers to decide what to suggest.

October 21, 2013 8:53 p.m.

MR H3AT says... #6

You are not being to critical. Just stating your opinion. Magic can be a very expensive hobby and not everybody wants to pay up. Which is totally fine. But other people put it at a much higher priority in their life, which is also totally fine. There can be well made cheap decks, but the card quality is just usually lower than the spendy stuff. Some people say that competitive budget decks take even more effort to create than something with lots of money in it because they have to deal with much steeper restrictions. But either way seeing too much of either kind can get annoying if that is all you see so I totally understand where you are coming from.

October 21, 2013 8:54 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #7

Yep, you are overreacting alright.

October 21, 2013 8:54 p.m.

mafteechr says... #8

Welcome to the casual website that is Tapped Out.

October 21, 2013 8:56 p.m.

xBALLSx says... #9

Lhurgyof I get what you're saying and I understand that, truly. I don't have an infinite budget, I saddly don't even have a job currently to support my MTG habit. But when I try to dig for non-budget decks and fail I get annoyed. Prime example was when I saw a budget Legacy deck someone made because "the dual lands and other cards are too expensive" and then described why the replacement cards did 'basically' the same thing.

Not trying to be a A-hole with this post, I just want to see some deck lists up my alley ya know?

October 21, 2013 8:57 p.m.

MrKnify says... #10

What are you talking about EVERYONE loves a budget deck!!!!!

I would let the guys who like budget decks have them, I'm a big fan myself(go figure) even though I have a collection ranging from unlimited to current. Its a good challenge, as well as letting the player play on the same level.

When its skill VS skill the game is much more dynamic, entertaining. Now just add a table of your friends all with a similar tier deck, and its at that next level of socializing.

I have at any time 10-15 Vintage decks. I have a house rule list, allowing 1 banned card (total) in a given deck, each deck is theme based and has its own nemisis deck. Colour pick-ons are BANNED and instances where there may be a few in a deck, then the wording is ignored. Hold fast, this is for SPECIFIC named pick-ons if a card allows you to choose the colour or meta its fair.

play one and see.


October 21, 2013 8:57 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #11

I totally agree. I don't come to a deck forum to see people who started 2 days ago with their "Budget Control" and then see tons of 1 ofs. Don't say "Budget" if its a bad deck that you want help on, i would rather see more Top of the Line decks that i want to copy or base mine off of, or "Help" decks. Please, less "Budget" decks, more "Help" and real good decks

October 21, 2013 8:59 p.m.

xBALLSx says... #12

mafteechr I think you hit it on the head. I love tappedout for its functionality but it is mostly a casual sight, and I'm not too much of a casual player.

October 21, 2013 9:03 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #13

I'd rather see a cool budget list. everyone knows the pro tour decks already.

October 21, 2013 9:04 p.m.

xBALLSx says... #14

site lol

October 21, 2013 9:04 p.m.

Dalektable says... #15

Just a little yeah. A lot of people don't have the money to pay for the top cards. When a deck is listed as budget and someone suggests Sphinx's Revelation that's just a little off. I'm a sophomore in highschool and i like to play the game and i make the best decks i can with my funds. My current deck is sitting at $100 dollars and i am willing to put some money into it, but i'm not willing to drop 10-20 plus dollars on a single card. Budget decks just mean what they say, not that it's a worse deck just that they actually don't have the money to buy the top tier cards. But if it's listed as 'budget' and it's a new player with a bunch of one-ofs then that makes me a bit upset, you can still have a good deck while being on a budget.

October 21, 2013 9:06 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #16

Actually it seems like a fair amount of both budget, expensive, semi expensive decks to me. Maybe I am just lucky when I look through decklists.

October 21, 2013 9:07 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #17

@ IAmKingTony So true.. lol

I believe in budget decks, I have beaten several 600$ esper control decks with a decent 80$ deck, it's not even about how much you spend on the deck, it's ultimately the player that makes the deck, having the cards and knowing how and when to play the cards are two totally game changing aspects. My $0.02

October 21, 2013 9:08 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #18

hell you can make a deadly competitive red aggro for like $25.

October 21, 2013 9:09 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #19

I agree with what was said earlier, I think some people use "budget" as a synonym with "poorly built", and not that I am dogging on people who are just beginning, but title your deck, and use the budget hub and in the description state that you are working with X budget, and to keep that in mind when recommending cards. And the same with people posting their first deck. Also, if people would make better (or any) use of their inventory, and point people to that for what they possess to make their deck function better. (for beginning users who have no idea how to utilize multiples to increase card draw probability)

but I will be done ranting for now, needless to say I see where you are coming from

October 21, 2013 9:09 p.m.

MrKnify says... #20

@xBALLSx take a look at my

deck chart Steam Izz it

SCORE: 51 | 39 COMMENTS | 8577 VIEWS
Standard MrKnify Playtest

the only reason I called it budget is because it turned out to have a dollar value around 50$ (low cost) when asked about that sort of thing I give suggestions.
But really, I never plan on making actual budget decks, it just comes out that way.

@ShadowLand I agree.

Don't put Budget in your deck name use the proper hub.

October 21, 2013 9:14 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #21

On the flip side of me being negative though, I think it takes real talent to recognize the passed over synchronization in some of the less expensive cards. There are so many "almost-standard" worthy cards out there, I think its fun when someone designs it so well that it just destroys. Like using Duress in a deck that's main need is to get rid of their removal spells, and everyone keeps telling them to run Thoughtseize . Is the Thoughtseize a better card, by far, but its almost too good of a card for the purpose it serves in some decks, and is not worth spending the extra $22 on when the Duress gets the job done just as well.

Again just my $0.02 cents like Vindemiatrixx said

October 21, 2013 9:19 p.m.

guessling says... #22

I think the budget deck comes first - and then once the basic idea is proven viable (and fun), it becomes worthwhile to perfect it with the pricey cards.

I also think that prices don't skyrocket at times until a specific cards rocks out the meta in a budget deck - it only gets expensive after being proven and things are still being proven for Theros (though a few winners have emerged already).

I wonder if there is a budgetary cycle where things start out on the cheap at the beginning of an expansion release and wind up breaking the banks at some later point only to possibly follow with a slight budget reduction (I said slight) at the end of the cycle? Or something?

October 21, 2013 10:11 p.m.

Dallie says... #23

Again, I think it comes down to what you mean by "budget". When I say budget, I mean a deck that is inexpensive, but performs exactly as it should.

Netdecking and replacing any moneycards with a "substitute" won't make for a good budget deck, and it gives the impression that any inexpensive deck will perform poorly, which isn't the case.

For example a deck that runs Diabolic Tutor instead of Demonic Tutor , Hallowed Fountain instead of Tundra , Archaeomancer instead of Snapcaster Mage has, I feel at least, misunderstood the term "Budget".

October 22, 2013 6 a.m.

Dallie says... #24

Instead it is much better from the start to build an inexpensive deck.

October 22, 2013 6:01 a.m.

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