To Karakasfoil or not to Kararkas (000)

Economics forum

Posted on June 12, 2015, 1:46 a.m. by TheCeltic814

So I just got back from one of my LGS stores... I was there to pick up 4x of Heritage Druid then we somehow got on the topic of legacy. He started to show us some expense legacy cards like Gaea's Cradle and the Judge Promo of Survival of the Fittest. I said how at some point I want to build Death & Taxes over time. Then he brings out the judge promo of Karakas and says he will sell it to me for $130 ($70 off since it was slightly damaged but I never noticed it when I was looking at it). Now... to get it or not... I know it was never see another reprinting so the price will only up if I ever want to get rid of it and might not get another chance of getting one this low again if this one goes by.

TheCeltic814 says... #2

Here a picture of the card:

June 12, 2015 1:51 a.m.

Runlue says... #3

I'd take it. $70 off is pretty dang fantastic, and if the quality of the card isn't something you're worried about, that's even better.

June 12, 2015 2:01 a.m.

TurboFagoot says... #4

"He started to show us some expense legacy cards like...Survival of the Fittest."

Uhhh what? Banned, homie.

To speak to your point, if you're looking to play with Karakas at some point, and that card is sleeve playable, then sure, pick it up.

June 12, 2015 2:02 a.m.

kengiczar says... #5

$70.00 off for that condition, at least from what I can see, is amazing.

Here's the way I approach deck building/buying now days: Do I like the deck more than my current decks? Can the potential deck top 8 locally against significant other players? If the answer to both of these is yes then I trade pieces of my current decks that I am tired of for pieces of the new deck and then only by cards when they are at a good price like the one you have listed above.

so if you feel the deck as awhole is a little pricey for your budget but are willing to make trades to other players, not to the shop for other pieces, then I would get the land. After you've gotten as many pieces as you can by going to various card shops and trading and can't seem to find anymore people who want what you have then I suggest trading cards into the shop for more cards that you need or going onto something like PucaTrade.

June 12, 2015 2:16 a.m.

addaff says... #6

Pick it up

June 12, 2015 2:17 a.m.

vishnarg says... #7

I got a Tundra in terrible shape for $130 a few months ago and I had no regrets. That's a great buy, I would probably take it.

June 12, 2015 2:22 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #8

Great buy, for sure. I personally wouldn't be able to get over the condition issues, but honestly it's not bad. And you're right that it's value will get better and better, so if you decide to cash in on it later, it won't be a loss for you or even a challenge to move.

June 12, 2015 2:35 a.m.

CampbellStev says... #9

I'd take it. Traded one of those into a Survival Promo and regretted it instantly as I decided to build Legacy after.

From what I've seen the price has been relatively stable (actually has risen $50 from when I traded mine away) so there isn't that much of a risk if you are thinking of investing into one.

June 12, 2015 2:56 a.m.

xlaleclx says... #10

Decent price for moderately played.

June 12, 2015 4:17 a.m.

The Trading Post is for organizing trades with other users. Moved.

June 12, 2015 6:58 a.m.

Arvail says... #12

Buy it now.

June 12, 2015 8:58 a.m.

Holy crap that art is beautiful. Absolutely buy it, if it doesn't fit into any of your decks, it'll always be a safe investment.

June 12, 2015 9:13 a.m.

tempest says... #14

well according to the title, yes Karakas, no kararkas. XD

June 12, 2015 7:25 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #15

You should Karakas.

June 12, 2015 9:52 p.m.

This discussion has been closed