Trade Evaluation (legacy experts please)
Economics forum
Posted on Jan. 20, 2015, 2:52 p.m. by actiontech
I have a NM FS Tarmogoyf I'm looking to trade. First guy is offering 2x Force of Will in SP condition. Second guy is offering a NM Judge Foil Karakas and an NM ONS Windswept Heath.
Really only considering the FoW's because I'll surely play with them, but financially the 2nd offer makes more sense. Right? Am I missing some detail that should be obvious?
CommanderOfBolas says... #3
I think the second offer is a better offer, but if you aren't going to use them, maybe the Force of Wills would be better.
January 20, 2015 2:59 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #4
TCG pricing has goyf at 185, and FoW at 100. however, the condition of the FoW would make me think tcg low is a better judge to go by, which puts the FoW at 85 each, or 170 for both. Tcg has karakas at 175 as the low price, so that alone would make it the better deal
January 20, 2015 3:05 p.m.
actiontech says... #5
Interesting the SCG pricing is so wildly off from TCG. TCG has the goyf and karakas both $175, so the heath would just be gravy. SP FoW is closer to $90 on TCG which is about an even swap, me slightly ahead.
I mostly am curious if the SP vs NM of the FoW's will hurt their trade/sale value later. I know a lot of players only deal in NM cards.
January 20, 2015 3:06 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #6
The Force of Wills will also be a little easier to move should you ever decide to not play them. Karakas is fantastic but isn't near as widely played as FoW
January 20, 2015 3:08 p.m.
Also, it's very important to keep in mind that Force of Will was about 75-95 dollars a month and a half ago. it's only very recently jumped up, and it will undoubtably shift again now that Treasure Cruise has been banned in Legacy. I would personally hold off on the trade for a couple of weeks to a month. See what happens, and I would bet you would be able to get a better trade.
January 20, 2015 3:11 p.m.
actiontech says... #8
I've been working with these two guys for several days already. To pull the plug now would be fairly rude. That's the kind of thing that pisses me off when I'm on the other end of it.
I'm leaning toward the Karakas offer. It's a judge foil. I tend to try and keep my collection as NM as possible too so adding SP cards isn't something I really want to do.
January 20, 2015 3:17 p.m.
I would go the Karakas way for that same reason. Being a NM judge foil its price will remain steady SP cards can be a burden to unload sometimes as collectors will not touch them and most players will only use them if they cant find better
January 20, 2015 3:31 p.m.
As Tarmogoyf is by far the most stable of the cards listed, and the other two are constantly fluctuating, I don't like either trade in general. Taking into account the recent bannings, and I think it's definitely a poor trade financially.
Secondly, saying something like "I appreciate the time you've spent trying to work this out with me, but I think I'm going to hold onto the card for a few weeks and see how things stabilize after the recent bannings" is no where near rude. This isn't some contract, and completing a trade isn't expected. Just as you wouldn't feel compelled to buy a car that you feel is a bad deal after discussing price with a car sales man, you shouldn't feel compelled to finish a trade just because you've started discussing one. It might upset them, but that's only because they were the ones trying to trade up in value.
Honestly, it does come down to if you are actually going to use the cards, while actively not planning to use Tarmogoyf in the future. If that's the case, then fine. But if actual card value is of any importance to you, then the Force of Will trade is a very bad one. They cost less, and it's trading down a NM card for some lower value SP cards. The Karakas one is tricky, because most people only use one copy of it in the decks that run it, and the majority of them would be happy just using a regular one for fifty dollars less. Also keep in mind that foils tend to warp and so no matter how much you try and keep it mint, foils generally hit Lightly Played very very quickly.
January 20, 2015 3:53 p.m.
As a follow up, if you can snag 3-4 copies of New Mint Wasteland from any of them, that's likely going to go up in price now that the UR Delver decks don't have access to Cruise.
January 20, 2015 4 p.m.
I don't agree goyf is the most stable, it's super reprintable. Has no ability that forces it into a theme, was already reprinted in MM, it could easily be put into a commander deck or auxilary product and plummet.
I would take the 2 force of wills unless especially if you'll play them.
January 20, 2015 9:53 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #13
I'd take the karakas and the heath. Karakas will not be reprinted again either and Windswept will go up quite a bit once it rotates out of standard again. I think you can trade up both of those items. I think you can trade up Force too but not as much as the other two. I think the Karakas judge foil is pretty rare
January 20, 2015 10:44 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #14
you might be able to trade the Karakas into two force of wills from someone else, is what Im saying.
January 20, 2015 10:45 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #15
Goyf is going to rise over the next week or 2.
Trading down in to 2 sp cards is worrying if you are watching value. NM-SP is a big deal.
I dunno what you should do, I am sure there are more options that you are just not seeing right now. The values add up really close, but maybe someone can toss in a little more to get the deal done. Couple of Khans strands or something.
The trade is just not screaming take it to me. Seems the same for you since you are asking here, and have not taken either of them.
lemmingllama says... #2
Well, going by star city pricing, your Tarmogoyf is about 225 USD. SP Force of Will go for about 110 USD, NM Judge Foil Karakas goes for 150 USD, and NM ONS Windswept Heath goes for 29 USD.
This means that the Force of Wills give you a better deal financially, and if you will also be playing with them then that makes them even more valuable.
January 20, 2015 2:59 p.m.