Voice of Resurgence

Economics forum

Posted on Nov. 1, 2013, 4:26 a.m. by MTGprojectzer0

Any chances of this guy rising or falling? I'm speculating it to hit $50 while in standard and remain a high $30 post rotation.

Voice of Resurgence

capriom85 says... #2

Well, right now we only see him G/W Aggro and a few Naya lists, but none of the Naya are consistent with top 8 spots, so that will affect it a bit. I don't personally see him hitting $50 again until his demand rises again, and that probably wont happen until we at least start to see what's in store for the next set of Theros. The meta is fairly defined now so it won't change a lot until then, which won't change demand until then.

November 1, 2013 7:36 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #3

I have to say I've seen my fair share of Voice of Resurgence 's in my local meta, so I'm not surprised it's so expensive. Although I don't know enough about Modern to know whether it will stay at $30+ post rotation, but it will need to see significant play in Modern/Legacy for it to keep being a $30+ card.

November 1, 2013 7:48 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #4

It's currently $50 at SCG.

November 1, 2013 8:11 a.m.

capriom85 says... #5

JWiley129, Voice is a staple in a lot of Modern and Legacy decks right now. GW mc makes it somewhat niche, but it sees much play in both formats. Just like Deathrite Shaman , I only see this price going up. $30 will be a fair assumption, I think.

SharuumNyan, Star City is always one of the higher pricing sites. That said, when TCG and other more commonly lower priced sites had Voice at $50+, Star City was $70+. Unless we see something that makes Voice able to be abused the way Thragtusk was, I don't think that we will be seeing him that high again.

November 1, 2013 8:54 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #6

SCG is one of the higher priced places, but most of my local LGSs use them to set their prices, so it's relevant to people who don't buy cards online.

Voice is showing up in Top 8 lists now, and we're probably going to see less mono-colored decks with the next Theros set. That means it could go up significantly.

November 1, 2013 9:35 a.m.

capriom85 says... #7

it certainly does

November 1, 2013 9:53 a.m.

xzavierx says... #8

voice sees play in legacy / modern (almost non existent in EDH), thats really all that relevant to long term value.

looking at cards that are big in just 1-2 modern / legacy decks, he probably falls in the 15-20 range, but may see rise if more decks start using it or there is a shortage based on mythic rarity.

November 1, 2013 10:13 a.m.

mckin says... #9

voice sees legacy play?

i like the card in standard, but i traded mine when they were at $60, unless G/W sees a resurgence soon i dont see it holding at $50

its hard to tell how the next 2 sets will effect it but id personally be happy trading any more away now for things i know will hold some value since voice has been bouncing around from 60 to 30 to 50 for months

November 1, 2013 11:05 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #10

I don't think Voice does see play in Legacy. There was speculation that it would make it into Maverick decks, but never did.

GW decks are actually pretty awesome in the current Standard meta, and I'm not sure why more people aren't playing them. They'll see a "resurgence" soon ;)

One of the big reasons why Voice is so expensive is because you have to run four or them or none at all. When a mythic is needed x4 in a deck, it'll always be more expensive than other mythics.

November 1, 2013 11:09 a.m.

8vomit says... #11

Ive seen Voice used in some GW modern decks, but mostly just used in standard as far as I can tell. SCG prices are usually high for standard cards.

November 1, 2013 12:35 p.m.

Personally, I have seen voice in legacy and modern decks. But their power to affect the meta is still very much debatable. I believe that card has a lot of potential to be broken; only as to what cards or how it is being played to maximize its ability. Right now I'm fitting a playset in my modern Bant deck to resolve against boardwipes and resilience issues.

November 1, 2013 1:34 p.m.

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