What booster box should I get

Economics forum

Posted on Feb. 2, 2014, 7:19 a.m. by tastytaste

A friend and I want to go halfs on a booster box but we are debating on if we should grab a Theros or a BoTG booster box. He is brand new and just wants to start a collection. Which one do you think we should do?

Arvail says... #2

Theros has 249 cards whereas Born of the Gods contains only 165. Just thinking of variety makes Theros a better choice. The set also contains more high priced cards though drawing into them is less likely given the larger set. Many of those cards are coming down in price, however. I'd take Theros though I may be a bit partial given I don't like BotG too much.

February 2, 2014 7:51 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #3

Personally, i'd go Return to Ravnica, because money.

Though if you want to stay on top of the standard game, go Born of the Gods.

February 2, 2014 8:32 a.m.

cr14mson says... #4

Same with ThatBlueMage, I'd go with a box of RTR. Do take note it's about to rotate out, so if you're planning to sell 'em money cards, better be quick about it. unless you also play Modern/Eternal/EDH

But strictly between Theros and BNG, I'll buy Theros too.

February 2, 2014 8:52 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #5

Yeah theros has a lot better cards, more valuable, and better selection. Between them I would pick m14 though, Mutavault is at 34.99 and it's a rare so the chances of getting it in a box are good

February 2, 2014 10:44 a.m.

nickembry says... #6


February 2, 2014 10:53 a.m.


February 2, 2014 11:18 a.m.

But on the serious note. I'd personally buy either RTR or M14 due to the money cards. But Theros has loads of goodies. Elspeth, Sun's Champion Stormbreath Dragon Xenagos, The Reveler Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Mistcutter Hydra and of course the temples.

February 2, 2014 11:20 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #9

Lol at the alpha suggestion. I don't even know how much that would cost. It's insane to think about haha

February 2, 2014 11:29 a.m.

cr14mson says... #10

I wanted to say M14 too, but in a few months, we'll be having M15. You did mention your friend is new, maybe it's better if he buys a fat pack from two different sets. He can use the boxes for storage, and get a bunch of basic lands to assemble his own deck.

February 2, 2014 11:33 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #11

I Googled the box price. 42 thousand

February 2, 2014 11:57 a.m.

AndyReveler says... #12

Theros is his best bet. There's plenty of value cards in there AND the cards will stick around longer than the RTR/M14 sets will. That and Born of the Gods is just disappointing...

February 2, 2014 12:10 p.m.

tastytaste says... #13

Thanks for the input everyone. I understand that RTR and M14 may be better selections money wise, but he is looking for cards that will last in standard the longest. So it would seem Theros will be the pick. Though maybe the fat pack idea would be a good idea too.

February 2, 2014 12:20 p.m.

Moved to Economics because this is a product discussion (and has economic significance).

February 2, 2014 12:24 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #15

Do not buy BNG, the set is disappointing and will be decreasing in price.

The only cards I was happy about were the temples and Pain Seer

February 2, 2014 1:47 p.m.

This discussion has been closed