What cards do you think will raise in price when the next set comes out?
Economics forum
Posted on Nov. 2, 2013, 6:16 p.m. by DunkeyMD
What i said above.
Well I think we'll have to wait and see... Maybe Reaper of the Wilds , I feel this guy is highly underrated right now.
November 2, 2013 7:07 p.m.
But seriously...
Lore-wise, Xenagos, The Reveler
seems pretty good right now. Also, I can just taste the support for Prophet of Kruphix
and Reaper of the Wilds
November 2, 2013 7:11 p.m.
TylertheTiger says... #7
Mistcutter Hydra seems pretty good right now, but I think that it really will only get better. As long as magic keeps printing good blue cards (which if the past is any indication to the future, we know they will), a card that is good against blue is a good card.
November 2, 2013 7:43 p.m.
Mistcutter Hydra isn't the right green card to answer fish, if that's what you're indicating. It puts fish on a clock but if they curve out good enough you don't have no business with Mistcutter Hydra . There are many ways to deal with it. So I don't think the Hydra will rise or see much more play in the future.
November 2, 2013 7:55 p.m.
mono white aggro cards Precinct Captain Heliod, God of the Sun Spear of Heliod , the deck is strong right now and i think it will get better if they go with a traditional greek/roman theme.
Thoughtseize is going to be a $15-$20 for as long as hand disruption is viable in any format
November 2, 2013 7:57 p.m.
TylertheTiger says... #10
@ Putrefy , Well if you do nothing else against fish, but play land and then hydra then yes you can't really stop them. But I was just talking more about they can't kill it, and the fact that it can't be Detention Sphere d or countered is relevant in other matchups, especially U/W control. Also I could see some midrange deck running 1 or 2 in the main just because it can be a big hasty creature, which is always good.
I do agree though that I don't see it ever being crazy good, but I would be some what surprised if the price doesn't increase a little bit in the future.
November 2, 2013 8:05 p.m.
thataddkid says... #11
Agent of the Fates is bonkers, he just needs a home in a control-midrange Golgari/BUG deck. Hidden Strings and Aqueous Form slapped onto him means an unblockable creature that causes two sacrifices on hitting.
Bow of Nylea is so versatile in mono-green- I saw an Elvish Mystic turn into a 5/5 with trample from Nylea, God of the Hunt to beat down an opponent. Along with that, Nylea should go up as well if any more bonkers hydras get printed.
Curse of the Swine should really be a sideboard card for control. That 32/32 Kalonian Hydra sure looks threatening. How 'bout a 2/2 instead?
Glare of Heresy deals with Archangel of Thune , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice . Glare is just so versatile- the only thing it needs is instant speed :c.
Hammer of Purphoros will rise but only for play in EDH and fringe play in standard. Krenko, Mob Boss would love this.
Horizon Chimera should really go up, a Bant flier deck with Archangel of Thune , Judge's Familiar , some counterspells and a Prophet of Kruphix for counterspell mana could do great. Add in Fathom Mage , and you got some good combos going!
Medomai the Ageless really needs to be in an America deck with Assemble the Legion , Aurelia, the Warleader , and Boros Charm . Stall to turn six and drop Medomai- next turn doublestrike Medomai with Boros Charm after dropping Aurelia. Four extra turns with two fliers should be more than enough.
Mogis's Marauder needs to be in a mono-black aggro deck, the question is whether or not that kind of deck will become popular.
Rageblood Shaman will spike if minotaurs get released next set. Since I think that Wizards is doing the RtR guild color gods next expansion, Mogis, the B/R God should come out to support his crazy-ass minotaurs.
Rescue from the Underworld will work with Whip of Erebos in some crazy re-animator deck if fatties get released next set.
Spellheart Chimera is going to be bonkers in a burn deck with Cyclonic Rift and Disperse for bounce and Mizzium Skin for protection.
Triton Tactics would fit perfectly in a U/W heroic aggro build.
Finally, the almighty Sedge Scorpion will defeat even the mightest Polukranos, World Eater .
I feel like I went over everything I think is undervalued right now- tell me if I missed anything obvious.
November 2, 2013 9:27 p.m.
If the next sets go back to emphasizing multicolored, Soldier of the Pantheon might see even more play.
November 2, 2013 10:02 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #14
I get the feeling Soldier of the Pantheon , Firedrinker Satyr , and Tormented Hero will see an increase in play if not price once Gatecrash cycles out and aggro decks lose a number of their favorite cards like Burning-Tree Emissary and Rakdos Cackler
Anger of the Gods will probably get more popular if they a) don't print any other good boardwipes for the Post-RTR standard or b) they print more highly playable 3 or less toughness guys with super-threatening death triggers a la Voice of Resurgence
ewit says... #2
Island , Island always wins somehow
November 2, 2013 6:46 p.m.