What prevalent formats are these cards in?
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 17, 2015, 6:18 p.m. by DivineGrace
So I am not well versed in what cards are good in what format. If you give me a card 80% of the time I would not know whether that is an EDH card or modern staple or legacy or whatnot.
What cards are these formats in or deck archetype? It could be brief or if you want to give a detailed analysis. Anything helps. Which cards would you be interested in and which card do you think you would stay away from?
SoggyGecko says... #3
Glissa, the Traitor - EDH, maybe
Leyline of Sanctity - Modern Staple for sideboards against Jund, Burn, and other targeting decks. Also used in legacy for sideboards. Will rarely be in the Leylines Deck and Mono-White Enchantments.
Vraska the Unseen - EDH? Not that used anywhere
Mox Opal - Affinity Staple. Sometimes in other decks, like Tezzeret Control and Lantern Control.
Might of Old Krosa - Infect Staple. That's about it.
Atarka's Command - This is used in Modern Burn, and in some Modern Zoo lists. Good, but not really in anything else.
Sliver Hive - EDH and some Modern and Legacy Sliver decks. Fringe use.
Primordial Hydra - I guess EDH? Not used, like at all.
Tezzeret the Seeker - EDH, some fringe Modern decks and maybe something in Legacy. Not really used.
Wurmcoil Engine - Used in all modern Tron decks, and occasionally MUD for Legacy. I am not sure about EDH use, but it can be useful.
Goblin Piledriver - Just about only used in Goblins in either Modern or Legacy. The Legacy version is a little better though. Very fringe though.
Blinkmoth Nexus - Modern Affinity pretty much. Modern Staple.
September 17, 2015 6:28 p.m.
Glissa sees no play outside weird brews.
Leyline see some play in modern and legacy as a fringe sideboard card versus storm/high tide with some fringe play versus discard.
Vraska sees no play.
Mox opal sees play in Modern Affinity, sometimes Legacy in affinity. It is also a card in Lantern control and some fringe combo decks.
Might of Old Krosa sees play in Modern Infect and a budget choice in legacy infect.
Atarka's command sees standard play as well as modern burn play.
Sliver Hive sees play in 5C slivers and casual.
Hydra sees no play.
Seeker sees some legacy play.
Wurmcoil goes into big mana decks in modern like Tron. It sees some play in Legacy in MUD decks.
Goblin Piledriver is a 4 of in legacy goblins, which is a fringe deck and modern play in goblins, also a fringe deck.
Blinkmoth Nexus is played as a 4 of in Modern affinity. No where else.
September 17, 2015 6:30 p.m.
From a financial standpoint it's safe to invest in Mox Opal, Might of Old Krosa, Blinkmoth Nexus. I can say that those aren't going to be reprinted any time soon seeing as how they recently were but that they will continue to see play for years.
Leyline of Sanctity is another card that will only ever go up in value, albeit slowly. The rest I don't know enough about.
September 17, 2015 7:55 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #6
Glissa is played in EDH a lot. Sliver Hive is definitely a casual card and for fringe Sliver modern decks. Primordial Hydra is an EDH card as well. Everything else is played in at least one modern deck whether it be fringe or tier 1.
September 17, 2015 10:42 p.m.
Detailing all I know:
Leyline of Sanctity sees lots of sideboard play everywhere. Mox Opal is big in affinity. Sliver Hive is in any Sliver deck, so it's casual then maybe? Wurmcoil Engine is big in Tron.
GreenGhost says... #2
Well Might of Old Krosa sees play in infect in every format I believe, for obvious reasons. Leyline of Sanctity is played in the sideboards of white decks in modern against decks like burn and 8-rack. Mox Opal is played in affinity in modern, not sure about it in other formats. Atarka's Command sees play in modern mostly in naya burn but also in Red Green aggro variants. Hope this has been helpful.
September 17, 2015 6:25 p.m.