What to pre-order and what to not
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 9, 2015, 6:38 p.m. by Slowgod
I guess it's impossible to say, but I already ordered a couple playsets of the new duals for 26-30$ (they will probably drop to scry land prices, but oh well) I'm considering picking up 1 or 2 Ob Nixiliis Reigniteds at 15 a pop. He seems like a card that could go up similar to Jace from Origins. As for Ulamog, I'm not convinced he's worth 20$ I just feel like there will be an overload of him in circulation for some reason. What does everyone think? Post here about any other cards you're considering for pre-order.
JohnnyBaggins says... #3
I wanted to get the new Omnath and the and Dual land that will come. I did however feel that the prices I found thus far are higher than I think they will be. Did not find it reasonable that Prairie Stream should be 13 dollars when I can get a Hallowed Fountain for 10.
September 9, 2015 7:16 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #4
suislecalme I don't know if TO just hasn't updated their prices yet, but Prairie Stream is currently listed at TCG mid $9.07.
September 9, 2015 7:21 p.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #5
Yeah, I'm in Canada. So I'm currently referring to the prices I got at Face to Face Games - therefore Canadian Dollars. Should have mentioned that. :)
September 9, 2015 7:49 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #6
If you plan on playing duals or the new planeswalkers right away it is perfectly fine to preorder. The hot decks after release will make corresponding duals spike in the short term. Planeswalkers tend to spike before release if they're Standard playable and all 3 in BFZ are great in my opinion. If you open any up at pre-release and already preordered you can trade them off at higher prices.
September 9, 2015 9:54 p.m.
Ob will definately be ran in some lists but Kiora is also hands down fricken amazing and way more durable than the last one with a starting toughness of 4. I mean seriously 4? No more squishy Merfolk Walkers it seems.
Also about Lumbering Falls - People haven't seem to catch on to the fact that hexproof is a zillion times more useful than Vigilance that Celestial Colonnade grants.
Zada, Hedron Grinder is going to be a decently sought after card because for a goblin he's pretty buff and he both looks cool, and is a legendary giving him EDH value. Not saying that you'll make bank here just that if you preorder one or two there will always be an EDH player who wants it.
September 10, 2015 12:07 a.m.
Interesting comments, I may get an Ob or 2. I will most likely be playing Esper, but just pure U/B is looking like it has some crazy potential. Removal, counterspells and colorless ramping into big Eldrazi :)
September 10, 2015 12:24 a.m.
Kengzicar, you seem to be forgetting that Colonnade fits perfectly in control decks because of its evasion, and the vigilance essentially reduces it's cost because it allows you to tap it later for a counterspell.
September 10, 2015 1:08 a.m.
@ vishnarg I didn't forget any of that I just think that the is better and besides all of that I do think that preordering the manland is a smart idea if services are offering them reasonably cheap.
September 10, 2015 1:24 a.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #11
With Kiora being pretty solid, the manland might be along the same lines of an expensive card for Standard. I don't think that the Simic Manland will make a bigger splash in any other format. Of course, all the manlands are kind of expensive, but still.
September 11, 2015 9:13 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #12
kengiczar I actually want a playset of the manlands for a project I'm working on.
September 11, 2015 9:28 a.m.
Yeah I wasn't super impressed with the man-lands but I will say that a deck like Soul Sisters would appreciate having 2-3 of them in modern. Also in straight or Esper EDH it seems great. Again not my favorite but if I were building any of those decks I would grab some.
September 11, 2015 9:49 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #14
Yeah it's a aggro deck I'm working on for Modern.
vishnarg says... #2
I'm not targeting anything, personally. I think the allies could be great value, though, especially if they carch on in modern. We'll see.
September 9, 2015 6:42 p.m.