What will happen to Domri Rade?
Economics forum
Posted on April 2, 2014, 5:37 p.m. by Moelawn
When Gatecrash gets rotated out of standard, will Domri Rade 's price drop or what are your thoughts on what will happen to him pricewise?
trentfaris242 says... #5
Domri Rade 's price has already dropped some, but don't expect it to drop lower than the $15-20 range. It sees play in other formats (namely Naya Zoo). All in all he's a good card that won't fade away like other mythics.
April 2, 2014 6:14 p.m.
notamardybum says... #6
with him hovering just above $30 a piece, I'd get rid of them now, before its too late and you're forced to sell at half the price... or even less
April 2, 2014 6:14 p.m.
trentfaris242 says... #7
@notamardybum His low has barely moved. It's been in the $20-25 range for at least 6 months now.
April 2, 2014 6:17 p.m.
He's good enough to be played in legacy if the right deck needs him. He'll definitely not drop too low, he's ridiculously good for a 3 mana planeswalker.
April 2, 2014 8:08 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #9
The other replies make me wonder how much Domri is actually played outside of Standard.
I did an MTGTop8 search for Modern and Legacy decklists using Domri (excluding regular level) and only got a few results.
April 2, 2014 8:17 p.m.
actiontech says... #10
Liliana of the Veil is "ridiculously good for a 3 mana planeswalker" - Domri Rade is just pretty good for 3 mana. In the current standard he's ridiculously good, but that all ends come October. I already sold my playset on TCG and I suggest you do the same. Spend the money on a Lili or two.
April 2, 2014 8:47 p.m.
Bipolarprobe says... #11
With the popularity of Naya zoo in modern right now I'd say he won't go down too much, if you just want to get value out of him then you need to trade him before he rotates out but he won't go below $15 ever in my opinion, he fits into any creature heavy deck that runs R/G. However since he's $30 right now and cycling out in october it would be best to get the trade money for him now and just buy him again later if you ever want him.
April 3, 2014 2:50 a.m.
Naya zoo isn't popular and he's not played in naya zoo.
April 3, 2014 2:55 a.m.
Bipolarprobe says... #13
Zoo became popular as soon as Wild Nacatl was unbanned but you're right that he's generally not played in zoo, but the point stands. He's still a very powerful planeswalker that will stay valuable albeit less popular than he is in standard.
April 3, 2014 3:44 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #14
I'll mention again that I ran an MTGTop8 search for Domri in non-regular (i.e. everything above FNM) Modern and Legacy decks, and the only recent Modern appearances were in two Birthing Pod decks in the Italian Magic Tour, which was after the Wild Nacatl unbanning. Domri was only a one-of in both lists.
The fact that Domri has virtually no appearances in winning lists (this includes MTGO Dailies and other events as well) does not suggest to me that Domri is a keeper.
@Bipolarprobe: You first said that Domri would stay high because Modern Zoo was popular, but you then admit that Domri isn't played in Zoo. The decisive factor is whether or not Domri is played, not whether decks of the colors are played. While Zoo may be new on the Modern scene again (MTGTop8 reports that Zoo currently makes up 3% of the Modern meta), it means nothing for Domri's price.
April 3, 2014 5:24 a.m.
I wouldn't play Domri Rade in an aggro deck in Modern. At three mana, most Zoo decks want to drop Knight of the Reliquary or Geist of Saint Traft . He's much better in the Big Zoo archetype, but even that deck is already loaded up on three drops.
He's great in those midrange decks with loads of big dudes, but such a deck hasn't seen play in a long while. Brian Kibler played such a deck at GP San Diego back in March 2013, but it never caught on.
I think Epochalyptik is right. Expect Domri Rade to drop into the $10ish range. He's a good card, but the demand just isn't there to justify a $20 price tag outside of Standard.
April 3, 2014 8:21 a.m.
trentfaris242 says... #16
@Epochalyptik I ran the same search and he's been in 13 top 8 decks in 2014 (not counting duplicate appearances).
April 3, 2014 11:48 a.m.
trentfaris242 says... #17
EDIT: 10 since the Wild Nacatl unban (not counting duplicates).
April 3, 2014 11:50 a.m.
actiontech says... #18
trentfaris242 - make sure you aren't searching with "regular" events checked. Nobody cares if some guy won an MTGO daily or an FNM. The money tournaments are what will dictate the lasting value of a card. Using that I found 2 decks this year that top 8'd a modern tournament with Domri Rade in them. Both were pod decks and both were at the Italian Magic Tour tournament on February 23rd.
That's basically what Epoch is getting at I think.
April 3, 2014 12:02 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #19
Will Domri Rade drop in price, probably, it would have to see more play at a compettive level (top 8's) to go up in value. But i wouldn't expect ti to drop too fast, it will still have a lot of casual appeal due to it's strength in creature heavy decks.
I can guarantee that for every one person looking to sell/trade one once standard rotates there will be three looking to pick one up on the cheap for a fun casual deck, that level of demand will keep the price from dropping to low.
I'm keeping my three copies for use in my own casual deck, i'd only trade them away if the price jumped stupid high.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Expect it to drop. It sees only fringe play in Modern; some Pod decks run it as a 1-of. That's nowhere near enough demand to maintain its current price. I could see $6-10 being a stable finishing range a few months after rotation.
April 2, 2014 5:42 p.m.