When did Courser of Kruphix get so cheap? He used to be 15 $, now his foil is 10$.

Economics forum

Posted on June 26, 2015, 5:18 a.m. by pleasiodmakerblooloo


He used to be used in like every green deck, modern and standard and now like no one uses him. I'm mainly asking this as I wanted to know if it was worth it to buy a playset and if he might lose even more value after rotation.

June 26, 2015 5:20 a.m.

GeeksterPlays says... #3

Before DTK Courser of Kruphix was a great early-game blocker with the 4 toughness and could come down on turn 2 thanks to a T1 Elvish Mystic.

Problem now is with DTK cards in Standard there is a lot of flying/evasive creatures, so by T3-4 you can get flying 4/4's out (e.g. Thunderbreak Regent) - courser does squat about those. It also dies to lots of removal that is around now as it is in both the "2 or less power" and "4 or more toughness" catagories as wel las being an Enchantment too; Hero's Downfall, Erase, Naturalize, Valorous Stance, Last Breath, hell even Defeat will do it and that's a frankly awful card.

I've seen some people with coursers in the sideboard for matchups against aggro where the 4 toughness and the lifegain from land drops is still worth it, but mainboard now it's just not that strong anymore.

Once it rotates its price will drop further - it's not used in Modern from what I can see so I doubt it'll see much play except for the odd EDH deck from now on.

June 26, 2015 5:34 a.m.

Níðhöggr says... #4

Also there have been a ton of printings. It got printed in Theros and two clash packs. That's a lot for just its standard lifetime.

June 26, 2015 8:29 a.m.

TheRedMage says... #5

@ GeeksterPlays: I feel that Dromoka's Command might also have influenced. Abzan Aggro is one of the top decks, an now it packs multiple mainboard effects that can kill your courser and get value on top of it.

June 26, 2015 10:01 a.m.

GeeksterPlays says... #6

Very true TheRedMage, something like T3 making opponent sac their Courser of Kruphix and making your own Fleecemane Lion into a 4/4 for 2 mana is insanely good value!

June 26, 2015 12:02 p.m.

JRaynor says... #7

Courser of Kruphix is still a fantastic value card. If you brew much, he's definitely worth picking up at some point. I think the 2 reprintings that have already happened in duel decks have really done a lot to subdue what might otherwise still be a very unwieldy price point.

June 29, 2015 4:44 a.m.

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