When to buy. Ashiok and Dig Through Time

Economics forum

Posted on Dec. 5, 2014, 7:40 p.m. by Death_The_Kid

Ashiok has seen a pretty big price jump since last ive seen about 13 bucks now. Where is it being played? Should I wait till Ash rotates or will it only go up? Dig through time same question when should I get mine? I know Dig is played in modern so I am not sure if it will be going up or lower post rotation.

EmblemMan says... #2

I think dig depends on treasure cruise you either play one or none and most choose cruise so if it gets banned or somerhing then itll go up otherwise i dont see dig rising anytime soon extensively

December 5, 2014 7:45 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #3

Wait till Ashiok rotates if you want to buy him because he will drop as he does not see play outside of standard and is currently being used in decks such as Sultai Whip & U/B Control. :3

December 5, 2014 8 p.m.

TheHroth says... #4

Ashiok sees no play outside of Standard, so his price will certainly drop after THS rotates. As he is still a planeswalker, expect a settling point between 5-7$. If you don't need him for Standard play, I'd definitely wait this one out.

Dig Through Time will not drop after rotation. While not used nearly as heavily as Treasure Cruise, it is still extremely good in Modern and Legacy, so people will want it for years to come. I'd buy Dig now. Mostly because it is currently on sale on SCG.com (7$!), but also because it is right now at the lowest I've seen it (even without the sale).

December 5, 2014 8:50 p.m.

mckin says... #5

Ashiok is a very rare 1 of in legacy in various metas but not really strong against uwr. Its a house vs rug though. Ashiok has been around 13 for awhile, and should only come down from here

December 6, 2014 2:08 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #6

Buy dig now while it isnt super expensive but I would wait until after ths rotates for ashiok.

December 6, 2014 3:50 a.m.

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