Where do you draw the line for budget?
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 2, 2017, 4:31 a.m. by Pygmyrhino990
Personally I play a lot of modern, and I don't have a good job, I'm a cashier at a supermarket, so money isn't exactly plentiful. I often have many new deck ideas and always want to try them out, but don't know where to draw the line for budget.
Personally, I want to say under $100 is budget. But that's for modern where there is SO MUCH to choose from, that there is often a cheaper alternative to everything. In commander for example, you have 100 cards not 60 (75 including sideboard) so maybe the budget line is increased a bit. For legacy and vintage, many old cards don't get reprints so they are also expensive, so the same goes. But for pauper, most cards are always less than $5 with very few being above, so the budget line should be lowered.
Considering I like to build budget, I want to know where you guys draw the line, is $100 god for all formats? is $100 too high or low for any format? should I take the tarmogoyf out of all my decks to make the line lower? will I escape this russian prison cell?
Winterblast says... #3
For legacy I would say under 500 is budget and for commander everything under 1000. In Vintage you won't have much fun without moxen and stuff so I would consider everything budget that tries without there.
September 2, 2017 5:03 a.m.
landofMordor says... #4
Hm. Excluding manabase, I've built Modern for $30 and EDH for $40. So, it kinda depends on how competitive you want to be, because in those cases, I had to settle for a mostly-basics manabase.Luckily, my playgroup is casual too, so my shoestring budgets are fine. But even a 2-color shock/fetch package is $60. So I'd say $100 is okay. Then again, by running Duress instead of Thoughtseize, or Sylvan Advocate over Tarmogoyf, you save quite a bit... Honestly, it depends on what you can afford.
September 2, 2017 7:21 a.m.
It really does depend on what you can afford. I tend to think as budget builds for EDH to be between 100-150$, Legacy maybe 500$, and modern also in the same range of EDH. Vintage is really expensive, but my LGS usually just has people proxie their vintage decks. Standard you can get away with like 20$
September 2, 2017 8:28 a.m.
It depends largely on the meta. I've recently been trying to design budget EDH decks in the $50, $25, and $20 range as an experiment. These decks almost certainly would get wrecked in a competitive meta, but they are actually turning out quite fantastic and fun.
September 2, 2017 9:23 a.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #7
Budget is determinate based on individual income so this is really a personal question. Basically don't build legacy that $500 mark is even a stretch for legacy and then modern, unlike legacy, gives players potential as the power levels of most decks aren't too separated. Therefore you could potentially build a good modern deck for as little as $20 (it would be mono-color of course) though depending on personal situation your budget can rise and your definition of the term as such to a budget deck being $100 or $200.
September 2, 2017 9:57 a.m.
multimedia says... #8
A good indicator of price of budget Modern decks is to browse the MTGGoldfish Budget Modern Decks section. The average max price seems to be $100 with a few over this amount and a few under with $133 as the most expensive.
Personally I don't play Modern because of the ridiculous cost of a playable two-three color manabase. Excluding the mono-colored decks the manabases of the other decks in the Budget Modern Decks section are bad. For this reason I would increase the budget of a budget Modern deck to $200 to include a playable manabase.
$70 is budget to me for Standard and $200 max is budget for Commander.
AMJacker says... #2
Totally! I just asked this question a couple weeks ago. 100-150$ for Modern was the consensus. Other formats are other
September 2, 2017 4:45 a.m.