Where do you see painlands going from here?

Economics forum

Posted on July 19, 2014, 12:16 a.m. by Hickorysbane

So today I traded away a Llanowar Wastes I pulled from a pack a few minutes earlier. Usually I'd try and check out where the card would go. But looking at green and black decks they aren't usually hyper aggressive so I don't see why they'd run the Wastes over Temple of Malady (or at least like a 2/4 split respectively). But for something like Battlefield Forge (which I also grabbed) I think they have potential (especially if we see a rise in three color decks, but that's another discussion/speculation-fest) because that's a much more aggressive color combination.

Basically I think the temples will almost nullify the painlands when it comes to slower or midrange colors. And only the really quick ones that NEED untapped dual lands will be worth anything, what are your thoughts on this?

abenz419 says... #2

That's easy to say now while shocks are still standard legal, but there is a reason two color midrange decks run playsets of shocks and temples. Tier 1 decks will not get by solely on Temples and basics lands alone

July 19, 2014 12:59 a.m.

strateupjee says... #3

You say run the Temples over painlands in mid-range right? I say I want as much consistency as absolutely possible, so the more dual lands, the better haha

July 19, 2014 2:13 a.m.

spyroswiz says... #4

When shocklands rotate out, they are going to see major play together with scry lands.

July 19, 2014 4:30 a.m.

Hickorysbane says... #5

abenz419, strateupjee, spyroswiz, all three of you bring up a good point so thanks for your input!

July 19, 2014 9:10 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #6

I run 1 in standard deck in the moment. it's hard to willingly put in more copies...

July 19, 2014 9:35 a.m.

xzavierx says... #7

pain lands have been printed many times, sitting at 3ish now, maybe a jump to 5-6, but i dont think they will be anywhere near valuable enough to warrant you holding it as a spec over trading it for something you wanted now.

July 19, 2014 12:07 p.m.

While RtR is still in Standard, they won't see much play, but after Khans comes in and we lose the shocks (again), the pain lands are going to go up in price I think.

July 19, 2014 3:20 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #9

The thing is, painlands are kind of like Mana Confluence : If you play four, it's going to hurt. Even in Block, where Mana Confluence was the only land that dealt you damage, people still dealt themselves a great deal just from being too greedy. I think this means that unlike Innistrad-RTR Standard, where you could jam 12 shocks and 12 M13 lands (with basics if you're expecting Ghost Quarter ), this format will probably revolve around just one set of duals (the scrylands) until the full set of Khans dual lands come out.

July 19, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Named_Tawyny says... #10

The painlands won't hurt nearly as much as Mana Confluence . They'll mostly only ding you at the start - once you have other land out, you can tap them painlessly for colourless.

July 23, 2014 9:44 a.m.

sylvannos says... #11

Listen to xzavierx says. This is the fourth reprint of the Apocalypse pain lands. If they reprint the original five, those will be at their seventh reprint. Even if they become four-ofs in every deck, I wouldn't speculate on these unless you can find them for under $2. Right now is probably the highest they'll be.

July 23, 2014 6:32 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #12

All of those are good points, I'll keep those in mind

July 28, 2014 3:25 p.m.

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