Which Box to Buy?

Economics forum

Posted on Dec. 1, 2014, 6:42 p.m. by itisme282

I am looking to buy a booster box, one that is 150$ or below, and I would like to know which set is best to get lots of tradable cards. I am currently not looking for anything specific, and I have a lot of decks in progress, so I want to be able to trade to finish them eventually. Also, I haven't opened packs in a while, so I would love to open some good stuff. Any suggestions on which set has the most overall trade value? Thanks everybody!

danthek84 says... #2

I believe Theros is the best box. Khans is close behind as well.

I'd pick a set that you want cards from but you know you can get value from cards you don't want.

I'd go theros but thats just my opinion

December 1, 2014 6:45 p.m.

alulien says... #3

Odd how you say you're not looking for anything specific, but then go on to say you have lots of decks in progress that you want to finish. When buying boxes there's no guaranteed return, and that's where the problem lies.

You need to make a decision: 1) buy singles to finish off deck(s) 2) buy a box and sit on it to appreciate over time and dump it a few years down the road, or 3) buy a box and hope you get lucky. My money is on #1, always.

December 1, 2014 6:50 p.m.

itisme282 says... #4

I want to trade for cards I need because I havent opened packs in way too long

December 1, 2014 6:51 p.m.

alulien says... #5

If you want to crack packs then crack away - just realize that you probably won't end up with the same $ value you start with.

Or buy a couple packs AND get some singles you need to enjoy the best of both worlds!

December 1, 2014 6:53 p.m.

itisme282 says... #6

Its so fun to open packs, and I havent since March, so I want to open a box. I'd prefer to pull a lot of trade stuff, but just opening the packs is fun and exciting. I don't want to go after specific cards in a set, I'd much rather trade for what I need

December 1, 2014 6:59 p.m.

itisme282 says... #7

sorry that post was not supposed to happen. I thought my other post didn't work, so I decided to post in more detail and chuck it at tappedout hoping it would work :)

December 1, 2014 7:01 p.m.

itisme282 says... #8

I mean comment

December 1, 2014 7:04 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #9

Khans will give you some fetches and will give you trade fodder for Standard. I would also love to see more people cracking Innistrad and Dark Ascension, lots of great cards in there and people want to trade for them

December 1, 2014 7:15 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

RTR will have a lot of Shocks Abrupt Decays Deathrite Shaman Supreme Verdicts & Sphinx's Revelations. Probably the most affordable batch of modern staples that people will trade for ...shocks & decays in particular.

Theros has Thoughtseize Hero's Downfall & standard stuff that'll be worthless soon.

KTK has fetches & standard stuff.

I'd go with Return to Ravnica

December 1, 2014 7:17 p.m.

slovakattack says... #11

I'd go with RtR or KtK

December 1, 2014 9:03 p.m.

miracleHat says... #12

Definitely homelands: $150 a box!

December 1, 2014 9:08 p.m.

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