Custom Playmat Designs

Gear forum

Posted on April 2, 2013, 1:03 p.m. by Long_Con

Hi, I've created a few playmat designs for some people on TappedOut, and I enjoy doing them. The images get sent to to be made into quality playmats, 100% unique.

Here's a few I have designed already.

If you'd like one designed, I'll do it for a card. :)

capriom85 says... #2

That Azorius play at is amazing. I would consider having one designed very similar to that. What would you want to design one that looks similar but with certain card arts I would want?

April 2, 2013 1:30 p.m.

capriom85 says... #3

PS: I would want it to be r/w/u themed (think Geist Deck Wins).

April 2, 2013 1:31 p.m.

BadumPsh says... #4

What sort of pricing do you use?

April 2, 2013 2:29 p.m.

capriom85 says... #5

I normally use mid range.

April 2, 2013 2:53 p.m.

Long_Con says... #6

What I'd like to do is trade a playmat for a Standard card that I want. The downside is that some cards are worth more than others. Is it fair to ask one person for a Breeding Pool and another for a Master Biomancer or a Prime Speaker Zegana ?

I'm open to suggestions on that, but that's what I'd like to do.

capriom85, send me an email at longcon [at] mikesteffler [dot] com and we can discuss what you'd like to see in your playmat!

April 2, 2013 3:16 p.m.

BadumPsh says... #7

I guess I mean to ask, how do I get in on this custom playmat thing? Because, frankly, all of them look pretty incredible.

April 2, 2013 3:23 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #8

I got this from

April 2, 2013 3:37 p.m.

Long_Con says... #9

BadumPsh send me an email to longcon [at] mikesteffler [dot] com and we can start talking about what you want... make sure you let me know who you are on TappedOut, so I stay sorted with who's who.

Ohthenoises, that is sweet... Firefly was such a fantastic show. And you can vouch for the quality that comes out of as well - they do it right! (For the record, I'm not associated with them in any way, they're just the only place I know that does this kind of custom playmat creation)

April 2, 2013 3:44 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #10

I think it was mafteechr that pointed me towards them a while ago.

April 2, 2013 3:45 p.m.

miracleHat says... #11

i love that first one!

April 2, 2013 4:33 p.m.

Long_Con says... #12

Thanks - that's the one I made for my own personal use. :)

April 2, 2013 5:06 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #13

Wow...that Raymond Swanland one is genuinely impressive. Here's some ideas that come to mind:

-Werewolves from Innistrad/Dark Ascenscion-The New Phyrexian Praetors-Pure Golgari, Orzhov, Izzet and all the other guilds-Various hypothetical confrontations between planeswalkers (e.g Sorin versus Nicol Bolas, or Garruk versus Tibalt or something)-Landscape shots of various planes (e.g. Kamigawa or Mirrodin)

April 2, 2013 6:02 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #14

Woah, let me redo that

-Werewolves from Innistrad/Dark Ascenscion

-The New Phyrexian Praetors

-Pure Golgari, Orzhov, Izzet and all the other guilds

-Various hypothetical confrontations between planeswalkers (e.g Sorin versus Nicol Bolas, or Garruk versus Tibalt or something)

-Landscape shots of various planes (e.g. Kamigawa or Mirrodin)

April 2, 2013 6:03 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #15

Ever think of doing a side by side of the werewolves/vamps from INN and their classic movie counterparts?

I.e. bhram stokers Dracula and Anowon, the Ruin Sage

April 2, 2013 7:26 p.m.

BadumPsh says... #16

E-mail sent! Thanks in advance!

April 2, 2013 8:59 p.m.

Long_Con says... #17

Reply sent! :)

Cool ideas, guys... the Werewolf one could have each side of DFCs, with their Human and Werewolf counterparts hanging out together.

Heh heh... Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and Frankenstein's monster... Insectile Aberration  Flip and The Fly... Homicidal Brute  Flip and Mr Hyde... the list goes on!

April 2, 2013 9:31 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #18

Exactly, have one side be one character, the other side the other character.

I'm curious, what program are you using for he combining?

April 2, 2013 9:36 p.m.

Long_Con says... #19

I use the illustrious Photoshop. I've been using it for graphic design for about 13 years, and I know my way around it pretty well. :)

I put together a Want section in my trade binder to give people an idea of things I would like as trade for my services.

April 2, 2013 11:22 p.m.

Long_Con says... #20

 photo SelesnyanLegends.jpg

Here's the playmat that I designed for BadumPsh, I believe it is on its way to him now! I'm currently working one for m12fox with angels, demons, and dragons involved.

April 8, 2013 2:26 p.m.

BadumPsh says... #21

I just got it today, actually! It looks wicked. I sent the Steam Vents off today. Sorry it took so long, but it's on the way now.

April 8, 2013 4:19 p.m.

the3rdH0kage says... #22

I like the Raymond Swanland tribute. What would that cost? I haev a deck that is acting as my trade binder, but it is outdated.

April 8, 2013 6:51 p.m.

the3rdH0kage says... #23

I have 3 things on your wants, Master Biomancer , Akroma's Memorial , Entreat the Angels .

April 8, 2013 6:55 p.m.

Long_Con says... #24

Here's a couple more I have made: photo KaaliasArmyplaymat.jpg

 photo HauntedChurchplaymat.jpg
April 29, 2013 12:59 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #25

Sweet Jesus!

April 29, 2013 1:16 p.m.

Um, would you accept money? But if not I have a lot of your wants list including, Obzedat, Foundry, Garden, Stomping, and the Reckoner. I just don't know how to do the whole online trading thing.

April 29, 2013 8:04 p.m.

acbooster says... #27

Those are awesome designs. I would request one, but I can't ship cards right now and I probably won't be able to for quite a while.

April 29, 2013 8:14 p.m.

sabrepaisan says... #28

dude I'll be in touch. amazing work!!!!

April 29, 2013 8:31 p.m.

Kamotz says... #29

I have a few of the cards on your Wants list. Message me to see if we can work something out.

May 12, 2013 4:33 p.m.

Long_Con says... #30

A few more I have made:


June 1, 2013 8:29 p.m.

weswes110 says... #31

I absolutely love these. Are you still doing them? I would be absolutely thrilled to have you design me something, and your "price" is more than reasonable.

June 16, 2013 2:13 p.m.

Long_Con says... #32

Yes indeed! I got your email, let's make a playmat!

June 16, 2013 2:56 p.m.

Skaolegur says... #33

How exactly do you go a about getting these mats made? I'm really interested in the first one you had posted, I think having that at FNM would make everyone mad jealous, and I don't really have cards for trade. I'm just getting back into magic. The most worthwhile cards I have are 3x Vexing Devils. I have money though. Maybe we could talk and work something out?

By the way you do a really good job.

June 17, 2013 11:01 p.m.

Long_Con says... #34

I've really enjoyed making these personalized playmats for people. I always try to get people to send a pic of the actual playmat whjen it arrives, and it's really cool to see.

A few more:

July 6, 2013 4:44 p.m.

Ethanburger says... #35

I know this would be hard, but I would pay/trade with stuff like necropotence, or some other valuable card. I have many good things. Foil thundermaw as wellI am thinking of something urzatron related.Like w/ urza's tower, emrakul, ulamog, wurmcoil and karn. also that playmat for badum with the flavor text... Weeping angels anyone?

July 6, 2013 5:55 p.m.

Long_Con says... #36

If anyone is interested in some cutting edge playmat designs involving Theros Gods like this, then just let me know. I'm still trading graphic design for cards. (Which you then use to purchase a playmat at

August 14, 2013 1:08 p.m.

Datestamp says... #37

Just for the sake of asking so it's publicly viable; for a standard 14"x24" playmat with a graphic such as the Sphinx playmat at the beginning of post #9, how much would that set someone back if they were to pay in cash (over paypal or whatnot)?

August 14, 2013 1:43 p.m.

Long_Con says... #38

The only cash payment usually involved is between you and, when you use the graphic I make to send in... I would say it costs $25-$30, including shipping, depending on where you live. I'm in Ontario, Canada, and I got two playmats for just under $60 including shipping.

If you would really rather pay me cash than send a card/cards for my work, I would suggest putting that cash into a site like starcitygames and order a card to my address from there. I'm not sure what the legality is of making actual money by using copyrighted art, so I'm more comfortable with card trades.

August 14, 2013 4:12 p.m.

amadeus1 says... #39

Hey, I like the playmats. Could You do one of the 5 moxes in the middle (circle), and then Jace, the Mind Sculptor above that with Ral Zarek on jace's left and Karn Liberated on jace's right. Thanks!

P.S.Could you also do one of the new Cruel Ultimatum art (the from the vault one). Also, how much for each???

August 19, 2013 5:28 p.m.

vishnarg says... #40

I am certainly interested in one... Can you include: Sorin Markov, Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Liliana of the Veil, Venser, the Sojourner, and Karn Liberated in the middle? Perhaps put this on some nice Avacyn looking backdrop? If you can make this, and take all the time you need, I will trade highly :)

August 19, 2013 10:01 p.m.

Long_Con says... #41

Absolutely to both... check out my trade binder for cards I would like to have, and send me an email to the proxy address: longcon at mikesteffler dot com.

August 20, 2013 11:43 a.m.

CW says... #42

Ral should be on the maze runners, since he did run in the dragons maze for the izzet, anyway I like a lot of the stuff, though I dont care for jace so that turns me off on some of the ones I should like.

August 21, 2013 2:25 a.m.

Long_Con says... #43

CW, each of these playmat designs have been custom made according to the recipient's requests... you don't have to like any of them specifically, because if you want a playmat, we will work together to create the perfect playmat for YOU! :D

Consider the ones posted here as examples and inspiration.

August 21, 2013 10:40 a.m.

guessling says... #44

I do like card art and there is some awesome customized collage work here. I like these better than the play-mats I have seen for sale (although those look cool as well - some good artists at work for MTG!).

I had to make something different though.

  • Sometimes I feel like playing burn, sometimes tokens, sometimes voltron, sometimes infect ... playing counterspell.deck with a Jace playmat would rock but playing Teneb, the Harvester reanimator EDH with Jace would be like ... huh? I am way too cheap to buy a dozen different playmats.
  • I like the card art as card art - but when I think of being a player of MTG, rather than mainly identifying myself with a certain card or character, I relate more to theabstract nature of the game and the interplay of different forces
  • My imagination is over-flooded with imagery that I never get to see reflected inanything around me even though it is really deeply ingrained. I'd rather not miss an opportunity for an outlet for some of it (even if it doesn't quite click with or communicate anything coherent to other people - I know what it means and like seeing it when I can).

So, I made some playmats with a totally different flavor entirely - more like abstract art.

One of them has a sort of oriental flavor and reminds me of a colosseum where I could see epic fights taking place of the nature of MTG games in kind of an RP sense (and some other things - but it would take reams of lines of text to unpack all the imagery and would have little chance of making sense to anyone else). I plan to use this one myself.

The other pulls together ideas about mana symbols and balance of color relationships and shards and wedges and things. This one is more likely to make sense to other players and be recognizable as an "MTG thing". I considered using the established guild symbols but since there isn't anything established for the shards or wedges that I was aware of, I just combined basic symbols. It's very colorful and I used the pointillism technique in almost all of it. This one I plan to give to someone else.

August 21, 2013 12:06 p.m.

Long_Con says... #45

Are these playmats you've had made? If so, please post some pics, they sound awesome!

I'm not sure if these exist, or if you're proposing we work together to make them exist!

August 21, 2013 11:51 p.m.

shadowsike says... #46

are you still looking for a breeding pool? if you are I would like a a jund themed playmat based off my deck which is this

August 26, 2013 9:11 a.m.

shadowsike says... #47

do you still need a breeding pool? if you do i would lake a jund playmat based off of my deck which is this

August 26, 2013 9:13 a.m.

shadowsike says... #48

I looked at your want list and I have 2x boros reckener 2x Master of Cruelties 1x Breeding Pool l and 1x Savageborn Hydra 2x Steam Vents and 2x Sacred Foundry if you are interested in these email me at [email protected] or just message me on here if thats easier

August 26, 2013 9:37 a.m.

vishnarg says... #49

Alright, can you make a Pure Azorius playmat for me, but somewhere add in Venser, bright and bold as he is? If you can make that, I will trade you Liliana of the Dark Realms , Ajani, Caller of the Pride , and Godless Shrine . I believe that is fair but if not I can add something else.

August 26, 2013 10:02 a.m.

vishnarg says... #50

That's Venser, the Sojourner . I think he could fit on the right or the top left... maybe. I really don't know but he deserves to be on there!

August 26, 2013 10:03 a.m.

This discussion has been closed