Deck box that holds 3 decks?

Gear forum

Posted on Sept. 25, 2015, 3 a.m. by MADMatt7777

I'm looking for a deck box that can hold a minimum of three 60 card double sleeved decks with 15 card sideboards. I wouldn't want it to be able to hold more than four decks though. Any good suggestions?

JohnnyBaggins says... #2

I'm sporting this one from Dragon Shield and I'm very happy with it. I run two Commander decks in it, but i can say from expereince that it carries 4 decks with sleeves and board or, as I used it, 3 decks with board and a shitload of tokens.

September 25, 2015 3:59 a.m.

MADMatt7777 says... #3

suislecalme, is it 3 decks single sleeved or 3 decks double sleeved?

September 25, 2015 4:23 a.m.

SuddenlyRust says... #4

I really like the videos from The Professor of TCC. He did a lot of reviews of different deck boxes. So you can choose your own favourite. Here you can find a playlist from all his videos

September 25, 2015 6 a.m.

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