Playmat case
Gear forum
Posted on Dec. 14, 2021, 1:20 p.m. by DFB673
So I have a playmat that I bought second hand and appears to be custom made (it's dragon ball Z but has Krillen from Budokai Tenkaichi (3D), Majin Vegeta Super Saiyan 4 Goku, piccolo, and Yamcha) and is 28 x 18 for some ungodly reason and therefore will not fit most tubes or bags and I was wondering if someone knows of a case that could fit it.
TypicalTimmy says... #3
Become ungovernable and roll that shit up into a paper towel tube lmao
Honestly, it'll sound silly, but try some of those elastic hair ties. You can adjust the tension on them so it isn't too tight and it won't crimp as hard, or snap, like rubber bands.
To prevent crimping, you can either roll it super tight, or fit a rod in the center so the ties can tighten around something.
- Protip: whenever you transport a mat, roll it the opposite way. So for example, roll it top-inside the first time, then top-outside the second time, and rotate these methods. It'll prevent the mat from taking on a curl over it's lifetime.
December 14, 2021 9:22 p.m.
You can really easily make a playmat tube. All you need is some PVC pipe and 2 end caps. I have made a few of these and they work great.
I used 32mm x 1m lengths and bought a cheaper mitre saw/mitre box (you can get these as a combo for a few dollars (going off Bunnings Prices I got one for under $20 AUD, if you're in the States I'm sure you can get one even cheaper than that). Then all you need is a piece of sandpaper to clean up the cut and then two end caps. you don't need to glue the end caps on either, typically they'll stay in place entriely as compression fittings. The whole build came in at under $40 AUD and you end up with a mitre saw for your troubles.
Good thing about this is that you can make the tube as long as you need and if you buy two more end caps, then you can make 2 playmat tubes off one length of pipe.
I have seen one made in a similar fashion out of brass where one of the end caps was soldered in place and it looked really schmick, but this is a bit more complicated.
December 14, 2021 10:05 p.m.
Thank you all, I think I'm going to try the PVC option as I have worked with PVC pipe a lot in the past and never thought of using it that way, although in all fairness it is currently in a cardboard tube from FedEx because that's what it was shipped to me in.
December 15, 2021 10:59 a.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #6
By the way, Amazon carries cases for $7.
I'm not linking a page because I don't know if that's against site policies, merchandising and promoting sales and such.
But it's easy to find. Just type in "playmate cases" and it'll pull it all up.
But I would personally like to see the sale go to an LGS if one is available to you <3
My mat is just folded in half in a backpack. Should honestly take better care of it :(
shadow63 says... #2
My suggestion would be to go to your post office or fed ex and see if they have a poster tube. It would be luxurious but itll do the job. Also maybe try something like hobby lobby
December 14, 2021 4:46 p.m.