Sleeves why you be like this
Gear forum
Posted on Oct. 4, 2014, 7:11 p.m. by ThisIsBullshit
How come sleeves are so commonly sold in 80 card packs? I was thinking about getting KMC Hyper Mattes for my EDH decks, but even though they're great sleeves, I don't want to spend twenty bucks in order to have enough sleeves for one deck.
And who runs 80 card decks anyways? I know it's usually 75 for a deck with a sideboard, but who says the sideboard has to be in the same sleeves? Personally, I prefer them to be a different color so I can easily tell what's in the sideboard and what's in the deck.
Maybe I'm just crazy but this is really driving me nuts.
Thoughts or answers?
smash10101 says... #3
Yeah, I like how they come in 80 packs. I sleeve my 60 card deck, the 15 card sideboard, and keep 5 extras in the deckbox incase something breaks. If you just want to sleeve you main deck, two pacs will get you 100 for your EDH deck and 60 for your other deck. Or just buy dragonshields, which come in 100 packs, though usually have a few extras.
October 4, 2014 7:21 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #4
Oh yeah I guess I forgot about draft decks, but I can't be the only one that takes them apart as soon as I'm done drafting.
October 4, 2014 7:21 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
You should also note that if you choose to keep your sideboard cards sleeved differently, then you HAVE to change them into the appropriate sleeves before you incorporate them into your deck in game two or three of a match. You cannot play with two different kinds of sleeves in one deck.
October 4, 2014 7:37 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #6
Yeah I figured that, I'm not as stupid as I look, lol. It just seems a nuisance to have them in the same color sleeves in the deck box, but maybe I'm the only one who constantly shuffles the sideboard into the deck if I'm not paying attention.
October 4, 2014 7:41 p.m.
Get a divider/insert or face them the opposite direction of the main.
KMC's quality is more than enough to make me buy surplus sleeves.
October 4, 2014 7:48 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #8
They make deckbox dividers. Many of the larger UltraPro boxes come with one or two dividers so you can separate your sideboard and tokens from your deck.
It just seems nonsensical to make yourself go through the extra effort of swapping the sleeves for every sideboard card you bring into your mainboard, then swap them all again at the end of the match.
October 4, 2014 8:43 p.m.
I shuffle my SB into my deck way too frequently. KMCs are super awesome sleeves though, definitely recommend them.
October 4, 2014 9:34 p.m.
burghurkhang says... #10
I bought a bunch of dividers for deck boxes for fairly cheap on eBay. Definitely worth having around. I also use them in my box in which I keep commons, to separate them by colors. I would just pony up and buy the two sets. Hyper Mattes are pretty much the best sleeves I've used. They make shuffling easier and I've never had one split on me.
Nigeltastic says... #2
80 cards makes a lot of sense for a couple reasons: it's 2 sets of draft decks, and it's a 75 card deck with 5 extras in case they break. I prefer my sideboard being in the same sleeves so I can just put them directly into the deck and don't have to waste time unsleeving and resleeving cards. I also tend to know what is in my sideboard and what isn't, as well as putting the cards face to face or back to back in my deckbox to split the main and side. That said, I understand your frustration (though you get 160 sleeves that way, enough for EDH and a constructed deck of 60).
October 4, 2014 7:16 p.m.