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Primeval Titan (Closed)
going for infinite... (Closed)
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Why the death of mono-color? (Closed)
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I had an idea today. (Closed)
Prototype Deck - Development Help (Closed)
Miinor_Threat's Small Pop Quiz (Closed)
Living end s/b (Closed)
why fetch lands, elrar? (Closed)
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Artifact Creatures... (Closed)
using the draft sim (Closed)
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Drafting M11 (Closed)
Slow Lands (Closed)
Prerelease Deck Tag (Closed)
Legacy: MTG, but awesomer (Closed)
Rise of the Eldrazi lands... (Closed)
Scars of Mirrodin Speculation (Closed)
Need help with leveler deck (Closed)
M11 Draft Bombs (Closed)
So who likes the 'Archenemy' idea? (Closed)
Mitotic slime vs thrinax (Closed)
Where's the concept cards?? (Closed)
semi control merfolk (Closed)
Kiln Fiend Deck Help (Closed)
M11 Pre-release event (Closed)
Did anyone ever realize this? (Closed)
My thoughts on some M11 spoilers... (Closed)
Goblin deck needs draw! Help! (Closed)
Colorless Eldrazi Deck Ideas? (Closed)
New Deck Category Discussion (Closed)
Does anybody miss [[Evacuation]]? (Closed)
Demon at deaths gate. (Closed)
Feature Idea (Closed)
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Places Where You Play (Closed)
Comment on my Goblins please! (Closed)
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