A Panharmonicon format?
General forum
Posted on Nov. 23, 2018, 4:04 p.m. by rolfMTG
Recently, I came across a sweet idea in the MTGGoldfish comment section. As most of you know, Seth from Goldfish loved Panharmonicon in Standard when it was legal. Now it's rotated, someone suggested we create a format dominated by Panharmonicon-style decks!
Here is an idea: we create a format where it essentally is as if both players had a Pan in play, which means their triggers will always be doubled. I feel like the most interesting card pool to use is the Legacy one, although it will need some serious modification to make sure non-Pan decks aren't dominant.
Of course, we will have to see how this format would play out and adjust this thing accordingly.
Do you have any deck ideas? Suggestions? Criticism? Just comment down below, where I will also be posting decklists I brew up!
Ugh reaper king wrecks with pan. Especially with illusionist’s bracers. My mom has a deck built around that. She uses venser to blink scarecrows too. To your thread though, sounds fun.
November 23, 2018 8:42 p.m.
Yes, it sounds crazy, but I think it can be very interesting!
smackjack says... #2
TypicalTimmy confusing is fun in magic.
How about a rule that every deck need to play 4 Pans? Or maybe pushing it to 6-8? Maybe each game starts with a Pan in play? Maybe make it wierd by having both players start with a Pan, but it only triggers if you roll a die even?
Maybe something like Monarch where one player are the "Pan-master" (has the panharmanicon) and to become the Pan-master you need to deal combat damage to the current Pan-master?
November 23, 2018 5:49 p.m. Edited.