'Achievement Unlocked' With Conspiracy
General forum
Posted on March 12, 2016, 10:37 a.m. by CMorriss
So, for an FNM. we're doing an 8-10 man Conspiracy draft (or possibly two pods of 8 if we get enough). I plan to do prizes for those who win the multiplayer games in the forms of boosters, but I wanted to make the draft a little more... Fun
I need ideas for achievements and prizes for both a Conspiracy Draft and multiplayer games. Things along the lines of:
-Casting a spell of each colour in one game
-Kill a player without dealing them lethal combat damage
-Making more than 10 Squirrel Tokens in a game
-Survive on less than 5 life for 3 turns
And more. I need suggestions for the kinds of fun, silly and just ridiculous achievements one could possibly pull off in both games and whilst drafting!
lemmingllama says... #3
Have the same or more votes than the rest of the players.
Reveal three or more conspiracies tied to one card.
Multikick something at least five times.
Reveal at least three "draft matters" cards during the drafting of a single pack.
March 12, 2016 12:46 p.m.
Hallowed_Titan says... #4
Draft a card older than you? Legendary achievement!
March 13, 2016 3:28 p.m.
Play an Exploration and a Selvala, Explorer Returned in the same game.
Win with less than five cards in your library.
Deal no damage to anybody else and win. (LEGENDARY ACHIEVEMENT)
draft and use 5 or more conspiracies
name a conspiracy stamped card with a conspiracy (stamped like Cogwork Librarian)
parley 3 or more times in one turn
March 12, 2016 11:06 a.m.