Advice for a GP
General forum
Posted on July 16, 2016, 9:04 a.m. by DarksteelBadger
My friend is going to attend GP Portland in August. However, she has never been to a GP, so this will be her first time at a major event. She is pretty nervous. Do any of you in the community that have attended a GP before have any advice that I can give to her? Thanks!
I glanced at the article but Ill give you a run down of my own.
This is in the article but dont necessarily get your hopes up go for the experience and to have fun.
Go see the artists and get things signed if that interests you. A lot of magic artists are awesome people and they love hearing that you love their art and dont forget to tip if you get something signed.
Check out all the venues normally they will be pretty expensive but you can find almost anything you want in good condition at a GP.
Dont be nervous in your games. Especially in the first few rounds these are people that are often times FNM and PPTQ players people just like yourself that might live in the area or traveled froma neighboring state they might be just as good as you, worse, or better but you dont know that so just be confident and do you best.
People over use this but it is true bring a snack and a drink not because youll be miserable without it but you will be more comfortable and the venues are fuckin expensive.
Get there early and plan out what you will do in between rounds and maybe find out early where all the registration stuff will be. There are going to be a lot of people and the crowdedness will be intimidating.
This is more of a regret of mine at my first GP but I did it later on if you see a pro introduce yourself and tell them that you like their articles or videos or playstyle (if you do) most of them are some of the nicest people you will meet and even though they might hear it a lot they love to hear that what they do has an impact on people.
Have fun and talk to people these people love magic just like you try trading or getting advice or talking to people just to meet some new people. Some people will be douchebags but other people are really really nice and just wanna play magic.
Good luck!
July 16, 2016 10:50 a.m.
Also make sure she is going with someone because just to be safe but also it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more fun with a friend to talk to
July 16, 2016 11:39 a.m.
DarksteelBadger says... #6
A group of our friends are going with her for support... unfortunately I had plans months in advance. :(
McSleuthburger says... #2
A little old but a good start
July 16, 2016 10:04 a.m.