Am I really Grixis?
General forum
Posted on July 29, 2019, 2:32 p.m. by BMHKain
: My Center Color; it's raw emotion is at its most Volatile, & can trigger aginst my own wishes.
: Secondary Color, & the source of my Austistic/Aspergian Status; as well as an intelligence that is incredibly high, but has never been tapped. #SunsetShimmeristheOnlyPonyforme.
: Ambition; Unending Doing; for Trying is the same as failing. The Source behind my Ego, Superego, & Id (ESPECIALLY ID! DID YOU EVEN PLAY XENOGEARS?! NO!)
These 3 Colors make up for what I am; or rather, what I think I am. But I wantd to challenge my own theory. Overtime, I'll mention personaliy traits about me in which all are true. Overtime, The list will get larger, but I wonder if I'm worthy of even Crosis, the Purger . Right now, the list is bare; but bear with be on this, there is going to be a lot of traits. However, I actually don't advise anyone else to do the same; I'm merely doing this for the sake of what I really am; something so few should ever do in the first place. Before I begin with a WIP, A Word Of Caution:
Never try to do what I'm trying to do at this time; it will seriously expose your Real Life Properties to Cyberspace. I'm just doing this so nobody else should.
Now for the Tick...
(Fear of Gags regardless of Media Form/Real Life)phobia (I can't even breathe in my nose; & ears don't work as breathing appendages; I don't even have Trachea...), Hyperactivity, Vivid Imagination, Esoteric, Non-Conformist (Does it look like I hate SUICIDE SQUAD?! I love that movie, & James Gunn rebooting it is a big mistake.) Individualist (NOBODY is allowed to redesign my own creations; especially a 2D Fighter I want to make for PS5 in the near future...), Brash (Uh, Yeah?), Arrogant (What? I'm part Hinedere you know...), Supreme Ojousama Hatred (Go ahead, you laughing W----. I DARE YOU. I DARE YOU W/ A HYDRA W/ INFINITE HEADS, M-----F---ER!!!), (Fear of Commitment)phobia (Yes; I actually have a fear of this.), Aloofness, (Fear of Canine Life)phobia (Uh, they trample down? They Bite? (sigh...) OK, It only applies to a dog that isn't a Toy Breed...), Incurable Sexual Desire for JP Erotica & nothing else (That's primarily why I have in me, Fan Service, Cute Anime Girls, I wish I could say more, but I might already have surpassed Rakdos, the Showstopper in terms of being an MF... DX), Opposition of Higher Order (I seriously LOATHE those higher class than me, & treat me like a (Swab the Deck.).), Teenage Wangst (Even at my current age; it's almost as if I never matured at all.), (Fear of the Hymenoptera Order of Insects)phobia (This was developed; & even morphed from the fact my Mother & Sister have this gene. I'd rather die by Bee Venom for myself; but I'm running out of time to do that this year...), Highest-Level of Misguided Feminist Hatred (I threw this in here as even Cassie Jaye; who made the Documentary "The Red Pill" after several other Docs of her exploring other things. "The Red Pill" explores the exact opposite of her previous Works; with so many being misguided lies about the MRM, & why Cassie herself wanted to explore this whole thing, only to realize even the guys are getting less than ever. Just sit down on the table & actually talk about true equality; which can't be achieved through individual gender rights or whatnot, but actually working together; why do we not do this from the start of evolution even?!), Defeatist (Never expect any optimistic result; thus why this makes the cut.), Supreme Hatred of Sadists (The opposite of Rakdos. So far, the only exception to the rules are Izel Hellgaia (She actually breaks the rule of cute, & actually looks rather sexy in a good way. Not Playable in Wonderful World yet though...) Kurumi Tokisaki (Cute, & affectionate looks, but she is a monster in battle; using Time on her side.), & "Dark Heart" (When the protagonist has the first name of "Heart", & Petra left the Drexler Institite's antithesis to die, she wants revenge; time to kill Hato-chan.), Opposes Drug use of any kind (Yeah, that's right you crackheads! Smoke that garbage so you realize recreational "MaRoWaNa" should've stayed ILLEGAL! (Actually, that sounds like a decent episodic Visual Novel: Ma-Ro-Wa-Na; Each Story follows a JP Junior High School Girl w/ a wish they want granted by you; the protagonist. They would be all Deathwishs. Oh, & don't confuse it for Weed, or Sa-Na-Ra-Na.)), Self-Awareness, Care through Guilt, Inner Sorrow imploded into Hate, Recollective-Flawed (IRL, I do something, the next moment; I seriously forget; Short Term is worse, but Long Term is only slightly better.), Nature Hater (I grew up in a Tow that became a city. Then was forced to Rural garbage against my will. Now I have to deal w/ this crap.), Tsundere Hatred Fiesta (Every form of JP media I watch, there's at least one Tsundere! What the ACTUAL F---! Do you even care about any other Anime Stereotypes?! You should know by no these gals suck as they OVERSATURATE more than JP Media now, & The Protagonist always ends up with this being anyway. "Go home & die."), Anyone who opposes my obsessive cussing ANYWHERE; even when censored "A Christmas Story" Styled. (This Clip is why I like this Holiday Flick better than your Rankin Bass S---.)
enpc says... #2
This needs to stop. TappedOut is a place for discussing Magic the Gathering, it is not a personal soap box. Please refrain from posts like this in the future.
July 30, 2019 10:36 a.m.