Anyone else love the Planeswalker decks?
General forum
Posted on Oct. 30, 2020, 4:25 a.m. by Argy
I already know the reasons why people don't like the Planeswalker decks.
Is there anyone else here besides me that likes them?
I play a lot of casual Magic, and they have been fun to muck around with.
What I like is that they have great synergy. That lets you buy a ready made deck, just to have fun with a mechanic or tribe, that you may not wish to build around.
Things like Vehicles, Land, Dinos, Escape, Adventure, Pirates, Lifegain, Dragons, direct damage, etc.
They play evenly against each other, for the most part. We have found Huati a little overpowered against some of the other decks.
They are excellent for nights where you don't want to concentrate a lot - just kick back with some friends, beer, pizza, and a few laughs. Although some decks do take a bit more effort to pilot eg. Ashiok with all the graveyard shenanigans.
Also excellent for co-op Horde/challenger Magic, and Planeschase.
We only buy sleeves and Tokens for them, and just store them in the cardboard box they come with. They look kind of cool sitting out on a table, ready to go, with their name printed on the side.
Any other ways you've had fun with them?
TriusMalarky says... #3
Erm, AFAIK they're so bad their synergy amounts to "all your creatures are the same type or refer to a specific mechanic".
They suck when it comes to anything remotely competitive, but they are ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for newbs, casual players you just wanna have have fun, or anyone trying to play with a casual player.
They're the epitome of friends not caring about anything more competitive than beating the one guy who keeps winning.
October 30, 2020 10 a.m.
RiotRunner789 says... #4
When I started back up in magic around Ixalan, the store recommend a precon. I remembered from olden days loving them. So I got the only precons they were making at the time, a planeswalker deck.
I made a couple improvements from packs but ever FNM I got destroyed. I couldn't compete at all and would he lucky to go 1-2. Eventually, I found it was better to just build a deck from scratch.
The only upside is I did buy two planeswalker decks (Chandra and Teferi), sleeved them up and keep them as a teaching tool since they are perfectly balanced against each other.
October 30, 2020 11 a.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #5
I... view them as less than ideal for anyone who knows how to play the game, as they are just cringily lacking in card draw, ramp, tutors (but wait, I hear you say--but no, Niambi, Faithful Healer is not a tutor in my book) etc. They are excellent for new players, though
October 30, 2020 3:18 p.m.
I think they are a great option for getting a new player into a game of commander or for someone who didn't bring a deck when someone said "Let's Play!".
Unless you have a rookie-friendly deck with you to provide to someone, I think the pre-cons are a nice alternative.
Some of them have been very powerful or came packed with utility. Sure, they are not cEDH level, but where would anyone expect a US $25-$40 deck to be competitive at that level anyways?
I like to buy the pre-cons and then sleeve up and box them to bring with me for new or surprise players.
October 31, 2020 2:01 a.m.
TriusMalarky says... #7
MagicMarc I think you got a little confused. Point mostly still stands, but you're talkin bout EDH precons and the topic was Planeswalker decks, which are slightly different in that planeswalker decks can have multiples and don't have 3 specific(one or more entirely new) EDH staples.
October 31, 2020 11:04 a.m.
I thought they were speaking about the planeswalker Commander pre-constructed decks like the ones from 2018. The OP mentioned Horde magic which is a 100 card format. And my playgroup does Planechase as a 100 card format.
I guess I play too much EDH.
On the other hand, The planeswalker decks are worse than pretty much all of their other pre-constructed decks.
October 31, 2020 11:48 a.m.
VampDemigod says... #9
For my part, I have a couple dozen. They may be low power, but that’s what I like about them. Pre-pandemic, I would often run a free-to-play tournament at my local library, where everyone got a random free planeswalker deck and 4 packs. They then could modify the deck as they wished from the cards they were given. Everyone got a pack, tap half got another pack, podium placings got another pack.
It’s a great way to get young kids involved in the game. I also keep one of each deck, unmodified, because I like them in general. They’re really easy to convince friends and family to get you for Christmas, which is why I have so many. XD
My favorite deck is the Mu Yanling deck from Global Series 1. The art on the lands is amazing.
October 31, 2020 1:32 p.m.
MagicMarc Planeschase can be used with any format, not just EDH.
Challenger/Horde decks are a Magic variant where players play co-operatively against another deck. A bit like Archenemy, but the single deck pilots itself.
Wizards produced three Challenger decks around the time of the first Theros block.
They had three themes - Minotaurs, Cenagos Revelers, and Hydra.
VampDemigod I often get Planeswalker decks for gifts, too.
The latest Garruk deck has ramp up the wazoo.
I have come across plenty of draw in the decks. Particularly in the Sorin deck.
Oko is non-tribal Tribal, if you can believe that.
I guess if you haven't played much with the decks you wouldn't know that kind of info.
By no means do I suggest that they are competitive.
I also said, "I already know the reasons why people don't like the Planeswalker decks."
What I am looking for in this topic is what people like about the Planeswalker decks.
November 1, 2020 12:43 a.m. Edited.
RiotRunner789 says... #11
Argy, what are your thoughts that WOTC is replacing many planeswalker deck slots with CMDR precons (like with Zendikar)?
November 1, 2020 12:58 a.m.
In one way I'm relieved.
The Planeswalker decks are taking over my house! lol
I think if Wizards was releasing four or five EDH precons each time, it would saturate the market.
If it's just two every time, that's a good number to just shake up the meta every now and then.
I was tempted to buy the recent Sneak Attack deck, but my playgroup hates decks that mill and control.
To me it looked like the stronger of the two.
My only fear for the Planeswalker decks, now that are only going to be released with each Core Set, is that they might all be mono coloured.
In our experience, ones with at least two colours seem to be more interesting to play.
November 1, 2020 1:33 a.m.
VampDemigod we have the Mu Yanling deck.
I'd say it's the one we've played the least.
I'll give it another go when we play next.
November 1, 2020 1:36 a.m.
VampDemigod says... #14
Argy as someone who just bought both of the EDH decks, they are sweet. They come with the classic box style (tho notably, it holds 100 sleeved cards, though not the 10 tokens or other items when the cards are sleeved). It also comes with the usual character background and deck guide, with a beginner’s guide to commander on the other side. Not only all of this, but it even comes with a life counter.
That’s all 1 deck. I was stunned by the amount of value it feels like it comes with. I’m not trying to say “you have to play it”, but I’m definitely getting at least another pair of this type of product (probably the ones that come out for Commander Legends).
Honestly, if this becomes common enough, I might start going half and half between these and planeswalker decks.
Feel free to purchase whatever you want, I just figured I’d throw in my 2 cents. :)
November 1, 2020 10:41 a.m.
VampDemigod says... #15
I like the Yanling deck mostly for the art, though the deck is pretty well-themed. Almost everything has flying, and for those that don’t, there’s ways to give flying or unblockable. It doesn’t have any ramp, but has 2 3-mana 2/2s that draw a card when they hit a player, and it has 2 5-drop sorceries that draw 3.
November 1, 2020 10:48 a.m.
VampDemigod I've bought lots of the precon EDH decks over the years.
Some I've modified, and some I've kept as is.
My playgroup will play the unmodded versions more than those we've changed, due to the fact that the games go for a bit longer.
I just wanted to talk about Planeswalker decks, which is why I didn't mention them.
November 1, 2020 11:04 p.m. Edited.
VampDemigod we gave the Yanling deck a play against the Garruk deck, just then.
StuBi and I both love the Garruk deck for its pseudo draw, big Creatures, pump, and Trample.
The deck won, but it did have a bit of help from a Planar deck.
It was fun with its Flying, tempo, and draw. The art was very pretty.
November 2, 2020 1:39 a.m.
VampDemigod says... #18
1: I’m glad you enjoyed it!
2: I was actually referring to the new $20-$30 (individual deck price) set of two commander decks released every set. Not trying to start a debate. Just trying to clarify in case you misunderstood.
November 2, 2020 8:31 a.m.
Yeah, I got what you were saying.
It's cool.
I miss the Clash Packs and, especially, the Duel Decks.
Great little products.
November 2, 2020 10:05 a.m.
VampDemigod says... #21
I found the Zendikar v (I don’t remember) deck in Big Red & White Circle last year for $20. Easiest purchase of my life.
November 2, 2020 10:59 a.m.
Zendikar vs Eldrazi?
Unfortunately that is one of the worst Duel Decks, in terms of balance.
The Eldrazi deck is very overpowered.
From memory you can only destroy a tapped Eldrazi, and then the player can return it from the graveyard.
It's a shame because I love the flavour of Eldrazi vs Allies.
Luckily I have two intro decks from Battle for Zendikar, one Eldrazi and one Allies, and they are much more balanced.
November 3, 2020 3:25 a.m.
VampDemigod says... #23
True. Still was insane value. I mean, I could have sold the It That Betrays and Eldrazi Temple for around $30 cash from CK, and bought another copy, plus had $10 profit, just off of those two cards.
November 3, 2020 4:34 p.m.
Oh I'm not saying you shouldn't have snapped it up.
You might think about tweaking it if you are planning to play it.
I would replace Sheer Drop, with 2x Declaration in Stone, and Oust, and Primal Command with 2x Exile
November 4, 2020 12:11 a.m.
It's extremely fun to play from an Eldrazi perspective.
A bit overpowered from the Zendikar side.
Argy says... #2
I appreciate the Arena code they come with, too.
The Sorin deck was great since it gave you Arena unlocks for Murder and Sorin's Thirst
October 30, 2020 4:28 a.m.