Anyone else notice the extremely high mythic pull-rate for Forgotten Realms?
General forum
Posted on Aug. 14, 2021, 4:58 p.m. by TypicalTimmy
I've bought... oh god... Six bundles?
And the fewest number of mythics I've pulled was like three.
I just opened the newest one (6? Maybe 7?) and pulled three more mythics. A full art foil Old Gnawbone, a full art, non-foil Ebondeath, Dracolich and a regular Lolth, Spider Queen.
Oh, and Gnawbone and Dracolich were in the same pack. As in the same 15 card pack. Gnawbone right behind Dracolich, probably... ya know... gnawing on him o.o
I've pulled THREE Tiamat, two being full art. Multiple mythic dragons of all print styles and multiple Planeswalkers, more being full art than not.
Now unless the Card Gods AND Dice Gods have blessed my little Timmy heart, this seems kind of absurd.
Is everyone else pulling 2 - 4 mythics per bundle??
- And yes, bundle. Not box. I'm getting draw rates you'd normally expect to see on a 36 pack box.
TypicalTimmy says... #3
wallisface, just pulled them all out. 16 in total.
- Old Gnawbone (normal)
- Full art foil Old Gnawbone
- Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant (normal)
- Full art non-foil Icingdeath
- Tiamat (normal)
- Full art non-foil Tiamat
- Full art non-foil Tiamat (second)
- Full art non-foil Zariel, Archduke of Avernus
- Ebondeath, Dracolich (normal)
- Full art non-foil Ebondeath
- full art foil Ebondeath
- foil The Deck of Many Things
- full art foil Grand Master of Flowers
- The Book of Vile Darkness (normal)
- Lolth, Spider Queen (normal)
- Full art non-foil Lolth
And it looks like it's 6 bundles
August 14, 2021 7:09 p.m.
wallisface says... #4
TypicalTimmy so from your 16 cards it looks like 12 came from the rare-slot in the pack, and 4 from the foil-slot.
From 60 packs we’d expect 7.5 mythics in the rare-slot, so you pulled around a 50% higher hit rate than we’d expect there.
For the foil-slot, I have no idea what the odds of rare/mythic are for that, so I can’t comment.
Out of interest (and just to better gauge numbers), what were your total number of rare pulls?
August 14, 2021 8:47 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #5
Okay. I'm convinced and have found my new religion. Consider me henceforth a Cleric of the Card and Dice Gods.
My buddy and I cracked a bundle each to draft with. Sure it's not a proper draft but it's cheaper and you get a much larger pool of cards to pick from.
Of the ten packs.
Four mythics.
- The Tarrasque (normal)
- Full art foil Iymrith, Desert Doom
- Full art non-foil Old Gnawbone
- Foil The Book of Vile Darkness
August 14, 2021 8:59 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #6
On the last two bundles (this one and the one I made the post with earlier) are those fancy $53.00 red bundles.
They come with 9 draft packs and 1 collectors.
But to note, in the first one I got Gnawbone and Dracolich both in the collector pack.
This one, I got only The BVD in the collectors pack. The other three were in draft packs.
wallisface says... #2
I haven’t been opening any packs, mainly because MH2 exists, but running some numbers would indicate you’ve been lucky:
the set has 60 rares and 20 mythics. So they can’t have your odds of pulling a mythic over a rare be any higher than 25%, or else it’d be easier to find a particular mythic than a particular rare.
assuming the 1/8 rare slots being mythic still applies (Wotc would surely advertise a change in those odds), with a 10 pack bundle you’d get 1.25 mythics in that slot on average. However, there are other slots in a pack which could be mythic, as you eluded to, and so that number will be slightly higher.
August 14, 2021 6:07 p.m.