Anyone else tired of the 2k decks?
General forum
Posted on Sept. 6, 2020, 3:18 a.m. by Vash13
Ok so maybe I'm just crazy but I feel like more and more every deck everyone posts (mainly EDH since I have other formats suppressed) seems to be $1200-$2000+ now has everyone just become a whale and every person is walking around with decks that cost as much as a used car or is everyone just full of shit posting the most high end competitive cards they can net deck? Now my problem here is that (and has been for almost two deckades tbh) is that when you get to a certain level of rare cards why even bother posting? We all know what the best an most expensive cards are so why just recycle and repeat the same garbage everyone has already posted if your not playing competitively? I understand some people really do own rare multi thousand dollar decks but if you believed this site you think every magic player was just the stereo type cardboard crack addict. I guess what I'm trying to get at is if you own these decks I guess congrats? But you must have done research before spending 2k on pieces of paper(or your a damn fool), and if it's just for fun, first why post the same crap we've seen a 100 times just with maybe a different commander, and second if it's not competitive why not have a little creativity? I dunno as I said maybe I'm crazy but just saying people need to have a little more fun with their brews and quit copy pasting the same $1200 mana bases we've all seen a billion times...
My deck is worth over $2K but I spent less than $1K assembling it because I’ve been playing for years now. The expensive cards I have now were much cheaper when I got them. As someone who has played this game for years I’m not the one who decided cards should be more expensive. Cards are expensive now because Wizards of the Coast sucks at making reprints affordable and your anger should be directed at them for allowing this to happen. My deck may be worth $2K, but I would absolutely not care if its value dropped under $100 nor would I mind if other people built the same deck for just as much. I play with the cards I have because they do have sentimental value to me over the many years I’ve played with them against others and that’s something you can’t put a price tag on.
September 6, 2020 4:32 a.m.
This is at least the second time you have created a thread specifically to post a long, meandering wall of text to complain about how other people enjoy playing the game (previously, you complained about people who were upset their budget decks had lower win rates; apparently neither budget players or those you label as "whales" are safe from your ire).
People are entitled to play Magic however they wish. Some are going to want to play at the highest level the game can offer; with the RL in place and containing incredibly powerful cards, that inevitably means the highest level of any eternal format is going to be rather expensive. That's a simple fact of this game, and it really is not your place to whine about other players being willing to make that choice.
Nor is it your place to complain that other players post their powerful decks on this website or others. It doesn't matter that you personally do not like looking at expensive decks; lots of people like to see what the highest tier deck of a particular commander/archetype/strategy might look like, so they can build accordingly, adjusting for their own budget.
You should spend less time caring about how others enjoy the game. Perhaps then you might be less irrationally angry at the fellow members of the Magic community.
September 6, 2020 4:48 a.m. Edited.
I can only speak for myself but here’s my point of view: I post the decks I like to play here to keep track of the stats like mana curve, color distribution and such since that helps me to tweak the decks. I add a little description and if ppl are interested in the decks i write a little primer like I did for my Muldrotha or Xyris. These decks are my creation and there’s no netdecking involved even if they play the usual suspects. Wheels are for example obviously good in Xyris, its not netdecking if you play wheels there. All of my decks here exist the exact way I posted them here in paper, including foils, masterpieces and such. This is again to keep track of things like the foiling process for my Muldrotha to know what cards i still need. My decks tend to be on the more expensive side but I don’t care much about the price. I play since 94 and play the cards I have.
I do agree that there seem to be ppl here that post the most expensive stuff possible. I remember 1 guy having each deck full foil and 8k+, I highly doubt that he has every card foil (especially things like tropical island). But ppl like this seem to be the exception, not the rule.
Only thing I would like to know is how much of those decks here exist only for online use like table top simulator and such. In that case they don’t care about the Price and can play whatever they want. That might be one reason you see a lot of expensive decks lately. It seems that stuff like table top simulator gained a lot of popularity during the pandemic since ppl look for ways to play MTG when they have to stay at home or local game stores are closed.
September 6, 2020 5:56 a.m.
NoetiPanda says... #6
I build my own decks either from scratch or getting inspiration from other decks on this website and building it to either be cheaper or build it in a way that I would play it. My decks on this website are consistently nearly $700-$1000 because these are the FINAL version of decks I WANT to build, not that these are decks I personally own. I love spending time building decks online because not only is it fun but it gives me a place to keep track of my decks I want to build in the future. By no means do I have the thousand or so dollars it takes to build my decks but it gives me a final/current draft of the deck I want to build. Don't go yelling at people because they want to build powerful decks that tend to be more expensive.
September 6, 2020 7:13 a.m.
Metroid_Hybrid says... #7
Yes, hobbies are expensive & sometime require a little experience & imagination to get the most out of.. Boo-hoo..
Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it..
It's also worth noting that the price of decks on this (or any) site can be complicated by foils and/or special printings. Take my old Yargle, Glutton of Urborg deck (Lieutenant Yar-Kul *F*) for example; the TCGplayer price varies wildly between $481.06 & $1,826.71 (a $1,345.65 difference)!! And I even include a link to a non-foiled version w/ instructions on how to knock the cost down yet another $200+... and STILL be the same fucking deck..
September 6, 2020 9:23 a.m.
You can always play pauper! Lol. I have a "tricked out" Delver deck that cost me $100. Being in the most budget of threads and formats can help you escape the frustration you're feeling. But ultimately you can only be responsible for how you enjoy Magic and the site, other people will enjoy it differently. Spare yourself the headache of trying to get lots of other people to use it the way you would.
September 6, 2020 9:30 a.m.
Side note: you can edit your settings on TappedOut to supreme formats and not see decks on your homepage if you want.
September 6, 2020 9:31 a.m.
I have several decks that are worth quite a bit. But I've been playing for about 25 years, and I didn't pay anywhere near what they cost.
I also have a good paying job, and buy lots of product (collections/non standard packs and decks - or if standard, ones that come with things like good box toppers). I rarely buy singles or individual packs (as usually that ends up a net negative in the long run - especially packs of standard).
Usually I build with what I have or I traded for (once was very active trading on this site, deckbox, and puccatrade). Yes, I have an extensive collection, but there are cards that people are surprised that I don't have and/or never owned. The decks posted on this site are real and is a snapshot of where it was at the time. If I had time, I'd keep it updated, but don't have much time between work, family, and actually playing the game.
Until recently, I never spent much each year on cards. 2 years ago, my collection was worth north of 30k. But my investment in it was about 6k outside of tournaments (I consider those fees entertainment expenses like movie tickets).
I sit down and will shuffle my playing cards then casually play with it no matter what the deck costs. My current project is an alternate artwork Temur mutate deck - I want all the cards to be alternate artwork, or altered (currently 80% there) . I know its value is/will be up there, but I will trade for the pieces I need when I can.
I say all of this to point to the fact that just because someone own thousands of dollars of cards, does not make thst person a "whale" - it could be they are a person who has played for years. Or it could be that magic is the only hobby they have, so it gets most of the expendable income.
September 6, 2020 10:30 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #11
Well, I got OG duals back when they were $30 so... I'm still gonna run them, just because you'd have to spend 4k for my decks doesn't mean I've even spent 500 on it. I trade often, and just being in the game for a while is bound to make money.
Also, Vash13, while you assume people are netdecking, I make netdecks. I don't copy from other people, I fully explore my choices, and make the statistically best decks for the metagames at hand. People have copied and tuned my decks for their budget, playstyle, and metagame.
Assuming that if multiple similar, expensive decks are shown, that the one you complain about isn't the original is shortsighted and idiotic. I've seen people like you insult and berate and belittle deckbuilders. M:TG is a competitive game. People are allowed, and supported to play the best decks. To make the best decks, with the best cards. That costs money, and that's okay. For many, it's online or proxies or already owned, so it doesn't cost money, and for those that have the money, they are allowed to spend it on their hobbies.
You seem to think it's a bad thing that people to spend thousands of dollars to support the M:TG community. I think that's why it's become so popular, the community dedication.
Don't judge people's commitment to the game, nor their originality, just because you can't imagine they are being original, not realizing that similar decks, but tuning to your metagame isn't an easy job.
September 6, 2020 11:07 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #12
"Whale" isn't a belittling term. It was originally used by casinos to denote customers that would gamble extremely large sums of money and that they should therefore do extreme measures to capture. Much like Ahab and the White Whale. It got picked up by people when talking about mobile games and the people who will spend thousands of dollars on them. It has recently been applied to M:tG and the type of people who can casually drop $100 on a collector pack.
September 6, 2020 11:34 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #13
How so? I have never heard anyone made fun of for having too much money...
I mean maybe...
September 6, 2020 12:27 p.m.
Prodigalpyro says... #14
This post is literally using it to belittle people by saying they are less creative for using generically good cards.
September 6, 2020 12:43 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #15
The usage in that sentence is asking if everyone has all of a sudden got large amounts of disposable funds.They go on to complain about expensive decks being unoriginal, but that is removed from the concept of a "whale" and missing so many points already that it is hardly linked at all.
Maybe it is just that I have already to learned to ignore the whiney little brats who place an outsized emphases on being "original". My thought process toward that type of person is and always has been "You have fun being a special little flower, imma go over here and play a strategy game instead of a creativity game".
Now I do disagree with how WotC and Hasbro are making chase reprints available only to whales in whale products and think that they need to print powerful cards enough that the normal person with a few different hobbies can afford to play at the highest levels.
There are so many problems with the OP that I find it odd to glom onto the usage of the term "whale". It is a useful descriptor for a type of player with disposable income alone far in excess of many people's household income. Far better issues to raise IMO
Atrocious grammar and punctuation. And this is coming from a guy who thinks run-on sentences are best sentences. It makes the post neigh unreadable though.
False attribution of the term "whale" to anyone who can build expensive decks in paper. This neglects lucky pulls and time invested in the game.
Thinking that this website is only used to document decks you have.
Thinking that this website is only used to show off decks.
Thinking that only competitive decks run expensive cards.
Thinking that everyone plays MtG for creative aspects.
An overlying hostility for something not being exactly as they want it.
September 6, 2020 1:12 p.m.
Prodigalpyro says... #16
To me that sentence seems more like a rhetorical question as they then go on to ask if everyone on the site is "just full of shit posting the most high end competitive cards they can net deck" which frames it in a negative context.
I can however agree that among all the other things this is one of the more negligible details.
September 6, 2020 1:42 p.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #17
Fun facts
1) some players do not own their own cards. They have friends that lend them decks or in some cases sponsors.
2) some play groups allow proxies because they prefer to play the player and not the wallet
3) There are a lot of not so good decks with an expensive mana bases or have cards that are super expensive but perform poorly
4) Some people have expendable income. Just the other day over 10,000 people were willing to pay 200 bucks for Bella Thrones' nude. It's not much of a stretch that people would spend that much on a game they enjoy.
5) Just because something is expensive doesn't mean it's netdecked or un-creative. Mana bases have been tried and tested; for the most part that aspect of magic is figured out. The speed at which information travels is crazy.
September 6, 2020 2:02 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #18
DeinoStinkus Actually, as someone who has had to play on a budget as a kid for a long time, I appreciate being called a Whale, I played a bunch of free games for years, made by a group called Artix Entertainment (a bunch of fun old flash games, some of which were some of the biggest at the time, and are all really fun). I couldn't spend money at the time, and though they were a small, indie developer, I wished I could support them. A few months back I went back, bought out the stores and maxed out my old accounts, which I played for over 8 years on, and loved it. I paid over $400, but the feeling of being able to pay back for all of those years of gameplay made me really happy. I was proud to whale for those amazing people. I've talked to them, and they are totally worth it.
Whaling for MTG is good too, it supports the economy that has made this game one of the best games in the world. I don't mind the term, but I get it could be used in a way like "you just pay for stuff, not actually win based on skill", in which case, yet that mentality is toxic. However I doubt anyone that is educated would actually say that deckbuilding is the main factor in EDH for winning, which Vash13 is talking about.
September 6, 2020 2:49 p.m.
DarkMagician says... #19
Vash13 I really hope you're a kid because most adults would be embarrassed to whine like this on a public forum.
September 6, 2020 3:35 p.m.
DarkMagician says... #20
I should say that any adult SHOULD be embarrassed
September 6, 2020 3:36 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #21
Dw, Vash13 I made sure my deck was far away from 2k, is 42k more reasonable?
Blooming Onion - The Best Deck in EDH [Primer]
Commander / EDH
(all jokes dw)
September 6, 2020 3:42 p.m.
defamagraphy1 says... #22
I somewhat agree with this post and yet, there are so many things to consider here when I look at other decks.
Has every avenue been tried that truly makes this the best?
What thought process was used to create this deck?
What can it potentially do?
The reason for my posting here is to create and test before I actually build. I may misread a card, or the deck doesn't quite function the way I wanted it to, but I got the idea out there and I hope I can get some players looking along the same vein. I was rather pleased when the views for my standard Draw Two blew up as there were so many cards to put in the deck. Did it really see a spotlight? Nah but it made me happy that it was tried.
For others playing the "bloated whale" decks, perhaps it makes them happy to showcase cards that were hard earned. Especially for EDH as all you have to do is purchase one. I know there was a sense of pride for me when I had a vintage deck that cost thousands of dollars and took time for me to build, play, and master and maybe they have the same sense of pride.
Is it boring that they net decked? Yep. Is it boring that they're unoriginal? Yeah. But owning something that inspires both awe and envy is truly something every player to some degree enjoys.
Can't knock them for that.
September 6, 2020 4:43 p.m.
defamagraphy1 says... #23
It's not necessarily WotC that dictates the prices on cards. In fact WotC in a sense loses money to singles purchases.
Players, Demand, Netdecking and Age (age also being quantity printed and how easy is it to get) all determine the price of a card (As well as individual sellers once a mythic planeswalker for example is released which is frustrating)
If a card sees play over a large majority of formats, the price jumps, if it starts becoming a tier 1 staple it jumps, if it's used in mutiple decks in a format, blag blah blah.
September 6, 2020 5:11 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #24
defamagraphy1: stopshot didnt say wot sets card prices. they said wotc fails to reprint cards.
September 6, 2020 5:27 p.m.
defamagraphy1 says... #25
He mentioned something about making WotC making reprints affordable and directing anger towards them. I'm just saying, it's not not their fault. It's more like all of ours.
September 6, 2020 7:30 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #26
defamagraphy1: it actually is wotc's fault. they keep the prints low on purpose so that when they "do" reprint them, the cards still carry a high enough price to make it worth buying packs. wotc knows which cards are competitive and which ones we want reprints of.
September 6, 2020 7:37 p.m.
Hahaha WOW didn't realize how offended everyone would be over this post kinda cracks me up. DragonSliver9001 I like how you tell me to chill then get all hyped up yeah I know some mana bases are the best i literally said that in my post. Caerwyn as far as I'm concerned you can fuck off, you have some problem with me and are always a dick so i dont really give a shit what you think. DeinoStinkus relax and quite getting offended about everything whale is just term like any other used to abbreviate an idea and for you and prodigitalpyro sorry I use stong language and you guys apparently aren't used to that it's just the way I talk , and I write the way i talk, And honestly it was just a question it halarious how everyone read so much hate into this i dont judge or dislike anyone for doing these things I'm talking about(but obviously you guys are mad and judgmental, as you tell me not to be lol). SynergyBuild , Pikobyte, and some others thank you for a fair and balanced responses. I was just curious about this, I like how several people go on explaining why cards are pricey like I'm stupid or somthing but that's fine I dont really care, it's just one of the downsides of magic that a good 75% of players think their smarter, better, and all around superior to others cause a card game is the only thing they have ever won at, so I dont sweat it I feel great about myself and dont need to hate others maybe that's why I dont consider if I'm offending others since It doesn't even cross my mind,(if I intend to offend I make it clear as you can see above in my statement to Caerwyn, I'm a direct person) all I'm saying is decks used to seem more diverse on here now budget decks seem super rare, and almost all decks are multi thousand dollar decks, sorry you guys dont like questions...
September 6, 2020 7:39 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #28
Vash13: i wasn't getting hyped up at all. you don't really have a right to berate people for being offended when you're post was meant to be offensive because you got offended first by the decks people post. you say you're not mad or judgmental, yet your post was clearly a judgment made in anger. also, you don't get to be an a-hole and then just excuse it by saying "that's just how i am". maybe Caerwyn wouldn't "be a dick" to you if you weren't always so hostile.
the responses to your post are not about "not liking questions". that shows a misunderstanding of what is happening here. what we don't like is your hostility.
you also never once mentioned anything about the lands being the best in your original post. the only thing you mention about mana bases is price and that you've seen them a bunch.
and finally, people might take you more seriously if you fixed your grammar and syntax.
September 6, 2020 7:47 p.m.
Prodigalpyro says... #29
I'm all for insulting you for your trash opinions if that is what you want. I wasn't in anyway offended by anything you said I just found it an incredibly small minded way to view the game as a whole. As far as telling Caerwyn to fuck off for showing a post where you are contradicting your own point on this one it doesn't seem like you have any real view points on the game. Is there some magical medium where a deck is "just right" goldilocks? It's not that people don't like questions more so that there was better phrasing that could have been used to get the same point across. It might also help to not pull random numbers out of your ass because as we all know 69% of the statistics online are made up on the spot.
September 6, 2020 7:55 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #30
Vash13 Oh actually I've been wondering the last point myself, why budget decks seem more diverse and why expensive ones are less diverse, but more seen.
I think it's because, as decks get better, their cards get more expensive and winrates go up, so those decks that are better win more, and as they win more, they get more popular, which means that the more popular decks get more expensive, rather than the more expensive decks get more popular.
That's simple, but because decks that are less popular (more original, by appearance, despite many Unesh decks looking the same, people will say they are unique, which ISN'T creative), often are more various, because the less popular (often more casual) cards and synergies also have less demand, meaning they are cheaper.
This is a basic principle, however is more complex with EDH, and reprints, including supply, things like promos, etc. and Proxies all through this basic principle for a loop. I think it's a good basic principle, but the complexities change it on a big scale too, so more research should be done if you are interested in it!
September 6, 2020 9:14 p.m. Edited.
Prodigalpyro hahaha your a fucking joke you lame ass mutherfucker I laugh at lame ass little bitches like you all day have fun being a loser hahahaha, and DeinoStinkus you wouldn't know real if it hit in the face your just some looser ass leftist extremist who is an over opinionated moron but wont listen to anyone else hahaha you guys are soooooo whack peace the fuck out
September 6, 2020 9:22 p.m.
Damn and here's SynergyBuild being calm and collected as usual that dudes a real clockwork down ass dude, you rock bro
September 6, 2020 9:23 p.m.
GhostChieftain says... #33
If you are going to be hostile to those on the site for the way they build or play or share ideas, you just as well find a different avenue to spend your time. As a general rule people will meet hostility with more hostility. Learn to relax a bit and let people enjoy the game they enjoy whether it is budget jank or the most expensive most powerful thing or anything in between.
No need to be a jerk, it isn't worth your time or energy.
September 6, 2020 9:30 p.m.
Listen, I don't mind when you swear at me--I could not really care less.
However, since you are also cursing out other users, I am going to close down this thread and recommend you take a voluntary break from the site for a couple of days. I would recommend not escalating further, lest a recommended voluntary break become a slightly less voluntary one.
Use that time to cool down and think about how you want to present yourself online. Rather than be the kind of person who "[doesn't] consider if [they're] offending others", perhaps you could try giving consideration to those reading your posts. I know the anonymity of the internet can make empathy more difficult, but it is important to remember there are real people behind those usernames. I would hope you do not speak like this to strangers in the real world; no reason to do so here.
TappedOut has a rather solid, generally polite community; let's try to keep it that way.
DragonSliver9001 says... #2
chill bro. just because a deck is expensive doesn't mean it's a netdeck. and theres a reason we've seen the same manabases "a billion times". its because certain lands are just objectively the best. also keep in mind that just because someone posts a deck here doesn't mean they actually own it. that should have been obvious. let people enjoy things. does it really matter if multiple people have the same deck?
September 6, 2020 4:01 a.m.