Are You Dramatic When You Play?
General forum
Posted on April 17, 2016, 3:12 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
Some players of this game (or any game) are more enthusiastic about it than are others, and they will express such enthusiasm in different ways. From what I have observed, most players of this game tend not to be too dramatic when they play, but there are some who are very dramatic, so, therefore, I wish to ask the other users here about the level of enthusiasm that they display when playing this game.
When I play in prerelease events, I usually am not very dramatic, but, when I play casual games with my friends, I tend to be very dramatic, and it is practically a rule within our group that, whenever we play archenemy format, the player who is the archenemy must be grandiose, like an archetypal evil overlord from various media.
What does everyone else say about this? Are you dramatic when you play this game?
The word "dramatic" can mean two really different things. Sometimes it means caring a lot and expressively when things do or don't go your way. Other times it verges on vorthosy geeky theatrics. I at times am very much the vorthosy geek but the drama of the other kind is like a repellant spray for me.
The more I play a deck, the more I tend to RP it. I like taking everything to committee with "Talrand Says No" then turn chaosively random with "Wart's Christmas at Ground Zero". Over time I may even imagine little stories for each deck. Sometimes I start doing voices ...
April 17, 2016 3:54 p.m.
I do tend to go over-dramatic when I love, but still in good sport :P.I feel it is part of the concept of playgroups to be into the game more then you would be in, lets say, a classic deck of cards. If I go through a couple of lost and then snatch a victory, I'm often ecstatic, or at least very satisfied .
The lore, the flavour and the style of the cards kind of guide you into the path of emotion, or attachment ; when a world is conceived halfway like this, your imagination tends to take over and fill the gaps. This can be translated in enthusiasm. You feel attached to a world where you took part and it is up to you to make up a structure around the cards you see on the table..Yes, magic is full of drama, and it should be!
April 17, 2016 3:57 p.m.
scopesightzx says... #6
When I play against control decks, and everything I do gets answered immediately, I get dramatic in a bad way. If I get to do things, and they answer it later, it's not bad at all. I like being able to actually play the game without being shut down within a few turns, just for the game to go on longer than it needs to.
April 17, 2016 7:50 p.m.
If you are at 3 or less life, and I topdeck a lightning bolt. You bet your ass that shit is getting windmill slammed on the table. Outside of that? No.
April 17, 2016 8:23 p.m.
Onion_duck says... #8
I always tend to mimic the way my opponent(s) play. If they play all serious business then I will as well. However if they play all dramatic and jokingly just to have fun then I'll follow suit. I just enjoy playing magic and want them to enjoy the match as well. Still not sure how to keep the salty players happy without throwing the match though =P
April 17, 2016 8:28 p.m.
I become more dramatic as needed to annoy those who play too seriously. It's a GAME! Games are supposed to be FUN!
April 17, 2016 9:35 p.m.
Dalektable says... #10
I'm very chill and level-headed when I'm playing in events. But in casual games of EDH or other formats with friends, we all like to poke fun at eachother usually with a lot of less than polite language involved. All joking, of course, but if other people heard us they would think we hated eachother haha.
Raging_Squiggle says... #2
When I'm playing in a sanctioned tournament, I'm playing to win. So I'm less dramatic and more intensive on the plays my opponent is doing and making sure the rules are followed.
Playing casual, I do practically a 180. My buddies and I yell and laugh like crazy, pretend to build suspense as though we're gonna play a huge spell when it turns out to be a Elvish Mystic or something.
April 17, 2016 3:24 p.m.