Back, but not going to be very active
General forum
Posted on July 24, 2021, 1:31 a.m. by TypicalTimmy
TLDR - I remade the profile to make a few decks, such as Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient . As some of you may recall, Savage Ventmaw is my #1 favorite Dragon in the whole game, and over the years I have made multiple attempts at upgrading it into Legendary status in the card creation challenge. Now that it's a real thing, I bought the deck and want to make one for myself online.
- Why did I leave the community?
I left the community because of the growing divide between players. The Secret Lair: The Walking Dead was the final straw. Most players in the world generally do not care about TWD as cards, but the vocal minority of players could not stop throwing tantrums over it. Both in person and online I had to endure arguing, harassing and verbal assaulting. That, along with the overwhelming costs of the game, pushed me out of it. I was not planning on returning at all, but the Forgotten Realms set drew me back in, if not for anything other than nostalgia from happier times in my past of playing D&D.
- Where have you been?
Working. Slaving away for 60 - 80 hours a week to save up and buy a house. Only problem is, life happened.
- What happened?
I am awaiting a cancer diagnosis... I have always been open. A character flaw of my own. It's Oropharynx cancer, which is very odd as I tested negative for HPV. This type of cancer (inner throat cancer) is like 97% - 98% caused by HPV, however since I do not have the STD, it's puzzling everyone. That being said, the industry I work in has to do with plastics. The plastics we have been using are linked to cancer. While PVC (a type of plastic) is known to release chlorine gasses, and while chlorine gasses are known carcinogens, the release of chlorine gasses from PVC is not known as a "cause" of cancer. This is because testing and studies have only been performed in short-term, mild exposure. I have been working with this stuff for 8+ years now and have inhaled fumes the entire time, making it long-term, chronic exposure. My new job, where I've been at for the past year and a half, works with a different polymer known as styrene. Styrene has been linked to pancreatic cancer and, oddly enough, the rapid formation of other cancers. That is to say, if you have something else such as breast cancer, studies have shown styrene to actually accelerate your breast cancer - and this is not known why. So it is possible that the throat cancer stems from inhaling the dust and fumes for 8+ years.
...I remade this account to try and hold onto some semblance of happiness, as I desperately cling to hope of a brighter tomorrow.
Delete this post, or don't. I don't care. But I figured it was worth popping in to say hi.
DragonOfTheWest says... #3
Welcome back! I hope everything works out for you, and I'm happy to see you back on the site.
July 24, 2021 8:57 a.m.
I sincerely hope the best for you, in whatever form that takes.
July 24, 2021 8:59 a.m.
Welcome back! Klauth looks like a lot of fun, and this set got me into D&D. Wishing you the best of luck.
July 24, 2021 10:03 a.m. Edited.
Welcome back! Wishing you the best of luck and I hope that TappedOut will serve as a welcome distraction!
July 24, 2021 11:21 a.m.
Hey, TypicalTimmy! I was wondering what happened. Good to have you back, and best wishes going forward. Let us/me know if there's anything we/I can do.
July 24, 2021 12:12 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #8
Thanks everyone. It's been a very rough past couple of months. I don't even know how long it's been.
I started losing my voice almost on a daily basis. I assumed this was because I was training new employees, and had to speak above our machine volume. However, my throat began burning and I perpetually felt sick and like something was lodged in my throat, such as the "stuck pill" sensation I am sure we have all had.
After I nearly began throwing up, I decided to do an inspection of my own throat. There, I found growths behind my tonsils and my tonsils nearly twice their size.
I scheduled an appointment with a doctor and all tests came back negative. The doctor than proceeded to scold me. And no, I am not embellishing this claim. Her words were;
- "Well, it's EITHER post nasal drip OR IT'S GOITER! So you tell me which you think it is!"
I didn't know what goiter was, and having incredibly low self esteem and chronic depression from constant trauma, I regressed and almost cried. Bare in mind I am a 32 year old male.
Later that day I looked up what goiter is and it is a disease of your thyroid, or the front bottom part of your neck. Not the upper back of your throat. Two completely different regions. So she scolded me while giving me a half-assed misdiagnosis just to make a point.
I took the medicine and it did nothing. I went back and all tests are negative. Now I must see a specialist, for a cancer biopsy.
Oh, and the growths are growing and spreading. I have a ~5mm lump on the back of my tongue inside the throat and the same dryness has become a burning sensation.
So... yay me.
Oh right. And my lungs have been tender and sore for three months now. So, who knows.
July 24, 2021 2:23 p.m.
Ah man, fingers crossed for you TypicalTimmy. Primary care physicians are really hit or miss. I just got diagnosed this last year with a chronic liver condition that went untreated for three years (and is deadly in 5-10 years if left untreated) because my primary care physician saw my abnormal blood work and just checks notes didn't care I guess?
I hope your specialist is more competent. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion, either.
July 24, 2021 5:33 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #10
abby315 I love how you figured out it was a Primary Care doc when I didn't even mention that lol. I'm not fluent in hospital jargon so I assume there is a a whole slew of doctor brandings and whatnot.
I saw her one other time for depression and she wanted to admit me into the hospital for a forced 48 hour observational period and could be up to a week. For "my own protection". I had to very carefully walk on eggshells to say the "right" things to not be forced into that situation, as I could have lost my job for no-call, no-show.
Oh well, it is what it is. It probably isn't cancer and I am probably being paranoid, but when all tests are negative? I am assuming that's a very bad sign.
July 24, 2021 5:52 p.m.
Wishing you the best during these difficult times. My only advice would be to speak with a doctor who doesn't make you feel like shit and ask them about the potential benefits of marijuana for your medical ailments as someone close to me has cancer and they have been using it much to their benefit. Lots of love <3
- Profet93
July 25, 2021 12:49 p.m.
Nice to see you back.
Sad that things have been going poorly, for you.
July 26, 2021 3:07 a.m.
DemMeowsephs says... #13
My deepest apologies, I can't say I've been on the site long enough to know you very well though I wish you the best of luck and hope magic proves to be an interesting distraction.
RNR_Gaming says... #2
Welcome back! Who could forget the builder that held that number 2 decklord slot for what seemed like ages! Hope things have cooled off and you'll be able to enjoy the game.
July 24, 2021 1:35 a.m.