Bait-n-Switch Weird Deck/Sideboard Idea
General forum
Posted on July 16, 2010, 6:49 p.m. by mlakics
The other night, I had an idea for a weird Standard-format Deck/Sideboard interaction: A deck that is designed to "switch" its mechanics/style by swapping all the sideboard cards in and 15 cards out of the maindeck. I call it bait-and-switch. I'm looking for some suggestions/ideas on maindeck/sideboard combinations. I expect the maindeck will have to be at least dual colored. Possibly green as the core, with black or blue spashed in. Maybe blue core with black or white splashed in. I'm considering initial design to be discard/control then switching in creatures instead. There are no wrong comments or ideas. This is an open invitation to all those who can think outside the box. Please consider providing the following info when responding with ideas: 1) Bait and Switch tactic (eg, control then discard, or discard then creatures) 2) Cards to support the mechanics for both maindeck and sideboard. 3) Which cards need to be removed from maindeck to switch mechanics. 4) General advice or criticism of the concept.
I ran a selesnia* green/white token generation overwhelm strategy I had exactly 15 cards that made tokens. The 15 cards in my sideboard were all Might of Oaks style cards. My alt win for both sides was Hunted Wumpus then Oblivion Ring or other white answer your biggest creature. Had 4 Llanowar Elves and 4 of whatever cheap green mana acceleration was popular at the time. I loved it when people would sideboard out for my token generation and then I'm all about the pump!
July 16, 2010 11:51 p.m.
Sounds pretty inspired. Definitely interested in seeing some examples.
July 17, 2010 2:44 a.m.
I'm currently considering a dual/tri color Ally deck that switches from discard/control to aggro beatdown. maybe black/blue to green/blue...
July 17, 2010 2:55 a.m.
SocialistElite says... #6
My friend played a Bant colored control deck that switched into a polymorph deck. It actually did really well.
July 17, 2010 3:39 p.m.
Some ideas:
weenie that turns into creature-less...
heavy enchantment turns into no enchantment...
I don't think it would be effective to switch colors. Looks like really most effectiveness is switching styles/flavor, more than game-winning strategies.
Maybe Blue/Black Ally with Control/Counterspells that turns into Blue/Black Ally with Discarding stuff?
I would like this to be Standard format, but there doesn't seem to be any major game-changing 15 card substitutions.
July 17, 2010 6:02 p.m.
Here's my first build of the bait-n-switch ally black/blue deck:
Some thoughts that went into this build:
No double colored mana costs.
Sac lands are good, as long as I don't get too many which would slow down my mana curve too much.
I'm unsure of the mana ratio for this, as the SB throw in is black-heavy. The sac lands would get around this, but would slow me down?
Maybe SB the Hedron Crab
for more surprise?
Please comment and share cards I haven't thought of.
July 17, 2010 6:47 p.m.
An Ally mill deck that switches to Ally Kick-Ass deck.
July 17, 2010 11:27 p.m.
So this deck is a variant of my land destruction decks. Rather than trying to destroy all the enemy's lands, it pops a few lands here and there while mana ramping, stuff like Mwonvuli Acid-Moss that allows ramp destroy land, and puts out cards like Lodestone Golem and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV that raise the costs of casts.
This deck is taxing, and I want it to be able to completely shut someone up mid game or be so crippling that I can nibble them to death.
What are your thoughts?
May 23, 2014 10:21 p.m.
Oh, forgot to mention; can all the comments be put on the deck's page please? Just for my sake of having all ur precious comments in one spot for me to review.
sporkife says... #2
hehehe. These things are fun to play around with; I considered running one a while back, I forget when. The problem with the current standard is that if you keep the same colour core you're either going to not have much to change or one side is going to be significantly weaker. The general problem, of course, is the lack of a real sideboard, something that Wish decks suffer from as well. Also, what do you do third game?
At FNMs, these things tend to do alright, as a lot of players will WTF when your deck totally changes the second time around, and play poorly as a result. At more competitive events it might not do so well, particularly in this standard.
What seems to be most effective is maindeck a combo of the relatively rapid but easy to disrupt variety (Polymorph?) then something more resilient on the side, dunno what - depends on what's in the maindeck, could be UG beats, something Bant-like, GW beats, whatever.
July 16, 2010 7:54 p.m.