Best Art from War of the Spark
General forum
Posted on April 28, 2019, 8:50 p.m. by Suns_Champion
Hello friends! As is my custom, I have collected my favorite works of art from the new set! With some difficulty I have limited it to 20, so if there are other arts from the other 230ish cards that you like, post them below!
Here are my favorites, in no particular order:
As a general rule, I mostly dislike planeswalker arts, but this one is a cut above the rest in detail and beauty. No one does magic twirly pieces of fabric like Magali Villeneuve.
Love the lighting and the buildings in the foreground. The far away look at it gives you a wide view and helps you understand the scope of what's happening. I’m also a total sucker for magic spheres of energy. They look awesome.
Not much to say besides this one is badass.
Lighting. Is. Everything. The art for Tibalt suggests something way, waaaay more terrifying than what the actual card is.
Oh Seb. Your style and beauty never cease to bring me joy.
Yes! More spheres of energy! Dynamic angles! Clouds and lightning!
I like the POV angle here, and the contrast of the Eternal against the sky.
Doggo! Wait, holy shit RUN
I like the tilted angle of the piece which allows you to follow the curve of the helixed lightning as it smashes into and through the ground.
Very imposing and cool style, love the lighting and shadows.
Wow this drake looks cool. Billowing clouds and lightning.
Blue brains spilling out of his head look cool, and I like the colors here. Yellow in the blue, red on the arm. Also, check out those skulls on the wall.
You all saw this coming. The prefect representation of Bolas, Dragon God.
That’s how I imagine one would look after getting unstuck from a wall and going on a murderous rampage.
Love the background work and contrast of the figure. The conflicting angles of the headdress, arm, railing, and building make for a very interesting piece.
Very cinematic moment here.
God knows I tried, but I just couldn’t deny Seb a second spot. He’s too good.
This one reminded me of the Notre Dame fire. Beautiful and tragic.
Hell yeah booooiiiis its a flying boros spaceships bursting through the clouds you better believe bolas is screwed!!! Boros! For the Legion! Boros! For the Legion!
So those are my favorite works of art from WAR. What are yours? Comment below!
JANKYARD_DOG says... #3
Fun fact: the Charmed Stray is a depiction of the artist's beloved cat who past.
April 28, 2019 10:48 p.m.
LordBlackblade says... #4
Seb McKinnon, nuff said! Funny story though, I didn’t realize I was drawn specifically to his art until I saw Deathsprout . Then I went through my collection and it turns out I’ve been a fan of his black cards for years, all the way back to Grim Return . Personally, I think this set has some of his best work.
April 28, 2019 11:04 p.m.
NeptunesTyrant says... #5
The New Augur of Bolas Art. Something about the way everything draws you into the central point of the Bolas Horns.
I also love the perspective on God-Eternal Rhonas .
As for Planeswalkers, it's Gotta be Tibalt, Rakish Instigator , because I've always felt Tibalt could be so much more than a Punchline.
April 29, 2019 2:46 p.m.
Flooremoji says... #6
NeptunesTyrant: At least he's the real deal in the storyline if not in paper :P
Ender666666 says... #2
April 28, 2019 8:53 p.m.