Best cards ever
General forum
Posted on Sept. 28, 2010, 10:24 p.m. by squire1
So my last article about the top ten counterspells was a fun experience. I was thinking about writing a top 10 cards of all time article.
I figured that many people would disagree with some of my picks though, so I decided to open it up as a forum. When I have enough responses I may turn it into an article of your votes.
Please include your votes for the best card of all time (lets actually make it the best non-power nine card of all time) to make it interesting. Also include your rational for the vote.
I will start my vote for one of the best cards is Chronatog . This card is efficient, innovative, and down right cool. I love everything that he allows me to do. I love that he makes a full lockdown of a game a bit closer to possible (my mission in life).
So let's hear what you guys think.
Isn't the top ten by definition the Power 9 +Force of Will ?
Other options: Morphling , Wrath of God , Fact or Fiction , Blightning etc?
September 28, 2010 10:46 p.m.
Justarsaus says... #4
my favorite is Sudden Spoiling its so hard to counter and almost always changes the game against creatures it gets rid of shroud flying every thing it makes me so happy :D
September 28, 2010 10:51 p.m.
keep them coming people,
by the way if you like mistergreen527's idea, click on the heart for his comment. I will keep track of how many people like that and will consider that as an option
September 28, 2010 11:06 p.m.
Justarsaus says... #6
well tioris he isnt asking for the most powerful he is asking for our favorites he kinda implied that by referencing Chronatog
September 28, 2010 11:23 p.m.
MasterFlinter says... #8
I don't think that the top 10 MTG cards of all time is synonymous with the Power 9. Most people would say the Will twins are the two best cards of all time, neither of which are part of the power 9.
September 29, 2010 12:39 a.m.
Well, he said the 'best' cards. Granted, I tldr'd and didn't see the non power nine. But still, he did say 'best', not 'personal favorite'.
My favorites: Wrath of God , card:Mirari's Wake, Fact or Fiction , Mutilate , card:Jester's Cap, Unmake , Path to Exile , Disenchant , Serra Angel , Basking Rootwalla . I just love those cards.
September 29, 2010 12:36 p.m.
See but some of these cards are exact equals with others if you look at the card by itself. For example while some people say they love Wrath of God , I would say I love Damnation . Damnation just has a much better flavor to it in my opinion, yet these cards are equals.
Here are some of my favorites: Ponder , Manamorphose (free draw a card PLUS mana converter! What's bad about this card? NOTHING!), Rune Snag , Retaliator Griffin , Word of Command , Unmake and Damnation .
September 29, 2010 3:13 p.m.
Winter Orb , for the sheer unpleasantness it causes. Chains of Mephistopheles , for the same reason. The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale . Nice creature control/land lockdown, for free. AEther Vial , Because it's undeniably brilliant. Propaganda (and its counterpart in white - Ghostly Prison ), cos I hate being hit in the face by big creatures. Armageddon , Wrath of God , and Damnation - board wipe = cool. Dueling Grounds = biggest creature wins. Isochron Scepter , because with the right spell, it'll reduce your opponent to an angry, angry wreck.
There are so many, I could go on....
September 29, 2010 6:05 p.m.
Oh, I know. Another great spell has to be Panoptic Mirror . I forgot to list this along with Isochron Scepter in my list of favorite cards.
My best deck is a deck based completely on Isochron Scepter , in 1v1 and 2v2 it is still undefeated. It is unimaginably amazing.
Panoptic Mirror is another one. It can go in almost any deck and still be amazing. It can be used for an infinite turns combo with Time Warp . It's great for burn decks using high costing burn spells as the imprint. It's great in creature decks using spells like Overwhelming Stampede as the imprint. The list goes on... I think Panoptic Mirror is so great for it's unlimited versatility.
September 29, 2010 7:41 p.m.
keep your favorite cards coming, and it looks like most people agree with mistergreen527s suggestion so the next article is in the works.
September 30, 2010 12:20 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #18
Lightning Bolt has to make the list... i also like Earthquake and Shivan Dragon great card mostly for historical reasons although it was still being printed as late as M10, the original dragon flying beats! Pretty much a game changer.
I also have to agree w/ some one above Path to Exile is a great card but lets not ignore swords-to-plow-shares where it all started... or heck even Oblivion Ring was really good.
September 30, 2010 3:36 p.m.
Wilshire3030 says... #19
Uktabi Orangutan + Uktabi Kong + Gorilla Titan
Casting cost, art work, text, abilities, flavor text...all in one neat package
September 30, 2010 6:56 p.m.
zerotimestatechamp says... #20
I like to ramp and I like to burn. I like to be either too quick or blatantly invulnerable to counters
October 1, 2010 2:14 a.m.
Perhaps it's outdated now, but I LOVED Energy Field back in the day. Of course, this is when it and Ertai, Wizard Adept were brand-new, so...
October 1, 2010 2:19 a.m.
The main thing, for my play group at the very least, is politics. Or, rather, at least trying our best at politics, and each of us has our own way of doing things.
I deal with things directly. Announcing to the group that I deem something a problem, and that I will handle that problem with whatever means I currently have (sometimes that means destroying literally everything in play). I make no barters, trades or deals. I make threats. You stay over there, and I wont hit you with everything I have.
My best friend plays it quiet until something directly affects his play, and then he reacts with a "You did this to yourself." He offers "trades" or "understandings" that if people in certain positions mind their own, he will not get involved (until he has to). [The two of us usually do the silent look to each other, squint eyes, then nod... thing.] My friend makes deals, but keeps them full of loopholes.
My girlfriend sits quietly with her control deck simply waiting and minding her own. People will bet her to save them, and she only ever does if they saved her first. She has a very "not my problem" approach, and, when left alone like that, usually wins. My girlfriend makes no deals, no threats, she reacts.
And there is another one of us, still, who's primary focus when it comes to EDH is, in fact, "the political nature" (as he calls it). This guy will debate and argue with people in the middle of spells/abilities resolving just to avoid using his resources. He tries to manipulate.
The latter of those "EDH Personalities" doesn't clash well with someone like myself who, when asked "Are you sure you want to do that?" responds with "Stop me and I hit you with the rest of my board." Or my best friend will respond with, "I have to, you made me." While my girlfriend will respond, "Yes, and you can't stop me."
Of course I also understand that my approach to things is harsh on new players so I always give them a pass, or two. Before retaliating. I do give a couple verbal warnings, though.
SO ANYWAY... this... word explosion was mostly to give you an example of our own group politics, and I was wondering how other's groups politics work, or if they even have any.
June 1, 2015 3:57 a.m.
DeathChant17 says... #23
Lol sounds like my group.
I play by going after whoever I deem the biggest threat at the moment. I don't care what you say or how you act, I do what I want.
Everyone else likes to sit back and build up, but that is boring to me.
June 1, 2015 4:13 a.m.
I've always been the type to sit back and do as I please. If people go after me or bother me about the style, I start getting aggressive. It's not that I run a lot of degenerate infinites (just one, actually, since it's a Stax deck) but that I don't like people interfering with my plan. My playgroup has gotten used to this.
June 1, 2015 6 a.m.
In my group I'm the "You can stop me.... if you can." type of player. I'm the guy in the group who laughs and has a good time with you until about 4 turns in when I take the game you know and love, flip it onto its own head from a board state of almost nothing. Using my Yisan, the Wanderer Bard build as an example, I typically have my general in play on turn 2. After that my First 2 tutors have everyone looking at me like "What does your deck even do....?" (Quirion Ranger, Scryb Ranger), then tutor number three throws the table for a loop when I grab Azusa, Lost but Seeking, if there isn't a board wipe by the time I untap I just go up to Seedborn Muse and Soul of New Phyrexia.
TLDR, I'm the quiet guy in the corner of the room that out of nowhere blows up and leaves the board in a state where my opponents can still cast stuff and do things but it will NEVER impact my board if I can help it. Why barter and bargain when you can just not need anyone's help?
June 1, 2015 6:28 a.m.
This sort of stuff really interests me, Psychology being my number 2 interest (no prizes for guessing the number 1 interest :P).
Having said that, never played EDH before, so it'll be nifty bit of learning to find out what other players are like.
June 1, 2015 7:30 a.m.
Our groups politics consists of me leading a collective charge against the red reanimator player. Then over running the board with goblins a turn later. I'm kinda the leading force in politics.
June 1, 2015 7:50 a.m.
I'm the guy who gets ganged up on until somebody else does something bad, everyone forgets about me and I just assemble a combo to win the game while no one's watching.
June 1, 2015 7:52 a.m.
I have a usual playgroup of 3. But can sometimes go to 5+ players depending on the month.
I am the kind of guy who will play differently depending on the decks in the game. Sometimes I'm making deals, other times I'm shouting and arm waving about the scary thing on the other side of the table or I'm silent, just watching the rest of the game unfold or descend into a state of total randomness (Thank you krenko deck). If I'm quiet its usually cos I'm thinking, and when i do that it usually means the game will be over soon.
Player number 2 is the loudest player in our group, is usually waving and shouting at something else but in a way that usually attracts more focus on him. He often talks to himself when drawing cards or trying to make a decision on what to play which again usually doesnt help his situation in most multiplayer games.
Player 3 will do whatever he feels is most appropriate for the good of the game. He will do what he thinks is right based on the information in front of him. Very rarely can you sway him in doing something different. This does mean that he can be easily manipulated with "apparent" board state.
Players 4 & 5 are brothers and play very similarly. Will often not say much, but will talk a bit about things when they aren't able to deal with them themselves. They usually apologies when destroying your stuff, but in a way that suggests its your fault for forcing them to do it.
June 1, 2015 8:14 a.m.
NoPantsParade says... #30
I just kind of sit there and do nothing, playing a couple spells here and there. I don't really say or do much until someone becomes a threat or if someone starts going for me.
In my typical group of 4 people, there's only one other person who listens to reason and understands threat assessment. Player 2 is that person.
Player 2 manipulates people, convincing them he's not a threat when player 3 tries blow something up. Then player 2 plays a threatening combo thing and we lose. Players 3 and 4 are the only ones who still haven't caught on.
Player 3 is terrible at threat assessment and just does as he pleases. He doesn't understand anything about how politics works. Normally he just goes after player 4 every game.
Player 4 does whatever he wants, but he is very easy to manipulate in EDH, allowing you to turn the game into your favor.
Outside of our typical group and at the LGS, we all just sit there and do our own thing. Except when I bust out my stupid Kruphix glass cannon combo deck, players 3 and 4 make a big deal out of it, making it seem like I'm a threat. It's the jankiest combo group hug deck filled with cards I like.
June 1, 2015 8:34 a.m.
I have a casual EDH group of 3. I only play mono-colored and just like in Age of Empires 2, I build up my defenses fast and hope I can hold on long enough to smash face when I'm ready. If one opponent is doing better than the other then I focus on that player to bring em to the same level. So if I get knocked out of the game it won't be an utter blood bath after that.
One friend just sits around trying to exert control by use of auras and instants but only plays spells when he's forced to. He slows the game to a crawl and only wins when he can combo for a bunch of damage or when he's shut down the other players from making any moves whatsoever. He's not fun to play against because of that, but he's also not difficult to beat and the politics involved usually just consist of trying not to discourage him from wanting to play again so I try to make him win when I feel he needs it.
The other friend loves playing hard to get rid of creatures, big threats, and white control spells so she's much more dynamic and more fun to play against. I build more consistent decks than her, but her's can get scary quick so I just have to stay on her good side by not overly attacking her.
June 1, 2015 9 a.m.
I'm the scheming guy who plays mostly at instant speed and only when he has to. My friends have sometimes refereed to me as Nixon.
June 1, 2015 9:13 a.m.
insertcleverid says... #33
I always like to think I'm cold war Soviet Union but I usually turn out to be accidentally North Korea.
June 1, 2015 9:19 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #34
I tend to be targeted by the guy playing a weenie aggro deck, as he generally views me as a significant threat (Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund doesn't help lol). My friend that plays Zombies can get his board state out of control quickly, and is generally a larger threat. Trying to convince the weenie aggro player of this is difficult, but then I play a sweeper, so all is fair. The Zombie player sits back and enjoys the show, building his board up. Lastly is our newer player, who borrows one of my decks. Last game was Zedruu the Greathearted. He kicks back and takes some convincing to counter or remove stuff, but has the potential to come out of nowhere with a win.
I'll off everyone given the chance to bust out Hellkite Charger and Bear Umbra, but generally won't be the aggressor unless antagonized or I see a threatening board state.
June 1, 2015 9:41 a.m.
@insertcleverid That's funny. You must run a Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts deck.
June 1, 2015 9:50 a.m.
insertcleverid says... #36
slemulv, you must be 95% psychic, I do run Teysa, Orzhov Scion!
June 1, 2015 9:57 a.m.
I play in different playgroups (approx. 15 players in total). One is more casual than the other one. When playing more casual I often hold back a combo or keep it in hand to not combo off too fast. I also do not want to kick someone out of the game too early (games tend to go they had to watch quite a long time which I consider unfun). Nonetheless there are usually two guys that need a lot of pressure, although they always start complaining about it they win 70% of the games, because their decks go absolutely crazy in the late game and they are super resilient to boardwhipes and removal...So to not target just a single person I began with stuff like Ankh of Mishra, Manabarbs, Ward of Bones to fight the whole table...Now it is often my deck against three other players (even if one guy is going to ultimate his planeswalker and I am left with 15 life).With the more competitive playgroup I do everything I want (so do the others) and I think it is a little more challenging. This is also the playgroup where I use most of my decks. The decks tend to be cruel with a lot of blue-hate cards and stax elements (don't want my cards to be countered) that's why I suppose they are a big threat to so many players in my playgroup (In my opinion they are absolutely fair).
June 1, 2015 11:44 a.m.
This is kind of why I hate EDH. It encourages so many armchair psychologists who have no idea what they're actually talking about. Sure, understanding how people approach the game is great and all, but you're not going to have much luck extrapolating that into more useful information.
June 1, 2015 1:06 p.m.
That's exactly what I'm saying. It IS just a game. You've hit on my point precisely. It's not a solution to life in general. It's not a NATO treaty negotiation. It's a game. It's almost completely meaningless.
June 1, 2015 3:01 p.m.
I think its more people are way over analyzing their actions and the actions of others. Not everyone has some deep ulterior motive or personality that defines how they play. Human psychology is a very complicated thing that I highly doubt can be accurately evaluated by a game of EDH. People could just be acting a certain way because of how they feel at that moment. I know for me personally, when the game is just kinda going nowhere or nothing much is happening, I get hasty and make plays that aren't as good as they could be purely to end my turn faster and get on with it. There's no deep psychological reason, I just want the game to progress.
June 1, 2015 3:29 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #42
I will read all the responses in a bit, but this has been asked quite often, and it is tough to comment on who you are as a player. Many times it can be seen differently from others.
I like to play on an even playing field. I don't like to play against decks that are 2 or 3 times the value of my deck. I really like winning, I am very competitive, but I want everyone to have fun.
I assess the table to determine where my threats are going to be. I am pretty good at that, but the one who is the biggest threat is normally the one that has the hottest head. So dealing with it can cause some issues.
I think I play a little more political then I want to. I think most people enjoy playing against me, but there are a couple who I know do not.
June 1, 2015 4:54 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #43
So, reality tv show featuring EDH games. People do challenges for cards. Each episode shows an expedited game at the end.
Viewers vote who stays, and who goes. They can also dress one player how they want each week.
Grand prize, Black Lotus.
I need a nap.
June 1, 2015 5:33 p.m.
fadelightningmm says... #44
Who I am as a player depends on the deck I'm playing/who I'm playing/when I'm playing. To answer this I suppose I will use Predatory Instinct as my benchmark since it is my favorite deck to play and my most competitive deck. In this deck I prefer to work independent of the others. If a threat is high enough I may put my plans on hold to blow up their spot though. My main goal is to have a large enough board state to wipe everyone out in a single turn. If that can't be achieved then if I'm playing casually (with my friends) I will target the deck I know does things I don't like and has a high win loss ratio
June 1, 2015 10:10 p.m.
freakman13 says... #45
The demons attack whoever smells like blood. The angels get rid of threats.
June 2, 2015 4:37 a.m.
PhoenixShaman says... #46
I am the necessary evil that keeps the game going and prevents it from getting dull.
mistergreen527 says... #2
I loved your counterspell article as well. I actually think instead of doing a "top ten of all time," you should continue with the theme and do several articles in this format. Just choose any card archetype and run with it. For example:
Top ten creature removal
Top ten burn
Top ten land search
Top ten bounce
Top ten defensive creatures
Top ten 'lord' creatures
The list could go on and on. Plus, they all have roots in Alpha, so you could do the history, along with the stats (which I loved), for each of these archetypes.
Just saying, I'd like to see this type of article turned into a series. :)
September 28, 2010 10:34 p.m.