But... I think it's cool...
General forum
Posted on Dec. 14, 2017, 10:27 p.m. by Icbrgr
So I have a personal infatuation with Kaldra-tron (Sword of Kaldra + Shield of Kaldra + Helm of Kaldra)... I admit that they are not exactly competitive cards... But wow.... It doesn't matter what format I play whether it's a Modern Puresteel Paladin brew or a laid back Voltron EDH brew... I've never seen cards get the combination of attention and hate as those cards.
What are some Infamous cards that you guys like to build around or use that your friends or tappedout shuns you for?
Tyrant-Thanatos says... #4
Basically what turned me off from Combo decks was playing them. When I was younger and newer to the game there was something I found entertaining about putting together any form of instant-win combo. These days I honestly hate playing combo because I find it boring. You assemble the pieces and the game ends. woo.
No offense to anyone who enjoys combo, just not my cup of tea anymore.
I had a particularly stupid kitchen table combo that bewildered my friends back in the day. Barren Glory + Oblivion Ring + Apocalypse. Play Barren Glory, O-ring it, play Apocalypse. It wipes the whole board, O-ring returns Barren Glory to the field, and on your next upkeep you win. Your opponents get a whole round to sort something out but... all their permanents just got exiled, lands and all. Nobody at the table had Erase that day.
December 15, 2017 4:05 p.m. Edited.
I feel exactly the same about combo... I had a brief phase of combo and then just felt like might as well just play with myself... Same goes for a good mill deck... Just overall not interactive enough
December 15, 2017 7:27 p.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #6
Radiate and Eternal Dominion is my favourite combo....which is why my Chaos deck draws a lot of hate :D
greyninja says... #2
Palinchron and Deadeye Navigator lmao
December 15, 2017 2:34 a.m.