buying proxies?
General forum
Posted on June 17, 2016, 10:02 p.m. by ExpectDragons
Spent an awful lot of time building a 720 powered cube list last year and after trading/buying into about 500 cards or so i proxied up the rest myself and sleeved it. Unfortunately right around the time i finished it my local play group disbanded as people began to move away for college & work etc. So after six months i only managed two three player sealed, very disappointing. Now one thing i'm certainly not is a collector, i don't like having value sitting around doing nothing while i'm trying to put decks together, just not something i can justify. I'd rather keep my money/investment in something i'm going to use regularly and the list was going to take a about a fifteen hundred pounds to finish without touching the power nine, perhaps more. So i took it apart and finished up a modern & EDH deck from what i could trade away with a few bits still left in my binder. Happy with the decision at the time as i at least built decks i got allot of use out of, but still a shame after all that time and effort.
Fast forward a year i'm in a much larger play group in a nearby city and able to play each week unlike before. I'd like to put a cube back together again however i come back to the same problem, I can't afford to build the list i worked on. As mentioned it would take thousands of pounds to complete something i can't even come close justifying. So instead i've been working on budget ideas, maybe pauper, peasant, maybe budget rare's? Or how about i just use my powered list and proxy what i need?
If i'm going to do that i don't want proxies printed on paper and glued to a card like i did before, too janky and makes the cards quite thick so easy enough to tell if you're holding one. So instead I've been mulling over buying well made proxies but i wouldn't know who to approach and it's kinda shady. As it's for a complete casual format i don't see a problem with it, neither do wizards but i want to make sure it's somewhere trust worthy and of decent enough quality.
Just wondering if anyone has experience with kind of thing and could direct me towards the right place? Perhaps some vintage players who had some made? The alternative would be to try make them myself, i have a colour printer that's reasonable and have seen videos that make them but doubt i'd do a good job.
Link to sun porch? I've been trying to google it but I keep getting actual sun porches...
June 17, 2016 10:38 p.m.
like i said, its a shop on etsy. Very nice people, too.
EDIT: holy shit, for once they're actually out of proxies 0_o i'm sure they'll have them eventually, but damn! that sale went WELL!
June 17, 2016 10:45 p.m. Edited.
ExpectDragons says... #5
are they printing onto actual magic cards or making their own?
June 18, 2016 6:32 a.m.
theanimetrix says... #6
I have just started working on proxies myself and do not find it to difficult to make something half decent. I spend most of my time working on the custom art to distinguish the proxies from the real.Though making a large number of proxies could prove to be timely.
June 18, 2016 9:50 a.m.
@Phoenix-2063 they're making their own blue-core proxies that can be noticed as fake when looked at closely, but when in a sleeve you can't tell the difference.
Go look on Etsy.
my personal favourite place to buy from is called the sun porch, just make sure you select their new and improved proxies, as they're a lot nicer.
June 17, 2016 10:22 p.m.