C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!
General forum
Posted on Nov. 7, 2019, 12:09 p.m. by Wolfpig
Hey dudes and dudettes, something was weighing on my mind today and I wanted to ask you all a question. Remember the first time you saw a card and immediately though of its 100% synergy mate, I mean the card that broke the game for you and everyone else just kind of shrugged it off?
I felt this way when I saw Duskmantle Guildmage and I knew Mindcrank was going to get banned. Not that it did, I am just saying in my mind I saw something no one else at my table did.
I immediately started talking about how good the card was, and every one of them were just sort of, Meh. Not that it turned into a stable combo, or that its heavily used, but it's a combo that has won House Dimir its fair share of games I am sure. It just made me 100% aware that speculation can drive card prices because speculation leads to desire
This changed me a bit although for better or worse I do not know. I do know that now when I look at cards I tend to hold off judgement till I have had time to comb the database and check for synergies. I then bought a play set of Surgical Extraction promos for $12 collectively at my local card shop, at $3 a piece (This was about 2009-2010). I just thought, Man; people are going to be playing these in every deck someday. Boy, I am happy about that decision right now.
My questions to you fine people, are these.
What card did you first see and say "Omg, That Combo!" and genuinely felt like you were the first person on earth to realize it. The card that made you rush home to slap together a deck, and take credit at the table for its conceptualization.
What card did you "See Coming" when it came to Modern and Legacy demand, the one you went ahead and stocked up on and ended up being totally right.
No ramble at all sir, that's the purpose of this thread. To share synergy combos and experiences that other players might not be aware of. You're sharing your intellect, so there is nothing to be afraid of here!
This is a story tellers thread for sure so feel free to fill it with whatever ideas your comfortable sharing.
November 7, 2019 2:46 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi You might have just inspired my next budget deck tech
November 7, 2019 2:48 p.m.
Deflection + Demonic Consultation , Yes the combo doesn't work but that didn't stop me from building the deck and having a ton of fun milling my opponents out before I learned that I could not.
Many years latter Magistrate's Scepter (when I opened it Mercadian Masques I just loved it but had no real way to make it work) and then Contagion Engine was printed and I had found it's home. Slow, bad, but so much fun.
November 7, 2019 3:44 p.m.
I loves Mag's Scepter, when I first saw it my Coretapper 's got frisky!
November 7, 2019 3:47 p.m.
The first card I really remember seeing for the first time and thought to myself "this seems broken" was probably Memory Jar. As soon as I read it I assumed it would get banned from various formats and this proved correct.
When it comes to speculative acquisitions the card I most remember picking up a huge number of copies of before prices could skyrocket was Chrome Mox. It was very clearly going to be super powerful, as an artifact would be universal in color wheel applications, and as a rare from that block (as compared to things like Skullclamp) would accrue a higher monetary value than less rare but equally broken cards. I think we managed to grab up 50 copies of Chrome Mox in a month and a half. This worked out very well down the line.
November 7, 2019 3:55 p.m.
More recent and just a fun interaction but I built a Jund Elves deck specifically to include the synergy between Poison-Tip Archer and Find / Finality . Nothing like wiping a board of small creatures and pinging your opponent for each little dead guy.
November 7, 2019 4:37 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #9
Wolfpig: Awesome. Would you mind linking me somewhere on the deckdech so I get to see it?
November 8, 2019 12:58 a.m.
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma + Myr Superion . A free 5/6 that becomes a 6/7 with trample on attack, yes please!
Made Goreclaw Superion immediately.
The other one was Delay + Wasteland Strangler which resulted in ProcEspers.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #2
That definitely has to be Hellkite Charger + Bear Umbra . I ordered them and built a 60 card casual naya midrange combo bullshit pile that I basically never got to run. But that combo still is pretty awesome...
...this would actually be a good reason to play a Grand Warlord Radha commander...
November 7, 2019 2:45 p.m.