Can't see foiling on double sleeved cards!?!?
General forum
Posted on July 17, 2022, 11:38 a.m. by Sumerian_robot
Hey guys and gals,
I need help or advices on this. I have a lot of foil cards and I usually double sleeve my decks (except in commander for obvious reasons). The thing is that I can't really see the "foil" on most of my double sleeved cards. I know this is some huge first world problem, but anybody got suggestions? Is double-sleeving really needed to really protect your cards? Is there other to do it? Special sleeves? Etc.
As DoomNoodle said, it depends on the kinds of sleeves you use. I know there are sleeves out there that feature kind of like a smoke-esque finish instead of a clear one, and that can really help kill foils' luster. Personally, I use KMC Perfect Fit inner sleeves plus DragonShield Matte outer sleeves and have never really had a problem outside of Born of the Gods foils because they suck.
As for your question on if double-sleeving is truly necessary, I think that depends on how much your deck is. Is the total cost of your deck $50~$100? Maybe you could get away with not double-sleeving. Is the total cost of your deck $2000~$3000? Then I'd double-sleeve. Personally, I double-sleeve everything except proxies. The decks are huge, but I think it's 100% worth it.
July 18, 2022 8:42 a.m.
Sumerian_robot says... #4
All right! Thanks for the answers. I use Dragon Shield Matte. I think the only way is to keep my sleeves clean. I usually whipe them a bit to remove the kind of sticky dust that stays on it. I think I'm gonna keep them single sleeved since my deck is not worth more than may be 500$. Individuals cards aren't that expensives, honnestly.
DoomNoodle says... #2
The inner sleeves shouldn't matter but dragon shield mattes show the card a lot more than ultra pro from my experience. If you are already using dragon shield than I don't know.
July 17, 2022 9:22 p.m.