Card with most text ever?
General forum
Posted on Sept. 1, 2017, 10:21 p.m. by Game_of_Cones
Not counting Unglued or Unhinged cards, does anybody know the maximum words that have ever been printed on a single Magic card??The original Marton Stromgald definitely needed a very small type font to fit in all his excessive writing....
Well Dance of the Dead could be unless you count Garruk Relentless, which technically has more words on that card...
September 1, 2017 11:08 p.m.
inswwwa512 says... #7
while not really the longest,(less then 50 words) if you read it slowly or more then once per turn, it is....annoying. I mean the word doom appears on it 7 times. so much fun!
I read it as slow as I can.
February 16, 2024 11:52 p.m.
sergiodelrio says... #8
Edit: also, good job resurrecting a 7 yr old thread xD
Redace878 says... #2
Chains of Mephistopheles?
September 1, 2017 10:23 p.m.