Cards to make DND icon with
General forum
Posted on Aug. 30, 2019, 7:58 p.m. by Joe_Ken_
So recently on YouTube and just going around people have found a good way to make DND minis for cheap by taking a 1.5 inch hole punch and using it on magic card art and then placing it on a small wooden disk with glue. Obviously I don’t plan to punch anything that could be considered valuable, but I have noticed cards in my possession that are just bulk commons.
So cards like Tavern Swindler , Dwarven Lightsmith , Fan Favorite , Shambling Ghoul , and other couple cent cards.
If there are any mtg card art people who know some good art on commons and such I may make an order to just buy a bunch of those to make plenty of discs for minis.
Seems you could probably do the same thing with a piece of paper, a printer, and a home laminator, which can be purchased at Target/Walmart/Amazon for like 15 bucks. In the long run, that would probably be much, much cheaper than buying the cards once you factor in shipping, and would allow you to quickly print off what you might need for that day’s encounter.
That said, Scryfall would probably be the best way to find what you want. You could search for a creature subtype then set the price as less than 5 cents. That will give you a plethora of options to use for your tokens.
August 30, 2019 9:58 p.m.
sergiodelrio says... #4
I think your best bet is to check out this Scryfall search containing common and uncommon humans with the modern border sorted by price and when you're done with humans, just replace it sth you're looking for.
Joe_Ken_ says... #2
TypicalTimmy was thinking more like cards that would be for regular sized characters like zombies, player models, and such since they are only cut out in those sizes for the discs.
August 30, 2019 9:18 p.m.