Community Set: Set Ideas
General forum
Posted on May 10, 2010, 7:14 p.m. by TAMA
Ok because the communication betwinxt darkness and I has fallen rather Ill of late, I thought I should invite the rest of tapped into the inner workings.
Rules: Remember this is a community created set so it is not up to me or darkness to have the last word, it is up to you. Everything needs to be put past you guys.
So here are some discussion points to get you guys started.
As darkness was waiting for me to spell it out, but jumped the gun on the article post, here is the general idea. We will be following the wedge world aka Negashard idea, whilst intergrating all the other ideas into this world. We will have some Eldrazi theme, sneaky combat tricks (Kilgar), infection and zombie theme (Avora wedge). We are combining all the elements of the set ideas into the overall wedge world as it was the most popular.
What do you guys think of having Marit Lage in the set (I know that it needs an edit) and what do you suggest its stats be.
BTW isn't even this jumping the gun a bit. We really should have a solid story first. What factions exist? How to they interact, if at all? What types of creatures live on this plane? what plane are we on? None of this was ever solidified.
May 10, 2010 7:52 p.m.
okkay with the abilities we kinda have, and still following the set ideas here are some ideas i have for what each shard would represent.
WBR:A society where Goblins are in an Aristocratic society. ( i think someone else proposed this and i thought it was really funny, There is also some smart social commentary that could be done here.)(the color scheme fits here also seeing that white is the color of order, while red/black often belongs to goblins and chaos. COuld be very funny.)
UGB: OKay i dont want to do this but i love zombie genre to much, to not do it haha. UGB is a source of an infection (lets make if more of a flood from halo thing though instead of just full on zombie) For millennia The infection has threatened to infect all the other NEGA-Shards though due to the machinations of the RUW plane it luckily has yet to escaped. Wither and Infection would be the two main keywords. (also deathtouch, and lifelink) (Also a good place for all the ooze talk)
RUW: A human samurai populated shard, Charged with the prevention of the spreading INfection. This shard is battle torn and Proud. This would be the home of the keywords, Clamp, and revenge, possibly precision and prevention. Clamp makes sense seeing how strong it is against infection and wither, BGU biggest weapons.
RGU: Actually thinking about it the snake class should fit into here. so here you go: The snake warriors, are crafty, and fast. Using their spread and trickery they swarm the battlefield when you least expect it. The key words here would be Flow, Poison, and convoke. (flow being the fact taht both snakes are known for their trappy/sneakiness, and there relation to card draw. Poison is obvious, and convoke due to snakes tokkenynes. Also i figured GB is always the snakes colors, and Red Belongs to the warrior. Possible plot line would be at war with the Goblin aristocracy.
WGB: Im not sure on this one, though i have the idea of an evil elf Society that uses both bloodletting/cleave, and render to do its dirty work. Possibly and elf tribe that fought of early infection from the plague but was forever mutated by its early effect on there society, causing them to use life draining abilities to keep them alive.
Please any comments dislikes or like are appreciated. Allot of hte ideas i got from the idea challenge and just put them together. i Think each plot line fits the color sceams of teh shards also.
May 11, 2010 11:52 a.m.
Let's start from the ground up here, literally: we need to figure out what plane we're on and how it relates to the others (if it does at all). Here's an idea:
Perrax, Plane of Outcasts
Situated "near" Dominaria in the multiverse, Perrax has felt the shock waves of the cataclysmic wars taking place only a few planesteps away for millenia. Once a plane inhabited only by animal and elemental forces, various magical accidents (including planeswalkers, who are magical accidents in sentient form) have dropped off a great deal of sentient life onto the plane over the years. As a result, societies of varying ages and powers have evolved, often out of strange alliances of necessity.
May 11, 2010 12:08 p.m.
I'd say put revenge in the WBR goblin society, it fits goblin style anyways. and that way the samurai arent to crazy good. Maybe give em some controland make their society very militant and controlling.
just a review for my own sake
RGB: Snake Warriors-convoke, Flow, Poison. Card draw manipulation, and token creation. possibly a good place for the keyword flash and traps also.
WBR:Goblin Arristocrats-Revenge being a key word. would also see removal ad burn. working together somehow.
UGB:The Plague-Infection, Wither, (maybe deathtouch and lifelink)-an infection horde also probably the control class.
RUW:HUman Samurai-Clamp, Prevention, and precision. (also probably first strike) The human soldier class.
BGW:Elf Rogues/shamans-Bloodletting/cleave, Render-due to an early interaction with the plague, they have been twisted into a class of life force manipulating shamans, and dark infused rogues.
Laslty i dont know if we should start over with new ideas, Yes its pretty convoluted, but starting over sounds like a step in the wrong direction. We have allot of material we just need to put it all together in a way that makes sense. and is balanced.
May 11, 2010 12:35 p.m.
mistergreen527 says... #8
Here's some back story that some muse popped into my head:
Last seen planeswalking away from Bant as it was being invaded by the inhabitants of Grixis and being integrated into Alara, Elspeth, Knight-Errant has spent the last several years in search of a plane that could fill the same joy in her heart that Bant once did. Alas, no such plane has been found. However, in her travels, she has heard rumors of how Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker was responsible for the conflux of the five subplanes of Alara and that it was somehow connected to the Maelstrom Nexus . So, Elspeth returns to Alara and seeks out the nexus. She activates something within it in hopes of restoring Bant. However, something goes awry. Five planes emerge from Alara, but they are completely different from Bant, Esper, Grixis, Jund, and Naya. The Negashards are born.
I think by placing our block on Alara, it will give us a good mix of structure and creative reign. The sets could be called Alara Retorn, Convulse (closest word I could find that is the opposite of Conflux, while having the same prefix), and The Negashards. Each set would be placed decades, maybe centuries, after each other so that we could show an evolution that results in Avora, Irindu, Kilgar, Oturu, and Sorok. As long as we have a big picture like this, we could even build the The Negashards first and work our way backwards, doing Alara Retorn last. Whatever people want to do.
I completely agree with Xander574 about using the skeleton presented by Mark Rosewater. I'm an avid reader of his and I definitely think that's the way to go.
That's just some ideas and opinions.
I've actually been wanting to be a big part of this project. I sent KrazyCaley an email a while back asking if I could help with it and never got a response. Next thing I know, Darkness1835 was posting articles about it. To be honest, I felt a little snubbed, which is why I was sitting idle until now. TAMA and Darkness1835, if you're wanting more help with leading this massive project, let me know. I have a lot of ideas that I think could work. Can I get both of your emails? Otherwise, I sent you both friend requests on Facebook.
May 11, 2010 6:04 p.m.
MEE TOO i have way to much free time and this would be a great way to get rid of it. plus (im going to school for game design and this would be a great test of skills)(also i would feel less ridiculous posting so much...)(email=is on my page)
May 11, 2010 6:47 p.m.
Darkness1835 says... #10
I doubt I have very much control over this project, as I've been "exiled" by Tama and yeago.
May 11, 2010 8:39 p.m.
You haven't been exiled. The format we set up wasn't working and nobody could agree on anything. Also, the dev process was making people (aka mistergreen) feel "snubbed".
Now, it all happens here and everyone gets to chime in. We'll talk about roles again later.
May 11, 2010 10:12 p.m.
zerotimestatechamp says... #12
Here is some free form about the Goblin Aristocrats that might work. They live in a valley between two mountains. The royal family and their servants live in a sprawling mansion at the center of town surrounded by a wall (foolish bodyguards, terrible cooks, filthy janitors). Outside, Aristocrats squabble about fashion, marriage, and moss (creatures like 1/2 or 1/3 with quirky abilities). around the edges of civilization, and at the base of the mountains groups of roughly 6 goblins rove about raiding unsuspecting travelers (maybe synergy with goblins like "when this creature comes into play target goblin gets +X/+0 until end of turn where X is the number of goblins in play). In one mountain a race of eviler, viler goblins live beneath the surface. Many think of them merely as myth and sighting are rare. However they are much more deadly and sneaky than other goblins (thinking deathtouch a little). The main population consists of peasants that farm varieties of peppers, moss, potatoes, carrots, ginger, onion (thinking root vegetables). They could be one drops with strange and sometimes destructive mana abilities.
May 11, 2010 10:19 p.m.
RBW is a better wedge for samurai that way we don't divert from prior set staples. Also the Goblin aristrocracy seems better in RUW it also fits the pre-empted ambush theme.
May 12, 2010 6:40 a.m.
Setting the Scene:
Far across the Multiverse on the opposite edge to Alara the plane of (yet to be named) is tearing apart. The five wedges represent the five antishards or Negashards. The cosmic balance must be upheld and when Nicol Bolas reformed Alara he destroyed (yet to be named). Perhaps that is why he reformed Alara in order to destroy this plane because he dared not travel to that plane in person for he knew what had resurfaced there (Marit Lage).
The five wedges are as follows
The Madlands of Sorok are home to Fallen Angels, Repentant Fiends and everything in between. There is no good or evil just a thick reddy grey fog that lies over the entire madlands. Samurai wander the lands questioning the meaning of honour as every pure intention seems tainted by the sheer landscape.
The Peaceful domains of Kilgar are predominantly home to the ever expanding goblin cities of (insert name). On the out skirts are remnant Minotaur tribes and Griffin outposts that are an everpresent threat to the law and order of the goblin civilisations.
Deep in the depths of the Irindu wilderness sleeps a dormant evil of unknown power it is held bound by the power of the sluice mages. Sluice magic flows over the entirety of Irindu keeping the chaotic landscape in check. The landscape changes constantly some say it is to keep the unknown power at bay others claim it is a hazardous side effect of sluice magic, but whatever it is it keeps the residents of Irindu on their toes.
The Jungle bogs of Avora are far more vicious than meets the casual eye. Every insect and reptile is deadly in its own way, but they pale in comparison to the plague that is sweeping over Avora infecting all in its path. Something is causing all plague victims to raise as zombies causing the already hazardous Avora to become an unparalleled hell hole... although it is very pretty.
In the Fields, meadows, groves and marshes of Oturu there is a constant unrest as the shaman tribes are preparing for an uprising. Whilst the Thicketblend council try and maintain order between the new, young reckless necromantic Tarani Tribe and the older traditional conservative Gladeparter tribe.
What do people think of that?
May 12, 2010 7:41 a.m.
what is sluice?
also an idea for marit lage since the dark depths huge beasty was an avatar of his. I'd can see him as a planeswalker. where at least one of his abilities is target permentant loses all counters on it. 1) planeswalker killer which could be crazy, 2)would kick off dark depths (which we could make a reprint) 3) would go with the counter theme that seems to be evolving.
May 12, 2010 12:41 p.m.
zerotimestatechamp says... #16
Sluice sounds like a copy of the story about Yawgmoth infecting the elves... Unknown is being tossed around too much. When creating a story the writer SHOULD KNOW but not disclose to the reader. Nonetheless, the facts that aren't disclosed have measurable effects on other aspects of the story.
May 12, 2010 4:33 p.m.
It leaves it open for others to have input. I used to write for D&D 3.5 and you had to leave things open ended.
May 13, 2010 6:20 a.m.
I am looking for a few foil commons and uncommons. I want to work on foiling out a deck. Look at my binder, they are all listed there. I will trade anything in my binder for them. Thanks!
squire1 says... #2
I think Marit Lage is a great idea. I think that we should consider her being an Eldrazi. It travels between planes and is not a planewalker. Hatred of color magic (at least red and blue) according to past cards. Huge with tentacles. Not killed but imprisoned. Sounds eldrazi to me.
May 10, 2010 7:40 p.m.