[Community Discussion]: What piques your interest in a set?
General forum
Posted on July 20, 2016, 9:07 a.m. by Epochalyptik
Haven't done a Community Discussion in a while.
With the change to an all-block release schedule (as opposed to the block and core set mix we've had forever), and the increase in the number of different blocks (each block only uses two sets instead of three), there's some talk about what opportunities WOTC has to draw players in and get them engaged with the game.
What gets you interested in a new block or set?
- Is it seeing new characters? The return of development of old characters?
- Is it the flavor of the set or block? Do you like seeing new themes or reinventions of classic ideas?
- Is it new cards? Do you like seeing powerful or unique cards that help reshape formats?
- Is it new mechanics? What makes a mechanic interesting to you?
- Is it the lore? What kinds of stories fascinate you?
Do you have any examples of sets or blocks that did things well? Not so well? Share your thoughts below!
The thing that interests me the most is Diversity in the sense that alot of different archtypes or tribals will be around the same level of power, like selfless soul for example a good spirit but instead of being a good card that the spirits have in their arsenal its something Thats taken by all white decks which could have been avoided if selfless gave indestructible to spirits only.Essentially more strictly tribal support
July 30, 2016 9:59 p.m.
izzetkid987 says... #3
All of the the above.I have pretty low standards for blocks so most of what wotc puts out is enough to impress me. People should realize just how hard it must be for wotc having to literally please everyone in a fanbase as diverse as mtg's. I like reprints and returning mechanics/planes especially if new things are done with them. I actually was fine with two return blocks with eldrazi theme because that would be about the same as one three set return block featuring the eldrazi with core set seeding. Besides, they only had two returns in a row because we had two new planes in a row and I think people are overreacting when they bemoan mtg going stale. The only sets that were disappointing for me in recent memory were bfz block and parts of theros block (inspired and its enablers, strive, and some of the flavour for the later sets were eh for me.)
July 31, 2016 2:18 p.m.
im all about the tribes, well angels more importantly, although the lore is also nice if it involves characters i like.
August 1, 2016 10:11 p.m.
If it's not a return set, chances are higher for me to like it.
Argy says... #1
It's a mix of things for me.
I'll use Dragons of Tarkir as my primary example, as that has been my favourite set thus far.
Anything featuring Dragons, Thopters, Minotaurs, or Allies and I'm all over it. Probably why I loved DTK so much. I loved Origins because part of it centred around Chandra.
DTK was so clear in linking its mechanics to colours. The Intro packs were fun to play against each other as you could easily pick up the themes and master them.
The three mechanics that particularly caught my attention over the past couple of years were Dash, Renown, and Convoke. The mechanics don't need to be new, they just have to get me thinking about different ways of brewing Standard.
As soon as I saw Declaration in Stone I knew I would be playing White in SOI. (I've probably used the wrong phrase to describe this, but I think you can work out what I mean.)
When I saw Stitcher's Graft I knew I had to build a deck for my partner that included that, Sylvan Advocate, and Archangel Avacyn Flip.
July 29, 2016 9:53 a.m.