Countering Breya, Etherium Shaper?
General forum
Posted on Sept. 23, 2017, 10:42 a.m. by pupriley
My room mate mostly plays his prized Breya, Etherium Shaper commander deck, and I hate that deck sooo much.. He honestly put so much work into it that it runs like clockwork! I am not upset at that fact, I love a well made deck, but the issue that I am running into is Breya's "sack two artifacts and give target creature -4/-4", even more so when he has at least 20! Thopters on the field at any time, willing to be sacrificed to the almighty Goddess Breya.
This proves an issue because my commanders are normally less than 4 in toughness and he just pops them off the field before the card can even touch the playmate!
If anyone has any ideas, recommendations, or previous experience with her would you please be so kind as to let me know (Before I burn his copy and every copy that has ever been, and will be, made!!)
Oh almost forgot to add. I am currently running a red/blue deck and a white/green deck (In the works).
KingMathoro says... #3
So you're running the The Locust God for your R/U deck. Whose in charge of the G/W deck?
Because currently your main ways of dealing with her with the R/U are probably going to be things like Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, Null Rod, Damping Matrix, Cursed Totem, Pithing Needle, Encrust and also save all the counterspells in the world for Breya. Just keep her off the field. Yes I know the Totem and Matrix mess with you too but you really just want his trigger. Not his ability per se. Once I know what you're wanting to do with the G/W deck then I give you some more options. Because I don't want to recommend a card recklessly without seeing what the deck is supposed to be doing.
September 23, 2017 11:21 a.m.
The G/W deck is still kind of in the works but I was thinking Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist as a commander. The deck will most likely be equipment heavy, that or tokens, with mainly felines as the creature type. I'm going for more of a field control feel for this deck.
I'm not that scared of The Locust God being popped off the field since I don't have to pay the extra cost to recast him. Mirri on the other hand will be in trouble if left alone.
Judging by the cards you listed, it seems that any ole equipment with hexproof or shroud will do the trick though :)
September 23, 2017 12:14 p.m.
KingMathoro says... #5
Yeah I would say for the most part that's true. That and spot removal are what you need. Which white and green have a lot of. Green has the artifact removal and white certainly has the creature removal. So yeah, you'll be gouda. :D
Gleeock says... #2
Hexproof commander - Animar, Lazav, etc.... OR aggro commander, Mono red Grenzo has actually worked for me before... Those cards can all be good OUTSIDE of a ONLY poop on Breya meta. I'm assuming that is the goal: to make a deck that is fun outside of the poop on Breya meta as well.
Also, white/green I've made Sisay decks that are pretty heavy on the redundant hexproof theme available to in those colors, Linvala, Keeper of Silence is included, that shuts down Breya hard & combos with anything that turns the boards lands into creatures.
September 23, 2017 11:01 a.m.