DCI Numbers
General forum
Posted on Aug. 16, 2016, 12:44 p.m. by Wabbbit
Around the release of Avacyn Restored I got my first DCI number. At that point they were still giving out real physical paper DCI numbers, which is what I have now. From my understanding they've moved it all to digital DCI numbers now. Just recently I decided to try to get to my Wizards account since I've been going to tournaments more of late, but I can't seem to be able to use my DCI number with my activation code and be able to login, it always says they're incorrect. But I have the paper card literally right in front of me as I'm putting in the number, but it still rejects it. Is this an issue with the change from paper to digital? How can I access my account? Any help would be appreciated.
Rhadamanthus says... #3
The activation process for a Wizards Account is kind of boned, and it can break itself if you try to activate different parts of it in the "wrong" order. Wizards' Customer Service might be able to help you if you're having trouble.
August 16, 2016 1 p.m.
@Raging_Squiggle: Yup, I've got the exact same kind. I've already contacted Wizards, but I figured I'd just cover all my bases and post about it here to. I already do have a new account with a digital DCI, but I've still been using my old account whenever I do tournaments at my LGS. So the account is working in some capacity at least.
August 16, 2016 1:23 p.m.
@Rhadamanthus: Gotcha, hmm. I'll be in contact with WotC for sure.
August 16, 2016 1:24 p.m.
@Rhadamanthus: Gotcha, hmm. I'll be in contact with WotC for sure.
Raging_Squiggle says... #2
I got my dci number about a year ago, and I received the paper form with the tear-off activation code. It worked for me just fine. Perhaps the activation code expires after a while.
Have you tried contacting wizards or thought of getting a new dci number and activation code?
August 16, 2016 12:56 p.m.