General forum
Posted on July 8, 2016, 11:57 a.m. by TMBRLZ
Am I the only one who finds the Delirium mechanic fairly unachievable in a real competitive environment?
The only deck I can pull up off hand that would have easy Delirium would be your typical well built midrange deck.
So many other decks, it just seems like such an out of range concept, due to the fact that it probably means having creature die or get discarded, which is not usually what they're there for.
I don't know.
I'm just not a fan of fairly useless or unachievable mechanics. And I feel Delirium fits that category better than it doesn't.
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
Delirium is certainly not a mechanic that any deck can naturally achieve, but it's also pretty easy to plan for. It's also easy to have cards indirectly contribute to turning it on.
Black and green are also very popular midrange colors, so it makes sense that this would be the archetype to turn it on.
I'm not sure that the mechanic is useless, but rather we haven't had incentive to want to turn it on. Traverse the Ulvenwald is good. Grim Flayer is decent. Mindwrack Demon is good. To the Slaughter can be powerful. But alone those don't make a deck, and so far we've had better options.
Maybe this will change with the release of EMN, only time will tell.
I will say that I run To the Slaughter as sideboard tech in Mardu control and don't have much of a problem turning it on. Sin Prodder helps.
July 8, 2016 12:17 p.m.
So what we have discovered is deliruim is an ability that you have to build your deck around.....what did you expect? The power level of the cards are obviously going to be worse when you dont have delirium and much higher when you do so yes you have to build around it. No it wont be super competitive outside of standard but there are some good cards in EMN that will help a standard delirium deck.
July 8, 2016 4:11 p.m.
iBleedPunk says... #5
I hate Standard but love Delirium. I have been collecting Delirium cards since SOI so I could possibly play it at FNM after EMN is legitimately released but the mechanic is just too "iffy" for true competitive play (like Modern).
What did you expect?
July 8, 2016 6:14 p.m.
Faceless_Being Whoa whoa whoa are you insinuating that standard is not a competitive format?
July 8, 2016 6:20 p.m.
iBleedPunk says... #7
EmblemMan I don't play it enough to care to be honest. It's competitive but not as competitive as Modern, Legacy, etc.
Most of my experiences with Standard were at a Casual pace rather than Super Spike play so I have yet to witness it at its true cutthroat pace and don't really care to lol
July 8, 2016 6:25 p.m.
Yeah....saying any format is more or less competitive from another is just ignorant. All formats take just as much skill to play at a high level as another. Its fine to say that you have never experienced competitive standard but its just wrong to say that modern or legacy is more competitive by any sense of the definition.
July 8, 2016 6:32 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #9
Standard is just as competitive a format as any other, however it's also terrible and should never be played by anyone. It's incorrect to say that the format is not competitive, because well, it is, but it is totally fine to not like the format because of the way in which you need to play it.
July 8, 2016 9:10 p.m.
iBleedPunk says... #10
I never said it's not competitive per se, I simply stated that in my personal opinion I don't see it as competitive as Modern or Legacy. But at the same time I have never cared to watch people play Standard at a cutthroat pace so I can't truly make assumptions. I may be right or wrong with aforementioned assumptions but once again I reiterate that I don't care enough haha
July 8, 2016 9:21 p.m.
Faceless_Being No one actually said that you said it was not competitive. Both of our messages said that you saying it is not as competitve is 100% wrong like at least DevoidMage has an (unhealthy) opinion but yours is a "fact" that you are trying to play off as an opinion and it is actually just wrong. People who say that one format is so unbelievably worse than any other and is either completely worse, less competitive in ANY WAY, or that other people should not play another format period are people that make magic and the magic community a worse place and honestly just dont deserve to play the game.
July 9, 2016 1:12 a.m.
And yet another argument resulting from simple semantics on Tappedout.
Come on guys... pretend it's Frozen...
Servo_Token says... #2
I personally am taking advantage of Traverse the Ulvenwald in a GB midrange shell, but it does require jumping through some extra hoops and potentially playing some sub-optimal cards. I'm currently running Courser of Kruphix and Solemn Simulacrum in hopes that it helps add to the count. Fetchlands work wonders, as does a decent mix of instants and sorceries, but sometimes you just need to do extra work to get it to work. When it does work, it's a Green Sun's Zenith in modern that can also fetch lands. When it doesn't work, it's just kind of a bad card that helps you hit your land drops.
All in all, the deck is decently competitive, capable of taking down an FNM with ease but is yet to be tested in a larger tournament setting.
Traverse is pretty much the only delerium card that i've seen that might work outside of standard. Invasive Surgery is a primo sideboard card that I expect will be discovered in modern within the year, and Manic Scribe might be Hedron Crab 2.0 in mill decks, but nothing else is horribly impressive. All in all, I think that the mechanic is pretty standard as far as... well... standard mechanics from the last few years. Not game breaking, but one or two cards are good enough to see competitive play. You just have to jump through too many hoops to set it up proper, and the effect on most delirium cards aren't worth getting through those hoops.
July 8, 2016 12:06 p.m.