Devoted Druid vs Joraga Treespeaker
General forum
Posted on July 9, 2022, 12:35 a.m. by NonetheWeisser
Which mana dork is more efficient? Which ramps faster? Are they both good in their own way?
What are your thoughts? I love both.
Grubbernaut says... #3
Both of them are second-string. Joraga's better in mono G, but Druid can infinite pretty easily; so I wouldn't ever auto-include them, but they can be good in certain decks.
July 9, 2022 1:48 a.m.
wallisface says... #4
What format are you wanting this for?
From a Modern perspective, Joraga Treespeaker is pretty useless as it's waaay too slow and clumsy. Devoted Druid is pretty amazing in that it can be used for various infinite combos, while also providing 2-mana for faaar less investment.
July 9, 2022 1:50 a.m.
Joraga is mediocre tbqh, Devoted Druid combo's with a ton of things. Unless you're running hardcore elf tribal and for some reason llanowar and elvish mystic aren't good enough for you, you could try Joraga (but even then I would rather run Heritage Druid)
Necrosis24 says... #2
Joraga Treespeaker is generally more efficient as you would play it turn one. On turn two you can level it up to level 1 which will then grant you two mana to play another card and stay on curve. So although it technically cost 3 to be able to use in terms of turn usability you can use him turn 2 while staying on curve.
Meanwhile Devoted Druid is not bad but you won't have access to the mana till turn 3. However Devoted Druid can easily go infinite with a few cards a recent one being Myrkul, Lord of Bones. Now without these infinite strategies you can only use Devoted Druid's untap ability once as the second time would kill it. So for a longer game you will get more mana out of Joraga Treespeaker.
So if Devoted Druid plays into your decks strategy it will be great but in your typical deck I think Joraga Treespeaker will be the better option. If you are running dorks I'd probably end up using both anyways.
July 9, 2022 1:01 a.m.