Did you ever steal anything Magic related when you were younger?

General forum

Posted on Sept. 2, 2016, 11:03 a.m. by Twinmold

Don't worry, we won't tell.

shuflw says... #2


September 2, 2016 11:08 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #3

I often stole games with my crappy 6 card combo decks, but that's about it.
Somebody stole something from me though. My whole sideboard of my modern deck is missing.

September 2, 2016 11:09 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #4

Yeah, back when I was 17 right when our friend group was getting into magic, we were all very keen on hitting up the local walmarts for all sorts of free magic product. I was big on getting intro decks and duel decks because they had basics in them and I didn't have any basics at the time, but everyone else just nabbed packs. We'd go all around the tri-county area hitting every store we could until we eventually got caught. We had gotten (super) greedy and went to the same mart twice in the same day. It happened to be our local one in the town we live, which I suppose is better than getting caught at the one 45 minutes down the road that we had been to earlier that day. All our parents had to come down and pick us up and it was probably the most embarrassing day of my life. Fortunately we weren't adults yet so the penalty wasn't too severe, but it did come back to bite me when I was out of a job the following year and didn't even have the option of applying to walmart. I have since learned my lesson and realized that stealing is bad.


September 2, 2016 11:12 a.m.

grumbledore says... #5

generally speaking, this is the kind of question one asks in order to justify their own inane actions.

September 2, 2016 11:13 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #6

I stole a Terminate when sorting a friend's collection in high school because he had like 20 of them and I needed one for a deck, but then I felt so shitty about it because he was such a nice guy that I slipped it back a few weeks later when I was back at his house.

Had a guy steal a Stormbreath Dragon from someone else at mtg club at school (back when Stormbreath was big in standard and like $25) and then try to trade it back to him immediately, but he got shut down pretty quickly because the other guy knew his copy had gone missing.

September 2, 2016 12:38 p.m.

captaindave36 says... #7

I accidentally stole a Exquisite Blood the other day it was behind another card in a sleeve i'm going to give it back to my friend when i see him again though even if i do really need it hahha

September 2, 2016 12:49 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #8

Ive accidentally taken cards that were hidden behind others in sleeves when completing trades. Always immediately given them nack though.

September 2, 2016 1:18 p.m.

Jay says... #9

I used to be kinda a little shit and stole from the binders at my LGS... fortunately I don't think there was anything valuable, just like bulk rares. Still, not proud of it.

September 2, 2016 1:27 p.m.

greyninja says... #10

Only Walmart. They're such a big company that I don't feel bad.

September 2, 2016 1:57 p.m.

iBleedPunk says... #11

I have stolen boosters from Walmart before but since have grown up and realized it's a stupid way to screw your life up

September 2, 2016 2:38 p.m.

shadow63 says... #12

When I was 10-11 me and a few other people went and stole some yugioh cards from a k mart within walking distance. Wwe all left but the one kid stayed to take more packs and got caught worse part was we where at our lgs and the cops called there while me and the rest of my friends where still there. Then my cousin got caught stealing naruto cards from the same k mart a few years later

September 2, 2016 5:43 p.m.

One day while talking with my old boss it came up that I play magic. He told me about stealing magic cards and other stuff. Never actually played just stole the stuff and gave it to his friends. Nice guy but that was his vice.

Also linking Stolen Goods for reasons.

September 3, 2016 12:59 a.m.

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