Do you ever get tired from looking at cards?
General forum
Posted on March 7, 2018, 1:52 p.m. by Argy
There comes a time every Standard season when I just don't want to look at cards any more.
It's usually after sorting the latest expansion into boxes, and tweaking/resleeving the latest decks for StuBi, and me for the umpteenth time.
I just feel like, if I never saw a Magic card for another month, it would be a relief.
Anyone else ever feel this way?
Freezingfist says... #3
As a fellow collector... no.
I never get tired of looking at the cards. I have a perverse joy in sorting my collection. It soothes me. I feel One with Nothing.
What I DO get somewhat tired of, is trying to make cards 'work'.
I like brewing... I'm not fantastic (as can be seen from my collection of inefficient jank on my profile), but I enjoy going off the rails and playing something tier 3 or below and tweaking it to surprise people.
The opposite side of that is I will often brew a LOT of bad decks, that don't quite answer the field, and become frustrated with a card, or cards, I think should work, but don't.
March 7, 2018 2:09 p.m.
Suns_Champion says... #4
As a commander player, I get to look at a near endless pool of cards.
As a brewer, I get to look at the unique mechanics of each card and figure out if they'd work in any of my decks or if they're cool enough themselves to brew around.
As a writer and lover of stories, I get to see the flavor of cards and appreciate the amount of lore/personalty one can get on a card. For example I just found Anthroplasm today. Isn't it great?
And as an artist/lover of art, I of course get to see the near endless collection of masterpieces done by hundreds of artists.
I never get bored.
Perhaps your problem may simply be exhaustion. Brewing decks, sorting cards, sleeving and double-sleeving cards all day/week/month is exhausting. Doing too much too quickly of anything can make you sick of that thing. Everything in moderation :)
March 7, 2018 4:51 p.m.
A great evening at the kitchen table, enjoying a cold beer and havin' fun with the lads and lassies brings joy to the game experience.
It's usually a good remedy for me to get all excited again to endeaver into some new ideas and builds.
Break the routine and explore deeper into 'unknown' MtG grounds?
Have fun and don't forget to 'gather'... :)
March 7, 2018 7:03 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #6
No not really, I keep using the same u/r cards in the same types of decks and still enjoy building and tweaking decks. I also enjoy just going through my current deck and looking at my cards. I get picky about what sets the cards are from, whichever ones look the best too me.
On the other hand, I believe you have been playing longer than I, maybe I will get tired one day.
Edit: I was incorrect, according to your profile I have been playing longer. Maybe Im just insane by this point.
March 7, 2018 7:14 p.m. Edited.
MindAblaze says... #7
I do. Ive been building my cube and my commons and uncommons arent sorted as well as Id like so searching through literally thousands of cards gets to me. Slowly but surely whittles you down lol
March 7, 2018 7:53 p.m.
Suns_Champion I didn't say I got BORED.
Exhaustion is exactly what I'm talking about.
MindAblaze gets it.
Maybe it affects those of us who meticulously sort our collection.
I think the other factor might be that I examine, playtest, and Comment on, so many decks on this site.
March 7, 2018 11:38 p.m.
I've been playing for at least 10 years, most of it being draft. My wife got into the game at the same time as I did.
A few years ago, we decided to organize our collection. We got a library card catalog to hold our commons and uncommons, and a dozen binders for our rares.
It took us almost 12 hours of non stop work just to sort by colour. It turned out we had over 100k cards (and like 100 Battlewise Valor). We couldn't even look at our decks for a month.
This exhaustion passes, it just takes a while.
March 8, 2018 10:35 a.m.
Intersting topic! Wierdly, the most tired I am of new set is at prerelease, opening my box. By that point I felt tired of looking at the cards - between rigorously following the daily spoilers, reading 2-3 different prerelase guides, doing a few sealed practice runs online, watching some early sealed guides for the format, planned which cards to order for my existing decks... I have already seen the new cards so much by the time I open my prerelease box that I do not really want to see them - I feel like I already have.
After playing in the prerelease, it gets better after that.
March 8, 2018 11 a.m.
Epidilius says...
"We got a library card catalog to hold our commons and uncommons"
This is one of the most beautiful sentences I've ever read.
March 8, 2018 12:08 p.m.
Thanks lol, it was the wife's idea, I'll pass it along.
I was all for it until I went to get it. The thing, with all the shelves removed, weighs like 200 pounds.
Once we had it set up though, I was all for it again.
Each shelf holds two columns of cards (we use a thick strip of cardboard as a divider), with each column being about 15k cards. Since ours is 6x3, we decided each column would hold a seperate colour. Lands and gold share a column. Our bottom row is still empty, so it holds most of our unsorted stuff.
We got it off Kijiji for $80, totally worth it.
jano152 says... #2
I think its more of the line "i Know all the cards in standard, they literally can't surprise me" or at least that is for me
So i cross to modern, or legacy and commander. always something different, a new tweak or a new deck to spice things
March 7, 2018 2:07 p.m.