Do you have any "pet" cards?
General forum
Posted on March 21, 2017, 3:45 a.m. by StopShot
A pet card is a card you have an unnatural passion for. Normally these cards are those that don't see play anywhere in any format, but you run it sometimes because its either quirky, or snarky, or flashy, or has some personal value to you as a person.
For me, my own pet card is Darklit Gargoyle. It's a white creature with a black ability that works as a souped-up fire-breathing effect that's red in nature. As a mardu player its my favorite 2-drop to include in my decks even though in some games it doesn't do that much more than a normal Storm Crow. Regardless I own more than a couple play sets of the card and my friends by now have already grown quite familiar with the common gargoyle from the Alara block, but they'll never be able to convince me to stop running it otherwise.
What's your pet card and why is it your pet card to you?
If we are talking about EDH, it has to be Dream Halls. This card says "Ok, game will VERY soon".
March 21, 2017 4:17 a.m.
I own more than 200 Totally Lost some foil some not, but I don't actually play the card, unfortunately.
Tidewater Minion is my favorite sleeper combo piece in EDH, any blue EDH deck I've owned, I've basically jammed one in there because of how many ways it can enable combos or just good synergies.
Same goes for Dream Cache as it's amazing to just dig, keep information, and set up combos like Miracles or Cascade
And I LOVE how many things Torpor Orb just critically stops
I have a TON of other 'pet cards' but they usually aren't good like Crackleburr most likely just my favorite card in the game for everything about it, just wish it was better.
March 21, 2017 6:52 a.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #6
For the longest time I tried to make Sudden Spoiling a thing in my decks but it most of the time just does nothing important. I just lov split second because I have a friend that only plays control and he's a dick about it (he will waste counters on a facing turn one mana dork).
I wish they would make more split second cards. I love Extirpate as well.
My other pet card is Terra Stomper, also known to my friends as my spirit animal. If I could be a magic card, I would totally be a terra stomper. I have like 30 of them, and I learned Magic by tossing swarms of 8/8 tramplers at my friends.
March 21, 2017 7:17 a.m.
I'm too Spikey to have real pet cards. Even if I'm building a "bad" edh deck to fit some edh meta, I still try to make it as good as it can be under the circumstances. I guess if I really had to name one, it would be Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. He's one of the only true control win-cons that almost all decks struggle against and acts as an amazing way to stabilize the board. When I play true control in EDH, he's always the first card I slot in.
March 21, 2017 8:33 a.m.
When I got back into the game ~5 years ago, I'd say my pet card was Engulfing Slagwurm. I'd jam a bunch of the big wurms in with mana dorks like Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Fyndhorn Elder, Greenweaver Druid, etc. I also loved Terra Stomper lol
Other pet cards when I was playing casual 60 card decks were Dark Ritual and Counterspell. I own like 20 of each now :P
These days I'm pretty much only playing edh. I like Bloodgift Demon as a budget evasive beater with card draw. Consecrated Sphinx is in 4/8 of my edh decks. Definitely one of my top favorite at the moment. The other decks don't run blue lol
March 21, 2017 9:17 a.m.
For sure Tainted Remedy is the card I've fought the longest to make work. I just like that it can make a Grove of the Burnwillows a pinger, Wall of Shards a fast clock and Fiery Justice deal 10 for 3 mana (12 if you got R and G from Burnwillows). The problem I've found is that unless you have it out none of the spells are high enough in power level to justify. It's just delay until I try to find the Remedy.
As for favorite card, Dig Through Time is my all time favorite magic card.
March 21, 2017 9:27 a.m.
@StopShot Would i be flogged if i mentioned a 3 card combo? Helm of Kaldra + Shield of Kaldra + Sword of Kaldra?
I have forced these cards into so many of my modern/casual decks... I don't do EDH due to my small playgroup... Honestly have NEVER been able to pull it off... but its my dream to make a deck with this as a reliable win condition.
March 21, 2017 11:01 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #11
depends. If we're talking "pet cards" as favorite unused card, Force of Savagery, I love worst cards and cards/complicated that make the game overly complicated (ex precursor golem and 2 kicked rite of rep. where do you target the first one? does it make a difference? if so how by how much? (answers in order: target vanilla golem, yes it matters mathematically, You'll end up with 233286 Precursor Golems and 3359242 vanilla Golems if you target a Precursor Golems, while targeting a vanilla Golem yields a total of 279936 Precursor Golems and 3779142 vanilla Golems.))
If were talking about favorite card against my playgroup, Naturalize, stopped me from losing due to a steel helkite, and has gotten me out of MANY different situations
Favorite card in edh is Goblin Game. If the un sets are allowed, I can do so much with R&D secret layer so i guess I have some love there
hope that answers that.
March 21, 2017 11:37 a.m.
LoneCrusader says... #12
Assemble the Legion is one of the first cards I ever pulled from a pack, so I've always had a soft spot for it. It's always funny when people freak out when I play it even though you have plenty of time to get rid of it before it starts to get out of hand.
March 21, 2017 1:21 p.m.
I am absolutely convinced Advent of the Wurm is Modern-playable.
March 21, 2017 1:54 p.m.
Postmortal_Pop says... #14
Pithing Needle has got to be one of my favorite cards. A lot of my play group run the planeswalker commanders and nothing scares the table more then being the guy I pith on turn 1.
Also, any Myr. even if the deck doesn't need it, I'll put the Myr mana dork in it.
March 21, 2017 2 p.m.
TheVectornaut says... #15
In my old game club, a lot of us ended up with cards that defined our decks, even if those decks were awful.
I was the Grazing Gladehart guy.
Ryan was the Psychosis Crawler guy.
Drew was the Gulf Squid guy.
Austin was the Nimbus Wings guy.
And my teacher, Mr. Flesher, was the Glittering Lynx guy.
March 21, 2017 2:01 p.m.
SoggyGecko says... #16
I'm a little too Spikey myself to have a truly terrible pet card, but Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Obzedat, Ghost Council are for sure my favorite "pet" cards I have. Still want to make a bad ass deck with both of them in Modern, which I think both have enough power for. Dead-Guy Ale for the win!
March 21, 2017 2:49 p.m.
joshuaizac says... #17
I've been playing magic on and off since pet cards change from year to year... the most recent pet card.... Ice Cave. I have it in an edh deck full of evasive creatures...I try to establish a better board state than at least 2 other players at the table 1st then play it. It's a dead card a little under 30% of the time when I don't have the board state to justify playing it....but still love having it in the deck...."okay guys....EVERYONE'S playing control now."
March 21, 2017 3:28 p.m.
I shove Jokulhaups and Obliterate into basically every red deck I build. Usually Decree of Annihilation (never cycle) as well. They're just never bad, if you have a full hand - you win, if you're behind - it resets the game. Simply fantastic cards that make the game infinitely more fun.
March 21, 2017 4:31 p.m.
Tyrant-Thanatos says... #19
I've had a lot of pet cards over the years.
Avatar of Woe in my earliest days. I hadn't been playing long before I saw a Visara the Dreadful hit the board. (started with Eighth Edition, my whole playgroup were Onslaught Block fans) I loved it immediately. The idea that she could just kill whatever, whenever, amazed me. In my quest to obtain a copy of my own, I instead stumbled upon the Avatar of Woe. A then-retiring friend gifted me his copy. I still own it, and love it.
Later pet cards included Hidetsugu, Korlash, Skittles, Liliana, etc.
The initial spoiler for Noxious Gearhulk put a sparkle in my eye.
But if I had to choose just one pet card, to be indisputably my favorite card to look at, to use, to read, and to own, it's Grimoire of the Dead. I love everything about this card. I once would have counted Rise from the Grave as a pet card, I love the whole flavor of bringing something back from the dead as a zombie, instead of just reanimating it as is. The Grimoire picks up everything in every grave, it does the zombies thing, it fuels itself with the discarding you have to do to build it up, the art is fantastic, it just feels so right. I love it.
Thinking on this and writing this up, I've come to the realization that I like Black waaaay too much.
March 21, 2017 4:56 p.m.
SupremeSnowSpork42 says... #20
For Red: Desert Nomads and Thermopod
For White: Steppe Lynx
For Blue: Ixidron and Rimefeather Owl
For Green: Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
For Black: Undying Evil
March 21, 2017 6:10 p.m.
I have bunch of "pet" cards, each one of which I am obsessed with, and will never stop sneaking into random decks.
Here's are just a few:
Armor Thrull is the best card ever printed. No wonder they banned it in Modern.
Myth Realized is another good one that I will one day break. Or it will break me.
Also, Otherworldly Outburst is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine in pauper. A free 3/2 when your red chump inevitably dies? There is nothing better.
March 21, 2017 6:50 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #22
In modern, my pet card is Shadow of Doubt. I run a pair of them from time to time in my Jund SB. It is amazing against so many things, and i call it the ultimate troll move against scapeshift.
March 21, 2017 8:23 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #25
Glint-Nest Crane is my favourite card in Magic, and I don't know why. Other pet cards include Nighthowler, Orbs of Warding and Rakshasa Deathdealer. I probably have more but those are the ones that spring to mind immediately.
March 21, 2017 9:03 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #26
Akroma and Phage are my two favorite creatures in the game, because I started playing only shortly after the Onslaught block was released. I have every card that depicts them in its artwork, which I will not trade, every one of my EDH decks contains Akroma's Memorial, and every EDH deck of mine that contains either white or red contains the appropriately-colored Akroma. Phage is too dangerous for me to use her in any of my decks, but I have a copy of her that is signed by Ron Spears himself, which I shall never trade.
March 21, 2017 9:55 p.m.
whatskraken says... #27
I have Kalonian Hydra in my Riku of Two Reflections deck, even if it never does much.
I also really love Spellheart Chimera. Other pet cards include Stormtide Leviathan and Dominus of Fealty.
But my favorite pet card is probably Tyrant of Discord.
May 22, 2017 10:55 p.m.
whatskraken says... #28
Oh, and Battle of Wits simply because it's been in my trades so long an everyone makes a comment about it.
May 22, 2017 10:58 p.m.
WarArchangel86 says... #29
For me it would be Chaos Warp my decks tend to at least splash red so these always fill a slot in my edh decks. I typically just use them on myself. They are like playing a scratch off ticket
May 24, 2017 3:06 p.m.
For me it would have to be Jeskai Charm in modern. It is the neatest combination of Boros Charm and Azorius Charm. The instant speed put a creature back on top is great response to an opponent's cracked fetchland.
Other than that its Lightning Bolt! I have several playsets of it and all ways seem to be wanting another for what ever deck I'm building.
May 24, 2017 5:12 p.m.
Vengevine. I played Dredgevine in modern before the Troll got banned again.
I like big green violent creatures. Now I'm wondering in which deck I'll play it.
I also want to start trying Vorapede, mostly in Commander.
May 25, 2017 1:43 p.m.
Sultai_Sir says... #32
I have an unhealthy passion for Realmwright. I've never seen it played, but it always manages to sneak into my 2+ color decklists. I'm usually on a budget, and commander manabases are so painful, so this card has wormed its way into my heart.
EmblemMan says... #2
Eureka is sort of a pet card of mine in EDH. I only have one edh deck and this card has by far given me the most fun games whether it wins me the game or loses me the game everyone just freezes when I play it and it makes me kek. Other than that probably Sylvan Library its probably just my favorite card in magic I just love really powerful green cards that act like blue cards.
March 21, 2017 3:51 a.m.